Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blog Stalker #9

A day later than usual, due to the Royal Wedding and my guest post on Julia's blog. Not going to mention the wedding on here as everyone has been tweeting/blogging about it- but long live McQueen. So what blogs have I been loving this week...

I've followed Emma's blog since she first created it, and watched it grow and grow. Love how even though she says her blog is a beauty blog, she does fashion and personal life posts, which I love. Emma is an absolute doll- go get following her.

Jessica is one gorgeous fellow North East blogger. As the name of her blog suggests her blog is beauty based. Really love reading her reviews as you know with Jessica they're going to be 110% brutal and honest. She's always there for you on Twitter if you need to talk- an absolute star!! Follow!!

Kirsty Louise is my homegirl!! One of the most nicest people I have ever met (via Twitter), glad she's back in the blogging scene again after her little break. Really enjoying her YT videos. Love how her blog has the right mix of everything- fashion, beauty, misc. Love love love this girly!!!

Sorry its a bit shorter than usual today peeps, but I thought I would be sort and sweet and get to the point. Hope your all having a fab bank holiday weekend!! xx

Don't forget the Mac giveaway closes tonight at Midnight- check out the post below.

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