Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hidden iPhone File Tracks Users' Every Move

Hidden iPhone File Tracks Users' Every Move

The security of Apple's iPhones and iPads is being called into question after it emerged the devices contain a hidden file that tracks the owner's locations.

The finding was reported by two British computer programmers at a technology conference in San Francisco.
The pair found Apple has been logging the whereabouts of 3G phone and iPad users since it updated its mobile operating system a year ago.
The location data is taken from mobile phone masts and Wi-Fi networks and recorded on the device along with the time and date.
However, one of the concerns is that when a person syncs their phone or iPad with a computer the information is transferred to the hard drive permanently.
Anyone with access to this computer, including a hacker, could then trace the user's movements.
And if the phone or iPad was lost or stolen a stranger would also be able to view the data with the right software.
Although other mobile phone companies collect information in similar ways, it is usually kept behind a firewall.
It then normally requires a court order to gain access to it - but this is not the case with this data.
Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan, the researchers behind the discovery, have now set up a webpage to inform the public about the file.
On the page it states: "By passively logging your location without your permission, Apple have made it possible for anyone from a jealous spouse to a private investigator to get a detailed picture of your movements."
Mr Warden, who worked for Apple for five years, has created a free downloadable programme that allows them to see the location data on a map.
It is not known why Apple is collecting the data or whether the function can be disabled.
Duncan Bell from the gadget website T3 told Sky News: "The least sinister interpretation I can put on it is they're collecting this data for app developers to know which parts of the country to concentrate on perhaps?
"I really can't think of another good reason why they'd need to be tracking you all the time.
"It's hard to see how that data could be used against you in that many situations. But it still seems wrong that it's being done without giving you the ability to opt out of it.
"OK, yeah it is in the terms and conditions, but it's buried somewhere in among 15,200 other words."
Apple failed to return calls made by Sky News Online.
The criticism of the technology giant's operations comes after the company revealed on Wednesday that it had nearly doubled its second quarter profits.

Hidden iPhone File Tracks Users' Every Move

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