Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog Stalker #8

What is happening its Blog Stalker on a Thursday instead of a Friday!! This is confusing me today.. pesky bank holidays (not complaining though).

I have a special Easter-related post lined up for you tomorrow, so Blog Stalker is a day earlier. Oh and if you were wondering why I was asking what dress you prefered yesterday, you have chosen what dress I'm wearing when I go out tonight (you all chose the floral number).

So what blogs am I loving this week...

I really love Gem's blog- her blog stands out from many of the other blogs which I follow, purely due to her writing style. Her posts always hit home, they're 110% honest, frank and most importantly from the heart. Its refreshing to see a blogger who is so open and honest with her thoughts and feelings. Another thing about Gem is that she is a fabulous talented photographer- you can see that from her weekly "this is your life" posts. Really enjoy reading her blog and the fact that she is one of the most down to earth, sweetest girls and that she will do anything for anyone. Definately worth following if your not already.

I think the title of Sarah's blog gives away what her major obsession is... have you guessed it yet... DRESSES!! Oh and not forgetting Models Own Polishes (her collection is starting to rival JEMs). Judging by the number of dresses Sarah posts on her blog, I'm sure she must have a wardrobe dedicated to all of her dresses, and if that is the case I am totally jealous!! Really enjoy seeing what dresses Sarah will be wearing next, some of the dresses she's got have influenced my dress purchases. Fab blog- get following peeps.

Tor is one of my fellow North East bloggers, was gutted she was unable to make the NE Blogger meet up in Feb, however hopefully we can get something organised soon. Love Tor's OOTD posts, really like how she puts outfits together. Also she's starting to do "week in pictures" posts, which feature pictures of her really cute daughter Elodie. Another aspect of Tor's blog which I love is how she updates us all with the latest clothes releases from New Look, and her take on the fashion from Awards Ceremonies. Definately one to follow.

Well thats me finished work now until 3rd May- woop xx

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