Saturday, April 30, 2011

'Sai Baba, my god, dictated my every single judgment’

'Sai Baba, my god, dictated my every single judgment’

Are congratulations in order? Have you been appointed chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust?

Not yet. Let a formal announcement come, then you may congratulate me. Let them make a formal offer.

But you'll accept it if it comes?

Of course I will. There is no reason not to. But that is a decision for the rest of the trustees to make.

The trustees seem divided between Sai Baba's nephew, J Ratnakar and his caregiver, Satyajit. But your election will not be opposed by anyone will it, given that you are one of the best legal brains in India and don't have enemies?

That is true. No one will oppose my name. I have cultivated a reputation as the foremost legal luminary across the Commonwealth. Ratnakar is a relative of Bhagwan (Sathya Sai) and Satyajit is a staunch devotee. That is all. Be that as it may, there is no row over succession. How can anybody succeed God? Who succeeded Lord Krishna?

How did you meet Sai Baba? The association lasted decades, didn't it?

Forty-two years. I first met him during my term as chief justice of the Gujarat High Court. The day was May 15, 1968. Bhagwan was in Ahmedabad, so I requested him to visit my residence. And he did. He stayed there for an entire day and that one day changed my life (weeps). I was so overwhelmed, I became his devotee forever. He accepted me and since then he has guided and inspired me throughout life.

Over time, you became very close?

Yes, he nominated me to the central trust 30 years ago. The affairs of the trust revolve around the welfare of the poorest of the poor. Sathya Sai set up educational institutes, hospitals and water supply projects for the common man without charging a single paisa. Each facility is open to every member of society irrespective of caste, creed or colour. In fact, the Sathya Sai University is a deemed university that offers courses up to PhD level. It is recognised by the UGC.

Does it not have any quotas then, or reservations for VIPs, minorities or any oth er group?

None at all. All admissions are based solely on merit. Also, our hospitals offer cardiac surgery, ophthalmological surgery, any kind of surgery, equally to all communities without charging a single paisa. Bhagwan believed that `manav seva is madhav seva' (service of man is equal to service of God).

You are considered one of the pioneers of judicial activism and public interest litigations along with Justice V R Krishna Iyer. Does that come within the ambit of devotion?

Yes, of course. Judicial activism is not concerned with the letter of the law. You have poor people coming to your courts; you have destitute women, widows, children. You must administer justice under the spirit of the law.

But doesn't your passion for justice sometimes conflict with your belief? For instance, the Sathya Sai trust does not pay income tax. In 1980, it secured special permission from the government to avoid an audit of accounts.

Public charitable trusts are exempt from paying income tax. And the accounts of the central trust are audited, so that allegation is not true.

Inmates of the ashram, particularly young boys, have levied charges of sexual abuse against t he godman.

(Agitated) These are all baseless allegations. Bhagwan is a divine person, divinity personified. All these allegations come from interested quarters.

Did his persona rub off on you professionally, in any way?

Every single one of my judgments has been guided and inspired by a divine hand (weeps). I believe in two entities, Krishna and Sathya Sai. I am not a devotee but a lover of Krishna. People may call me mad, and yes, this is madness. The madness of love. At the age of 11, I would run outside the house and weep for Krishna.

As a professional, each time I would sit down to write a judgment at 5 'o'clock in the morning, I was only writing what my god dictated. Bhagwan held my hand as I put pen to paper.

Everything that I have achieved in respect of the law, and people say I have achieved a lot, is owing to the guidance and inspiration of Sathya Sai Baba. There is no doubt on that score.

Several alleged offences committed by Sai Baba were never investigated.

What is the point of investigation? (Agitated) Bhagwan is divinity personified, he radiates joy; millions worship him. He is a teacher of mankind.

An attempt was made on his life a few years ago. Some ashram inmates were k illed.

I am not aware of this. I live in Delhi, so I have no knowledge.

What is the total worth of the assets of the trust? Is it more than Rs 40,000 cror e?

I do not know the present worth.

Did you meet trust officials in Mumbai during this visit?

I cannot remember. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I am not clear in my mind.

Rumours are afloat that Sai Baba passed away well before April 24. That his ailments and death were concealed to avoid chaos among devotees.

All I will say is that his physical body was with us till April 24.

But the soul had left it?

That I cannot say.

You may not answer all these questions but are you avoiding uttering a falsehood?

I have never uttered a lie in my entire life. I may not answer a certain question but I will not give you a false answer.

related searches:

Are congratulations in order? Have you been appointed chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust?

Not yet. Let a formal announcement come, then you may congratulate me. Let them make a formal offer.

But you'll accept it if it comes?

Of course I will. There is no reason not to. But that is a decision for the rest of the trustees to make.

The trustees seem divided between Sai Baba's nephew, J Ratnakar and his caregiver, Satyajit. But your election will not be opposed by anyone will it, given that you are one of the best legal brains in India and don't have enemies?

That is true. No one will oppose my name. I have cultivated a reputation as the foremost legal luminary across the Commonwealth. Ratnakar is a relative of Bhagwan (Sathya Sai) and Satyajit is a staunch devotee. That is all. Be that as it may, there is no row over succession. How can anybody succeed God? Who succeeded Lord Krishna?

How did you meet Sai Baba? The association lasted decades, didn't it?

Forty-two years. I first met him during my term as chief justice of the Gujarat High Court. The day was May 15, 1968. Bhagwan was in Ahmedabad, so I requested him to visit my residence. And he did. He stayed there for an entire day and that one day changed my life (weeps). I was so overwhelmed, I became his devotee forever. He accepted me and since then he has guided and inspired me throughout life.

Over time, you became very close?

Yes, he nominated me to the central trust 30 years ago. The affairs of the trust revolve around the welfare of the poorest of the poor. Sathya Sai set up educational institutes, hospitals and water supply projects for the common man without charging a single paisa. Each facility is open to every member of society irrespective of caste, creed or colour. In fact, the Sathya Sai University is a deemed university that offers courses up to PhD level. It is recognised by the UGC.

Does it not have any quotas then, or reservations for VIPs, minorities or any oth er group?

None at all. All admissions are based solely on merit. Also, our hospitals offer cardiac surgery, ophthalmological surgery, any kind of surgery, equally to all communities without charging a single paisa. Bhagwan believed that `manav seva is madhav seva' (service of man is equal to service of God).

You are considered one of the pioneers of judicial activism and public interest litigations along with Justice V R Krishna Iyer. Does that come within the ambit of devotion?

Yes, of course. Judicial activism is not concerned with the letter of the law. You have poor people coming to your courts; you have destitute women, widows, children. You must administer justice under the spirit of the law.

But doesn't your passion for justice sometimes conflict with your belief? For instance, the Sathya Sai trust does not pay income tax. In 1980, it secured special permission from the government to avoid an audit of accounts.

Public charitable trusts are exempt from paying income tax. And the accounts of the central trust are audited, so that allegation is not true.

Inmates of the ashram, particularly young boys, have levied charges of sexual abuse against t he godman.

(Agitated) These are all baseless allegations. Bhagwan is a divine person, divinity personified. All these allegations come from interested quarters.

Did his persona rub off on you professionally, in any way?

Every single one of my judgments has been guided and inspired by a divine hand (weeps). I believe in two entities, Krishna and Sathya Sai. I am not a devotee but a lover of Krishna. People may call me mad, and yes, this is madness. The madness of love. At the age of 11, I would run outside the house and weep for Krishna.

As a professional, each time I would sit down to write a judgment at 5 'o'clock in the morning, I was only writing what my god dictated. Bhagwan held my hand as I put pen to paper.

Everything that I have achieved in respect of the law, and people say I have achieved a lot, is owing to the guidance and inspiration of Sathya Sai Baba. There is no doubt on that score.

Several alleged offences committed by Sai Baba were never investigated.

What is the point of investigation? (Agitated) Bhagwan is divinity personified, he radiates joy; millions worship him. He is a teacher of mankind.

An attempt was made on his life a few years ago. Some ashram inmates were k illed.

I am not aware of this. I live in Delhi, so I have no knowledge.

What is the total worth of the assets of the trust? Is it more than Rs 40,000 cror e?

I do not know the present worth.

Did you meet trust officials in Mumbai during this visit?

I cannot remember. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I am not clear in my mind.

Rumours are afloat that Sai Baba passed away well before April 24. That his ailments and death were concealed to avoid chaos among devotees.

All I will say is that his physical body was with us till April 24.

But the soul had left it?

That I cannot say.

You may not answer all these questions but are you avoiding uttering a falsehood?

I have never uttered a lie in my entire life. I may not answer a certain question but I will not give you a false answer.

'Sai Baba, my god, dictated my every single judgment’

Blog Stalker #9

A day later than usual, due to the Royal Wedding and my guest post on Julia's blog. Not going to mention the wedding on here as everyone has been tweeting/blogging about it- but long live McQueen. So what blogs have I been loving this week...

I've followed Emma's blog since she first created it, and watched it grow and grow. Love how even though she says her blog is a beauty blog, she does fashion and personal life posts, which I love. Emma is an absolute doll- go get following her.

Jessica is one gorgeous fellow North East blogger. As the name of her blog suggests her blog is beauty based. Really love reading her reviews as you know with Jessica they're going to be 110% brutal and honest. She's always there for you on Twitter if you need to talk- an absolute star!! Follow!!

Kirsty Louise is my homegirl!! One of the most nicest people I have ever met (via Twitter), glad she's back in the blogging scene again after her little break. Really enjoying her YT videos. Love how her blog has the right mix of everything- fashion, beauty, misc. Love love love this girly!!!

Sorry its a bit shorter than usual today peeps, but I thought I would be sort and sweet and get to the point. Hope your all having a fab bank holiday weekend!! xx

Don't forget the Mac giveaway closes tonight at Midnight- check out the post below.

Friday, April 29, 2011

An annoucement....

Me and my monk friend have gone over to Julia's blog for the day..

Blog Stalker will be here tomorrow so do not fret mon petit pan au chocolats.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

NOTD-Models Own- Raspberry Crush

This has to be one of my all time favourite nail polishes from Models Own along with Nude Beige, its one of the colours I seem to continiously come back too time and time again. It looks fab on your fingernails and your toe nails.. let me intoduce to you all..(drumroll)...

Raspberry Crush.

This colour is a more pinker (raspberry- stating the obvioius aren't I) take on the classic postbox red, and for me is far more wearable than bright red. These pictures were taken before my holiday so my nails are quite long, however you can see how vivid the colour is.

I normally take this colour with me when Jill does my infils, and one coat can last up to 10 days without showing any signs of wear at the top of my nails. Give it two coats (like in the picture above) and it lasts two weeks plus. If I wear this on my toes (I'm not going to gross you out with pictures) this can last up to a month, which I think is really good going.

Like all Models Own polishes Raspberry Crush dries super fast and provides a real glossy finish- I don't bother with a topcoat, and unlike other red polishes doesn't stain your natural nail. Definately a polish I highly recommend for work and for play.

Have you tried Raspberry Crush yet?? xx

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Roll on tomorrow

Even though when you read this I should be out shopping with Holly for bridesmaid shoes, but tomorrow is my favourite day of the month- PAYDAY!!!

As I need to start putting money towards Holly's hen do, I am having to cut my spending right down this month. These are the very few items which have caught my eye (I've been avoiding online shopping like the plague).

Topshop and Primark's finest.

Watch me have spent a fortune shopping today...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Looks can be decieving...

You wanted to see more hauls- so what you want, you get.

Recently I've been quite good on the old make up front and only bought two mascaras (17 wild curls went really clumpy). However since coming back from my holiday and being a bridesmaid for Holly in the Summer I thought it would be best to get matched for their liquid foundation and I had some empties for a back to mac. Then there was the free haute and naughty mascara with any purchase from the website. I am terrible I know.

What did I end up getting-
Haute and Naughty Mascara (free with eyeshadow)
MSFN Mediun Deep (£18 approx)
Lovelorn lipstick- lustre (free back to mac)
All That Glitters eyeshadow (£11.50 approx)
Two samples of studio fix foundation NW25 (free)
(note- the Mac site is currently down and I can't get the exact prices)

So realistically I didn't spend that much lol.

Previously I had been matched as a NW20 in their foundation/concealer however after fake tanning this colour was far too light for my skin. Luckily the day I got matched, my tan had faded to the colour I normally am after tanning. The woman on the counter was lovely and after explaining that my tan was natural and I wanted to try it after fake tanning the lady gave me two samples of NW25 Studio Fix Foundation.

I am in love with this product- not too heavy on the skin, and produces a flawless finish. Also in photographs when the flash goes off this doesn't  wash me out. I'm hoping I have the same finish once I try this after I've faked tanned. One good thing about the samples is that a little goes a long way- I've used this 3 times for a full face coverage and there is still loads left in the pot. I also bought a MSFN in Medium Deep to compliment the foundation- you know how much I love my MSFN so I won't bore you again.

Loving Lovelorn lippy- mac colours such as Viva Glam Gaga and St Germain don't suit me at all, far too bright and makes my lips look tiny. Hence always sticking to nudes/light pinks. I was initally going to get Costa Chic with my empties, however the day before I'd seen this on someone's blog (sorry I can't remember who it was) and after swatching the two, this was the most wearable for me. I wore this on the night out in my last OOTD post (with the floral dress)- definately starting to become more braver with the lipstick choices.

Haute and Naughty Mascara- I've only had chance to use this once, and at the moment I'm not too convinced on it. However I'm not that keen on Mac mascaras in general, but as this was free who I am to complain. I do like the fact that when you use the pink part of the brush- it takes that much mascara off the brush, its easier to apply it (without clumping) on your lower lash line. I'm going to try this properly when I'm out later on in the week.


So glad I finally bought All that Glitters eyeshadow- being wearing it with Woodwinked and a tiny bit of Satin Taupe and Typographic on a night out, and then by itself during the day. Initally I bought this to depot and put in my palette however I've decided to keep it in the pot for touch ups on nights out.

I'm off to the Metro Centre on Wednesday with Holly to see if we can find some bridesmaid shoes. So no doubt I'll be stopping off at the mac counter- I'm after a darker colour to compliment all that glitters and woodwinked for a smokey eye on a night out, some sort of dark brown?? Any suggestions ladies?? xx

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ray to the rescue #1

I don't know if this is going to be a new feature on the blog, however if you like the style of this post and you have a dilema I'll make this into a regular feature.

The dilema from Stephy-

"my mam is going to a ball and wants to wear a maxi dress (not too causal/not too formal). She's not liking any of the dresses I've picked out for her, can you find me some dresses which are affordable"

fear not...Ray to the rescue....

Top Row (l-r)- grey dippy hem dress £36, Miss Selfridge, Stripy Jersey Midi £11, Primark, Orange Maxi £13, Primark, Multi Print Halter £39.50, Dorothy Perkins, Limited Edition nouveau beaded maxi £175, Topshop, Missoni Rona Maxi Dress £1770,, Blue embellished maxi £45, Dorothy Perkins.
Bottom Row (l-r)- Stripey Maxi £13, Primark, Ehina Embellished Maxi £170, Coast, Rust smudge maxi £32, Miss Selfridge, Halter Neck Maxi £24.99, New Look, Taupe Multi Ada dress £25, Fashion Union, Ted Baker Birdcage Print £199, Asos, Wooden Beaded neck maxi £24.99, New Look.

My picks for Steph's mam- 1,5,7 (top row), 4,5,7 (bottom row)

I know what you're about to say, Steph's mam wanted something "affordable" however I thought it would be useful in these sorts of posts to cover a wide variety of prices- to show that you can get better quality items at a lower price.

The items which  I have picked up are verstile- they can be dressed up or down. Throw on a light denim jacket and a pair of flip-flops and there you have a fab outfit to go shopping in or an outfit to sit in a beer garden for an afternoon sesh. Come night time- whack on the ghetto gold accessories, or throw on a biker jacket (sleeves rolled up), messy hair, killer pair of heels and your ready to dance the night away.

Plus you have to remember the one major advantage of wearing a maxi dress on a night out- you can wear flats underneath them and no-one will know the difference, well except your friends when your still on the dancefloor at 2am and your friends feets are all killing- then they may click on.

I sometimes think that the UK press have kinda engrained into our minds that for occasion dress where you should go to places such as Coast which can be quite expensive. However places such as Primark and New Look have fab low cost solutions which when teamed with the right accessories can look way better than an expensive dress. Plus by spending less, you can afford to buy more than one if you have lots of weddings/events to go too.

I'm not going to lie- I am in love with the Ted Baker dress, if someone wants to buy me it please feel free.

If you have any fashion dilemas or want my take on a particular trend/shop/print or colour even, drop me an email at, a tweet @whoissheblog or leave a comment below.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Its up to you...

What do you want to see on here??

Any requests??
Do you want any fashion advice??
My take on what I would wear some where??
More reviews??

(I'm not doing fotd posts- sorry)

Leave any suggestions in the comment box below...

I'm off to see JEM and her 28 sausages...

Have a fabulous sunny Saturday peeps xxx

Friday, April 22, 2011

Eggy Eggy Eggy.. oi oi oi

Have a fab Easter Weekend dolls.

Check out my friend Michelle's winning egg designs for her office's easter egg comp.

My Big Fat EGGY Wedding!!

How fab!!!

Enjoy the long weekend peeps xxx

Thursday, April 21, 2011

pallikalvi 10th syllabus | 10th Syllabus Text Books in Pallikalvi

pallikalvi 10th syllabus

Tamilnadu Government School Education Department has uploaded syllabus Textbooks for 10th standard in the website

One can take printout of the textbooks from that website. There is heavy traffic to that website. Textbooks for other standards, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX will uploaded gradually.

Samacheer Kalvi Text Books for 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 Std will be available by May end in the schools according to reports. Total of 9 crore books are in the process of being printed.

Samacheer Kalvi Text books for I and VI standard classes were introduced last year. The remaining classes II,III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X are being introduced this academic year.

Government of Tamilnadu has decided to have common board for Classes I to X. At present there are four boads viz., Sate Board, Matriculation, Anglo-Indian and Oriental. It is welcomed by all stakeholder as step towards ensuring equitable standard education.

However the different medium of education viz., english medium, Tamil Medium and other language medium will continue to exist.

pallikalvi 10th books, pallikalvi syllabus, samacheer kalvi 10th syllabus, pallikalvi, samacheer kalvi syllabus for 10th standard     

Teen YouTube Sensation Receives Death Threats

Teen YouTube Sensation Receives Death Threats

Police are investigating two death threats against 13-year-old internet sensation Rebecca Black over her low-budget music video Friday.
The threats were made in March, after the song became a YouTube hit and a web phenomenon.
It has now attracted more than 200 million views - more than Lady Gaga's Born This Way and Justin Bieber's Pray.
Anaheim police spokesman Rick Martinez said: "In essence, the threats were related to getting the music off the Internet or they were going to kill her.
"We can't validate how serious they are, but we do take it seriously.

Mr Martinez said officers were "keeping an extra eye out" for Black as they investigated the messages, which were made through her Los Angeles-based production and management companies.

One of the death threats was made by phone and the other by email.

Investigators have not yet identified the person or persons behind the threats, but said they could face criminal charges.
"We're going to investigate and determine, number one, the source of the comments and then based on the investigation determine what intent was and where we go from here," Mr Martinez said.

"If we believe they were actually intended as threats we will work toward prosecution."

Black was an unknown Southern California middle-school student before Friday was released in February by a boutique record label.
The video, in which Black can be seen singing about her weekend plans and riding in a car with friends, generated more than 110m views on YouTube despite being mocked by online critics.

Since then Black has made appearances on national television and racked up chart entries in the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada.

Teen YouTube Sensation Receives Death Threats

Hidden iPhone File Tracks Users' Every Move

Hidden iPhone File Tracks Users' Every Move

The security of Apple's iPhones and iPads is being called into question after it emerged the devices contain a hidden file that tracks the owner's locations.

The finding was reported by two British computer programmers at a technology conference in San Francisco.
The pair found Apple has been logging the whereabouts of 3G phone and iPad users since it updated its mobile operating system a year ago.
The location data is taken from mobile phone masts and Wi-Fi networks and recorded on the device along with the time and date.
However, one of the concerns is that when a person syncs their phone or iPad with a computer the information is transferred to the hard drive permanently.
Anyone with access to this computer, including a hacker, could then trace the user's movements.
And if the phone or iPad was lost or stolen a stranger would also be able to view the data with the right software.
Although other mobile phone companies collect information in similar ways, it is usually kept behind a firewall.
It then normally requires a court order to gain access to it - but this is not the case with this data.
Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan, the researchers behind the discovery, have now set up a webpage to inform the public about the file.
On the page it states: "By passively logging your location without your permission, Apple have made it possible for anyone from a jealous spouse to a private investigator to get a detailed picture of your movements."
Mr Warden, who worked for Apple for five years, has created a free downloadable programme that allows them to see the location data on a map.
It is not known why Apple is collecting the data or whether the function can be disabled.
Duncan Bell from the gadget website T3 told Sky News: "The least sinister interpretation I can put on it is they're collecting this data for app developers to know which parts of the country to concentrate on perhaps?
"I really can't think of another good reason why they'd need to be tracking you all the time.
"It's hard to see how that data could be used against you in that many situations. But it still seems wrong that it's being done without giving you the ability to opt out of it.
"OK, yeah it is in the terms and conditions, but it's buried somewhere in among 15,200 other words."
Apple failed to return calls made by Sky News Online.
The criticism of the technology giant's operations comes after the company revealed on Wednesday that it had nearly doubled its second quarter profits.

Hidden iPhone File Tracks Users' Every Move

Webcam Murder Mystery: Man Is Charged

Webcam Murder Mystery: Man Is Charged

Police in Canada say 29-year-old Brian Dickson is due to appear in court later on Thursday.
The body of York University student Liu Qian, 23, from Beijing, was found last Friday in her apartment in Toronto after her boyfriend in China witnessed the attack, police said.
She was naked from the waist down but there were no obvious signs of sexual assault or trauma severe enough to kill her. The results of toxicology tests are awaited

Liu was chatting with her boyfriend, Meng Xianchao, by webcam at about 1am on Friday when a man knocked on her door.
Meng reported seeing a struggle break out between the two before Liu's webcam was shut off. Meng contacted other friends in Toronto, who in turn called police.
The victim's father, Liu Jianhui, said his daughter studied at Beijing City University before moving to Canada, where she met Meng.
Liu Jianhui, who has flown to Canada, is research director of Communist Party history at the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, which trains party officials.
York University President Mamdouh Shoukri said the community is relieved police have arrested a suspect.
"Qian Liu's death has had a profound impact on all of us at York. We appreciate the dedicated effort of Toronto Police Service and we are pleased that they have apprehended a suspect," he said.
Liu Qian's laptop computer, webcam and mobile phone were taken from the apartment the night of the attack, police said.
Police said the online chat was on a live streaming camera and was not recorded, though investigators were trying to work out if there was any way they can recover it.

Webcam Murder Mystery: Man Is Charged

Abhi convinces Ash to go online

Abhi convinces Ash to go online

Abhishek Bachchan managed to get his gorgeous wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on Twitter for an hour's time on their anniversary day to chat with her fans!

Amitabh Bachchan often conveyed Ash the messages he would get from her fans on Twitter. The superstar father-in-law also tweeted about Ash and Abhishek and their household 'lesser known likes/dislikes' but could never convince his daughter-in-law to go online.

It was doting husband Abhishek who persuaded the actress to go online and chat with her fans on their 4th wedding anniversary yesterday.

Ash chatted for almost an hour through Abhishek's profile and graciously thanked her fans for showering so much love and affection on the couple.

It must be after ages that Aishwarya chatted with her fans through the internet.

The actresses didn't speak much but reverted most of the tweets addressed to her with 'thanks'.

Abhishek then whisked away his wife from her fans as they signed off to continue the celebrations of their special day.

Abhi convinces Ash to go online

good friday | Good Friday 2011 Wallpapers | Good Friday 2011 Text Messages | Good Friday as a national holiday

Good Friday 2011

A small band of Christians is planning a rally in Washington, D.C., in a bid to make Good Friday a national holiday.
Organizer Sharon Jones, a New York-based missionary, recalled growing up observing the holiday in her native Britain.
She has scheduled a rally on the National Mall on April 22, or Good Friday. She hopes thousands will attend and watch a film about Jesus during the midday event.
“Growing up in the U.K., I remember nothing was open,” she said in an interview Wednesday (April 13). “It was a true day to just look unto Jesus and to say, `Thank God that we are saved by the blood.' Now this is a perfect opportunity for an awareness of who Jesus is.”
Jones said 11 states and more than 135 countries observe Good Friday as an official holiday. She is circulating an online petition to Congress for a U.S. observance.
Supporters include Christian groups based in New Jersey, Texas and Washington, D.C.

Good Friday sms
sum1 asked a prsn how does it fees2luv sum1 who luvs sum1 else?
after a deep breath he answered
‘Its like hugging a cactus
D tighter u hug…d more it HURTS

One thing to be remembered in life….
Keep things in heart which hurts other….
But never try to hurt someone by keep in your heart…!!

Eating rotten fruit, Sleeping near drainage,
Dog biting twice, Travelling in govt bus..
r a million times better than believing a Girl.

It makes me happy just being by your side
All those feelings I just can’t hide
You’ll always be in my heart
Can’t bear the pain when were apart

A painful moment comes when u get close wid
a person and one day the person suddenly
try to avoid u and ur heart wants to go
and talk to that person but ur ego doesn’t allow you

Longest Distnce on Earth Isn’t 4rm North 2 South,
Its Wen I Stand Infront of u n u Ignore Me..!!

Its Still Hurts To See
That You’re Doing
Completely Okay…
Without Me

good friday | Good Friday 2011 Wallpapers | Good Friday 2011 Text Messages | Good Friday as a national holiday

Sathya Sai Baba very critical: Hospital

Sathya Sai Baba very critical: Hospital

Puttaparthi (AP), Apr 21 (PTI) The condition of Sathya Sai Baba is very critical with all his organs showing very poor response to treatment, doctors attending on him said today.
In view of the deteriorating health of Sathya Sai Baba, the Andhra Pradesh Police have deployed additional forces here to maintain law and order.
"Non-functioning of the liver and persistent episodes of low blood pressure are causing great worry to the doctors," Dr A N Safaya, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Sciences, said here.
His breathing is still ventilator dependent and the process of slow hemodialysis has been started in the morning to assist the kidneys, he said.
The doctors are putting their best efforts to improve his clinical condition, Dr Safaya said.
86-year-old Sathya Sai Baba was hospitalised on March 28 following problems related to heart and respiration. PTI RAO
Let us pray for the quick recovery of Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba. Many of us have so many positive experiences such as his Oct/Nov 2009 darsan at Pandurangkshetra,near Pune and Mumbai .Baba had come of wheel chair !!

PM Dr Manmohan singh, Prez Pratibha Patil , Mr.Ratan Tata graced his 85th Birthday celebrations at Puttaparthi on 23 Nov'10. Sunil G, Nani Palkiwala, Sachin r just some of His devotees.

I had his darsan both at Panduranga Kshetra in 2009 and at Puttaparthi on Sun,16Aug10 and earlier in 1985 and 1999 . Most recently I visited Prashathi Nilayam,Puttaparthi on Sun, 10April'11. Baba like Shirdi Sai baba answers the sincere calls of HIS devotees.

Here r some of His famous quotes:

1. Help Ever, Hurt Never !! (Never bad mouth anybody)
2. Love all Serve all !!
3. Less Luggage (desires) , More comfort (Happy life)
4. Give respect, Take respect.
Hope readers will visit Puttaparthi for a personal experience.

By God's infinite grace, baba will answer all His critics.

Sathya Sai Baba very critical: Hospital

Blog Stalker #8

What is happening its Blog Stalker on a Thursday instead of a Friday!! This is confusing me today.. pesky bank holidays (not complaining though).

I have a special Easter-related post lined up for you tomorrow, so Blog Stalker is a day earlier. Oh and if you were wondering why I was asking what dress you prefered yesterday, you have chosen what dress I'm wearing when I go out tonight (you all chose the floral number).

So what blogs am I loving this week...

I really love Gem's blog- her blog stands out from many of the other blogs which I follow, purely due to her writing style. Her posts always hit home, they're 110% honest, frank and most importantly from the heart. Its refreshing to see a blogger who is so open and honest with her thoughts and feelings. Another thing about Gem is that she is a fabulous talented photographer- you can see that from her weekly "this is your life" posts. Really enjoy reading her blog and the fact that she is one of the most down to earth, sweetest girls and that she will do anything for anyone. Definately worth following if your not already.

I think the title of Sarah's blog gives away what her major obsession is... have you guessed it yet... DRESSES!! Oh and not forgetting Models Own Polishes (her collection is starting to rival JEMs). Judging by the number of dresses Sarah posts on her blog, I'm sure she must have a wardrobe dedicated to all of her dresses, and if that is the case I am totally jealous!! Really enjoy seeing what dresses Sarah will be wearing next, some of the dresses she's got have influenced my dress purchases. Fab blog- get following peeps.

Tor is one of my fellow North East bloggers, was gutted she was unable to make the NE Blogger meet up in Feb, however hopefully we can get something organised soon. Love Tor's OOTD posts, really like how she puts outfits together. Also she's starting to do "week in pictures" posts, which feature pictures of her really cute daughter Elodie. Another aspect of Tor's blog which I love is how she updates us all with the latest clothes releases from New Look, and her take on the fashion from Awards Ceremonies. Definately one to follow.

Well thats me finished work now until 3rd May- woop xx

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

PTET 2010 2011 Results | PTET 2010 Entrance Exam Result Round 2 |, PTET 2010-2011

PTET Results 2011

Jai Narain Vyas University (JNVU) Rajasthan has declared the Pre Teachers Entrance Test (PTET) Session 2010-2011 examination result of PTET 2010 Enterance Exan Rsult Round - 02 published through JNVU PTET (Pre B.Ed. Online Counseling) official website, site developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC).

Candidates are easily see their PTET 2011 results as well as download also by just click the following link that is given below and secound option to check their result is logon to But website have lots of traffic thats why we are recommanded you to check your results sometime later.

PTET Results 2011 CLICK HERE

PTET 2010 2011 Results | PTET 2010 Entrance Exam Result Round 2 |, PTET 2010-2011
bstc 2011, ptet, ptet2011, bstc2011, bstc

Britain gears up for global royal wedding

Britain gears up for global royal wedding

LONDON — Britain is making final preparations for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton next week as the biggest royal occasion in 30 years brings closure to the tragic legacy of Princess Diana.
A worldwide television audience of two billion people is set to watch live on April 29 while crowds of hundreds of thousands are expected to line the route from Westminster Abbey to catch a glimpse of the newlyweds.
Royal officials are working around the clock to put the finishing touches on the global event, the climax of a royal romance that began eight years ago when William and Kate were students together at university in Scotland.
Around 1,900 guests including foreign royals and celebrities are heading to London for the service, while British police have launched a massive security operation to guard against the threat of terror attacks and protests.
William, the 28-year-old second-in-line to the throne who works as a Royal Air Force helicopter pilot, proposed last year to Kate, 29, the commoner daughter of self-made millionaires, using his late mother Diana's engagement ring.
The pomp and ceremony surrounding the service reflects the fact that it is the grandest royal wedding since William's parents Prince Charles -- the heir to Queen Elizabeth II -- married Princess Diana on June 21, 1981.
"William and Catherine, as they will be known, are saying 'we are the future of the British monarchy and we are going to be a success,'" royal expert Robert Jobson told AFP.
Diana's shadow has hung over the royals since she died in a car crash in Paris on August 31, 1997, a year after her stormy divorce from Charles.
William and his younger brother Harry, who will be his best man, were seen by millions as they sadly followed her coffin into the Westminster Abbey for her funeral.
But in the past decade and a half "The Firm", as Britain's royals are known, have done their best to improve their aloof image, with the young heartthrob William in the vanguard.
The queen met Kate's parents Michael and Carole over lunch at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday, itself a major step given the snobbery directed at Kate's parents for having made their money through a party planning firm.
William and Kate have personally overseen "every detail" of their "exquisitely beautiful" wedding day, said St James's Palace, William's official residence.
The service will see some 40 monarchs including Prince Albert of Monaco along with representatives of more than 100 countries. There will also be friends and acquaintances of the couple -- including some old flames.
The wedding starts at 1000 GMT at Westminster Abbey and afterwards the newlyweds will lead a procession to Buckingham Palace, travelling in a horse-drawn carriage past landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament and the Mall.
As well as being beamed around the world on television it will also be streamed live on YouTube while royal officials will post blog and Twitter updates.
Parts of the capital have already been decked out in the red, white and blue of the British flag for the big day. The government has declared a public holiday and pubs are allowed to stay open late.
Some 650 guests have been invited to the reception at the palace, while the hottest ticket in town will be a dinner-dance hosted by Prince Charles for a lucky 300 or so people.
The Middleton's home village of Bucklebury is also planning a street party.
But key details about William and Kate's big day remain shrouded in mystery.
Her wedding dress has prompted acres of media speculation, while there is no news on what titles the couple will take -- or whether the newlyweds will emulate Charles and Diana and kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.
Scotland Yard said it would have 5,000 officers on duty. It has also pledged to prevent a group of Muslim extremists carrying through their threat to protest outside the wedding.
Britain's small republican movement is, however, having a light-hearted street party to promote its bid to see off the monarchy.

Britain gears up for global royal wedding

luther vandross | Luther Vandross 60th Birthday

luther vandross

Luther Vandross was born on April 20, 1951 – died on July 1, 2005. He was an American singer of R & B, Soul, Gospel. During his career, Vandross sold 25 million albums and won eight Grammy awards including best male vocal R & B, four times.
Luther Vandross won four Grammy awards in 2004 including the award for Song of the Year for the track “Dance With My Father,” co-written with Richard Marx.
Lusk has gotten comparisons to Luther Vandross all season long, so finally he's tackling the R&B legend head-on. "It's scary," he admits, then notes that it's the late singer's birthday.
Jimmy Iovine thinks Dance With My Father is a great choice for Jacob, especially since it means something to him (Jacob's father passed away when he was young). "Everybody knows that Jacob can sing," Jimmy says. "Now they're going to find out if he can feel."
Soon, though, he reins in his emotions, channeling them all through his voice. Even with the missed note, it's the best vocal performance of the night. Extremely touching.
"It's hard to perform when a song means that much to you," Jennifer says. "You want to bare your soul, but at the same time you have to have enough control to find the notes."
"Vocally, it was good, but it didn't make me jump up and down," Randy says. "I need the return of the old Jacob. I need to see you go through the roof. ... If you're here next week, go for it. ... I need the church kid back."

Luther Vandross, born in the Lower East side of Manhattan in New York City, Vandross grew up in a musical family that moved to the Bronx when he was 13. His sister sang with vocal group The Crests who had a number one in the 60’s with “Sixteen Candles.” Vandross’ father died of diabetes when Vandross was eight years old. The moment that changed his life came when taking 13 he heard Dionne Warwick sing “Anyone Who Had A Heart” (a song he would record in his last years).
career, Vandross was content to remain as a singer, a composer, producer and backup singer for other artists. Roberta Flack pushed Vandross to start his own career. She believed he was an incredible talent, in addition to his skills in composition and production, deserved to be heard to sing solo. Before its official release, he released two albums with a singing group he formed, also called Luther.
Luther Vandross, in the 80’s, “The Glow Of Love” and “Searching” gave him great success, leading him to a contract with Epic Records, and in 1981 he made his debut on the commercial market with recording the album “Never Too Much. ” The album, which contained the track “A House is Not a Home” quickly went double platinum, with the song “Never Too Much” reaching # 1 on the R & B.
In 1991 the compilation of greatest hits, The Very Best Of Luther Vandross, The Best Of Love, included the ballad “Here And Now”, the first song recorded for which he was number one on the Billboard charts more important.
Luther Vandross also won his first Grammy for best male R & B Grammy in the delivery of 1991. “Here And Now” became a huge hit at weddings, and soft radio United States. In addition, the song allowed him to expand his musical horizons beyond R & B.
Luther Vandross, finally died in July 2005 of a stroke victim and family illness “Diabetes”and they also had hypertension, due to its constant increase and decrease weight. It is reported that died peacefully with his family and friends. Later on the day of his burial was arranged a large posthumous tribute that included the big names that I work throughout his career and other artists, great friends of the late artist.

luther vandross | Luther Vandross 60th Birthday
barry white, marvin gaye

Darsheel Safary Promotes 'Zokkomon' with Aamir Khan

Darsheel Safary Promotes 'Zokkomon' with Aamir Khan

The cutie who won our hearts in the Bollywood film, Taare Zameen Par, is back! The young Darsheel Safary has been casted in the starring role in Zokkomon, a Hindi film, produced by Walt Disney Studios. Darsheel plays the role of Kunal, an orphaned boy, who goes through obstacles when he is abandoned by his mean uncle. Kunal, finds the hero within himself and begins an epic journey. Through his adventures he transforms into a hero and calls himself, Zokkomon. The children's film is set to release next week and his biggest supporter, Aamir Khan, came out to promote the movie with Darsheel
Khan, acted alongside Darsheel in the 2007 film, Taare Zameen Par. Darsheel was praised for his performance in Taare Zameen Par and even won Filmfare's Critics Award for Best Performance in 2008. The child is truly talented and we have no doubt that he will put on a great performance in this film as well. Hopefully the film is produced well enough to give Darsheel another hit movie to add to his track record.
This promo event was held at a venue in Bandra. Aamir Khan's support added some more hype around the film. Will the film be a good move for Darsheel Safary? We will have to wait and find out. Do you think this film will be rated or slated? Drop you comments below.

Darsheel Safary Promotes 'Zokkomon' with Aamir Khan

Ko – to nerve-rack audiences

Ko – to nerve-rack audiences

Although it is said that KV Anand’s forthcoming flick ‘Ko’ is based on Russel Crowe’s ‘State of Play,’ sources close to the director say that the film is inspired by real life incidents during KV Anand’s days as a journalist. KV Anand believes that a journalist can bring about many changes in the society and achieve difficult tasks. Looks like ‘Ko’ took shape based on these.

The movie has Jeeva, Ajmal, Karthika and Piya Bajpai playing the lead roles. This political action thriller revolves around a photo journalist and the twist and turns he faces while investigating a mystery case. While the songs have already become quite chart-busters, Karthika, daughter of yesteryear heroine Radha is already grabbing the limelight.

The movie has many guest appearances including Suriya, Karthi, Bharath, Jayam Ravi, Shiva, Harris Jayaraj, Tamannah Bhatia and many others... Sources say that the climax of the film is something completely unexpected and that the movie is sure to keep the audiences glued to their seats throughout.

Ko – to nerve-rack audiences

I'm the Scatman..

Do you remember that banging tune of the 90s?? haha.

Now I've got it in my head- great...

So today I had a post planned, then decided I didn't want to write it up and then I decided to do the post which I been talking to Stephy about this afternoon- but instead you get this random splat of words from my brain.
I'm blaming excel spreadsheets for why I am scatty today.

These are my current thoughts...

- Do I eat the other creme egg on my desk or save it for tomorrow?

- Do I fake tan even though I still have some of my holiday tan left?

-Do I actually like Barry M Peach Melba on my nails because a) it looks horrid, or b) am I only thinking this cause I NEVER wear pastels on my nails.

-Do I send my new leopard print court shoes back as they're 5.5" and they don't have a strap on.


- If I keep my shoes will I end up falling over in them and breaking my ankle.

- Pick a dress... ask no questions...

- if you saw these two dresses and you had to choose.. pick one..

I really can't get that bloody song out my head now!!

Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia

Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia

Two new ‘leaked’ videos–the same footage–over at Youtube, Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia ; With translation and Alien Body Discovered In Buryatia, Russia April 2011 have gotten UFO, dead ‘alien’ buzz. Both videos uploaded on Youtube on April 17.
The new video and the ‘instant’ link to Buryatia reminds us another recent UFO ‘buzz, the FBI Vault, 1950, FBI agent ‘Guy Hottel’ memo ‘instantly’ linked to the 1947 Roswell incident. After some research we came to conclusion the 1950 memo may have been related to a more recent event, the memo dated a few days after a spectacular sighting by hundreds of witnesses in Farmington, New Mexico, of ‘hundreds’ of UFO’s who zoomed over the town for three days. For more details and a copy of the 1950 FBI memo here’s the link.
Our observation about the ‘Dead Alien Body’ discovered in Russia video:
If the dead alien in Russia video is hoax, someone put some time and a lot of effort into ‘creating’ a pretty decent replica of dead alien body then ‘leaked’ the ‘dead alien body’ video out on the web.
There’s no info in the videos of where the footage was shot and when.
Watching the video, the dead ‘alien’ is located in an area of heavy snow where it seems someone may have dug a path through the snow to where the alien’s body was discovered. Was the snow removed before or after the discovery of the dead alien body?

If the dead alien was discovered after digging up the snow, why did someone choose that particular spot to dig? A path that led to a dead tree trunk in the middle of nowhere?
One video linked the ‘dead’ alien to ‘Buryatia, Russia’.
We did some research on ‘UFOs’ and/or alien sightings in Buryatia, Russia. We discovered other sites had linked the ‘Dead alien’ found in Buryatia to a report filed by Russia’s Interfax, Identify a UFO, an article about multiple witnesses who claimed they saw a UFO crashland in the Irkutsk region. The Republic of Buryatia is located south of Siberia, the location of Irkutsk.

Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia
Dead Alien Discovered in Russia Video a Hoax? – Video

mhada forms 2011 | MHADA Forms 2011 on sale as lottery & results dates are declared | Mhada offers 3500 flats for 2011 Mhada Lottery

MHADA Forms 2011 on sale as lottery & results dates are declared

Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) has finally announced that they would start accepting the application forms from April 27 and the lottery for 4,034 houses would be declared on May 31. " Vice President and Chief Officer of Mumbai Board on Tuesday in a meeting decided the entire schedule of the lottery," said Amarjit Manhas, chairman, Mumbai board.

The advertisements would be published on April 27 and from the same day online filling up of forms would be started. The submission of forms would be allowed till May 16. Though the allotted period of 20 days seems

to be very less compared to the earlier 90 days period provided to fill up the forms, MHADA officials are confident that the period would be enough.

"Since the filling up of forms is online, people can fill the forms even during the night time and hence this period would be sufficient" said Manhas. While Axis Bank has been selected for collection of applications, following MHADA failing to interest banks to be collection centres.

Axis has around 65 branches in and around Mumbai where the applicants would be able to submit their forms. The people living in other districts of State can also submit their forms and the earnest money deposited in the district headquarters of Axis Bank, need not travel to Mumbai. The amount of money differs for different categories. " The deposit money would be returned within three days of announcement of lottery to the people who don't win the houses," added Manhas.

The lottery would be a bonanza for the economically weaker section as around 80 percent of houses out of the total 4,034 houses are kept for their category. Though earlier it was said that the lottery wouldn't be having any houses for the higher income groups, there is a small share of houses for them too.

For the first time MHADA would be going for an online application of forms. The applicants have to go to the website of MHADA and fill up the application forms. Once the form is filled the applicant would have to take a printout of the same and paste his photograph on the space provided. Then he would have to sign the form and submit it at the nearby bank branch.

Since many people could find it tough to fill up the form online, MHADA has also provided a facilitation centre at the branches of the banks wherein the applicants would be assisted by the bank staff. Axis Bank has also tied with Sify, who has around 85 cyber cafes in the city.


mhada forms 2011 | MHADA Forms 2011 on sale as lottery & results dates are declared | Mhada offers 3500 flats for 2011 Mhada Lottery
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