Thursday, April 21, 2011

good friday | Good Friday 2011 Wallpapers | Good Friday 2011 Text Messages | Good Friday as a national holiday

Good Friday 2011

A small band of Christians is planning a rally in Washington, D.C., in a bid to make Good Friday a national holiday.
Organizer Sharon Jones, a New York-based missionary, recalled growing up observing the holiday in her native Britain.
She has scheduled a rally on the National Mall on April 22, or Good Friday. She hopes thousands will attend and watch a film about Jesus during the midday event.
“Growing up in the U.K., I remember nothing was open,” she said in an interview Wednesday (April 13). “It was a true day to just look unto Jesus and to say, `Thank God that we are saved by the blood.' Now this is a perfect opportunity for an awareness of who Jesus is.”
Jones said 11 states and more than 135 countries observe Good Friday as an official holiday. She is circulating an online petition to Congress for a U.S. observance.
Supporters include Christian groups based in New Jersey, Texas and Washington, D.C.

Good Friday sms
sum1 asked a prsn how does it fees2luv sum1 who luvs sum1 else?
after a deep breath he answered
‘Its like hugging a cactus
D tighter u hug…d more it HURTS

One thing to be remembered in life….
Keep things in heart which hurts other….
But never try to hurt someone by keep in your heart…!!

Eating rotten fruit, Sleeping near drainage,
Dog biting twice, Travelling in govt bus..
r a million times better than believing a Girl.

It makes me happy just being by your side
All those feelings I just can’t hide
You’ll always be in my heart
Can’t bear the pain when were apart

A painful moment comes when u get close wid
a person and one day the person suddenly
try to avoid u and ur heart wants to go
and talk to that person but ur ego doesn’t allow you

Longest Distnce on Earth Isn’t 4rm North 2 South,
Its Wen I Stand Infront of u n u Ignore Me..!!

Its Still Hurts To See
That You’re Doing
Completely Okay…
Without Me

good friday | Good Friday 2011 Wallpapers | Good Friday 2011 Text Messages | Good Friday as a national holiday

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