Thursday, September 30, 2010

What was supposed to be 100 followers giveaway... CLOSED

.......but I got too excited and wanted to do it now.

Just a little something which me and JEM have put together to say a MASSIVE thank you to each and every one of you who read the blog/follow/comment. It means a lot that people are actually interested in what I have to ramble on about, and what I waste my money on.

As you can see its a bit of a random mish mash of things- there's some spray and mousse fake tan, body butter, models own polish (utopia), mascara, blusher, eyeshadow, mother pucker lip gloss, lip balm, glass nail file, ring from toppers, mini hairbrush, No7 limited edition eyeshadow quad, elf eyeliner (not pictured) and some other bits and bobs for you.


1. You must be a follower of my blog (I will be checking).
2. Leave a comment below saying "enter me because I am fabulous" and what you want to see on here.
3. For a one extra entry- give a shout out on twitter (@whoissheblog) about the comp/blog
4. For another extra entry- paste the top photo into your sidebar of your blog.
5. For another entry- do a blog post on the giveaway.
6. If you do all 4 I will give you another entry (5 entrys max)
Oh and mention in the comments as to what you have done :)

Competition will close at midnight on 29th October.

Good Luck and Big Love xxxx

How to annoy a drunk...

...let them stare at my backside for a bit and they will feel woosy...

Just a quick post, as I have another VERY important post for you all to come after this. Was going to wait until the weekend but as I'm out tomorrow and Saturday nights- it couldn't wait.

So yesterday panicing that I had nothing to wear for going out with work tomorrow, I decided to buy this skirt. You may have seen it on my H+M post the other week.

Only £12.99 too- what a bargain. So tomorrow night its going to be that skirt, with a plain black vest and my black bomber jacket and the big Chanel. Or do you think a white vest??

Want to know how much of a geek I am- I already have the vest version with this print haha.

Excited for the giveaway dolls?? xx

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Would you like to feature on "Who Is She"?

If so, leave a comment with you email address in it below, and I will email you the details.

Nearly half way through the week yey- shopping tomorrow for an outfit for the weekend :)

New giveaway coming this week too x

Monday, September 27, 2010

JEM's Bargain Basement Corner

Hiya peeps,

Just a quick note from me to tell you why I love Primark more than life (and no, this isn't about my all-in-one romper suit pyjamas for a change).

Which would you rather:

This gorgeous Karen Millen strapless satin pencil dress, for £165.00

This lovely Primark copy for less than 1 10th of the price!! Cost me £12.99

Hmm, I believe this is what they call a 'no brainer' - of course I would love to have a wardrobe full of Karen Millen goodness but until that winning lottery ticket comes about, I'll be quite happy in my Primarni copies!

By the way, I am having a clear-out of some party frocks to make way for new stuff, please check out my ebay sale.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Silver Fox...

Some random pictures documenting mine and Holly's weekend in Manchester- celebrating a special fag's birthday- he knows who he is

The North/South divide of fog, The Silver Fox himself Phillip, Krispy Kremes (glazed and raspberry glazed), words of wisdom I should follow, Chanel dummys in the boutique (I want a tweed jacket), Creepy white statues which terrifed the pair of us, shoe display in Selfridges (I love the displays there), Gay Bar Grease, the worlds most rancid cocktail ever (still drank it though), Canal Street, if JEM had her own gay bar it would be called REM, and the morning after Nandos. 

A weekend to remember alright xxx

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Popped my ELF Cherry

After reading so many positive reviews by fellow bloggers and mentions in magazines. I decided to purchase some ELF products before my jolly jaunt to Manchester. Was very very impressed with the "standard" delivery- it came the next day.

What did I buy I hear you cry...
Smudge Eye Sponge Brush, All Over Colour Sticks in Pink Lemonade and Golden Peach, Liquid Eyeliner in Coffee and Plum and Eyelid Primer in Sheer.

First up the All Over Colour Sticks.
Now I have to admit I am in love with the Pink Lemonade (bottom)- it looks nice on both the lips and cheeks, Golden Peach (top) no no no I am not keen. I look like an oompa loompa when its on my lips, and it has no effect what so ever on my cheeks with and without fake tan on. However for £1.50 I can't complain, although I must admit I don't like cheek products smelling like orangeade- I was getting a bit paranoid last week that the people sitting next to me could smell it. That may just be me though.
I normally use Benefit Boi-ing on my eyelids as a primer, but I thought I would try this out. At the end of the day for £1.50 I'm not throwing money away, and it was £1.50 well spent. Really liked how it dried quickly and added a little bit of sheen to my eyeshadow although my shadow did keep all days- for a night out I would probably stick to using Boi-ing.
I nearly poked my eye out with this brush and when I tried to smudge my eyemake up it kinda hurt. I'll be sticking with my 212 and 219 brushes instead. However I will give it another shot and let you know.

JEM has been on the look out for a liquid eyeliner with a fine brush, and decided to purchase two from ELF in the vain hope she had found her ideal eyeliner. She wasn't disappointed.
(yes these two pictures were taken in my car haha)
The top and bottom lines are the plum- they look practically black and there is a very faint hint of purple. The middle line and the squiggle is the coffee. I think JEM was more taken with the coffee than the plum, however this may change when she gets to play with them properly.

All in all I would buy more ELF products, its just a shame that you can't buy them in the shops, however for the price and the super speedy delivery I can't complain.

I'm off to watch the X Factor, being good and stopping in. Happy Saturday you sexy beauts xxx


Models Own Gun Metal Grey.

Darling hubby bought me some nail polishes a few weeks ago, one of them was this gun grey colour (yes, he is very well trained.  One day if you ask me very nicely I might share how I do it…) and it's quickly becoming one of my favourite colours ever to wear.

I'm not a fan of plain black nails, even though mine are now getting very long and can handle the dark colour, I've just never been one for the goth-shades and prefer my pinkies painted in pastel hues mostly.  However, this is a far cry from your basic black.  I don't know if you can see it in the photos properly, but it's a shimmery, charcoal/silver shade which catches the light brilliantly and sparkles prettily in the sunshine (not that we ever get that much of it oop norfff)

Typical, brilliant, MO coverage - two coats will do, three is completely unecessary.  I'm wearing it here with Model's Own 3-in-one base, top coat and gloss polish - however I normally prefer a Nails Inc. base coat as it goes on a bit thinner (do love the topcoat tho).
In short:  gorgeous colour, a deviation from my normal diet of pinks and pastels but definitely worth it for a bit extra va-va-voom on a night out - and if you are a fan of dark polish, this makes a lovely change from black.

Hope you're having a fab weekend- love JEM xxx

Friday, September 24, 2010

Time Flies...





(I have officially lost it)

Where has September gone too- can't believe until reminded earlier on today, that my favourite day of the month is upon me next week... PAY to the DAY.

I shall will be spending my salary on some of these bobby dazzlers...

Silk Zip Back Tunic £50 Topshop, Love on Cubes Bracelet £6 Asos
Colour Studded Enamel Bangle £8.50 Pretaportebello, McQueen Skull Scarf (Red/Grey) £140 Selfridges

Owl Print Tunic £59 Pretaportabello, Spider Statement Ring £10 Asos
Skull Tee £85 Wildfox @ Spoiled Brat, Graphic Embellished Tee £110 Sass + Bide @ Asos

House of Holland Suspender Tights £12 Asos, Leopard Print Dress £90 Topshop
Tic Tac Toe Dress £75 French Connection @ Asos, Spiro Print Tee £35 Topshop

I've already ordered the love bracelet, and deffo need those HoH tights for winter. I've already got a McQ scarf but not the Skull one... hmmm. However I will probably change my mind between now and payday.

What do you think of the pink dress- I've been wanting a pink dress for ages to wear under my bomber jacket?? Advice would be appreciated please.

Hope you have a fab weekend xxx

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Whats Haute and Whats Not- Volume Two

This was actually wrote last week with JEMmiekins however I've just gotten around to posting it now. I think you can tell it was another productive day at work. Apologies in advance for the randomness/general not making any sense what so ever.

  • Animal print- release your inner bet lynch. This is the one thing I love about A/W is the unleashing of animal print. I've done a piece for Laura's fab blog on this which will be coming soon.
  • JEM’s “special” romper PJ's from Primark- she's living in them at the moment. She would wear them to work if she could.
  • Biker Boots- or as I like to call them Pit Boots. Can't seem to find the perfect pair though (any ideas would be greatly appreciated).
  • Statement Rings- the more rings the better. I want a knuckle duster- a nice shiny one.
  • Cheesy beans- THE best food ever- baked beans + cheese = cheesy beans. Stir in a bit of bbq or brown sauce and be a rebel.
  • Gordon Ramsey- THE saviour of channel 4. I want to adopt him.
  • Jackets over dresses- blazers/leather jackets all looks good (gets a bit extra wear out your summer dresses).
  • H+M online- pile of tat, certain clothes not in stock or dispatched until October. No thanks.
  • Alexandra Burke (again)- seriously get a stylist- you looked a clip on the Help for Hero concert. AND YOU CANNOT DANCE.
  • Velvet- seriously I am not 10 years old any more, I don’t want to wear a velvet dress. Sorry I just don't get it.
  • Victoria Beckham at New York Fashion Week- you looked strange and gaunt. Maybe have a burger too. However I did love your collection and its your best one yet (so you are forgiven)
  • No more Saturdays 24/7- booooooooo
  • Julian Macdonald- you tell size 8 people they are fat, you need a slap. You have a funny face so you shouldn't judge others. Let him be a warning of the reasons why you shouldn’t get botox. Put him on your door to scare away children.
Speaking of Julian Macdonald.. following a random chat on Twitter about dearest Julian, Lisa kindly did the honours of defacing him..... much better wouldn't you agree??

Hahaha that picture makes me laugh.
One more day until the weekend yey xxx

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two black toes later...

Well Manchester was BRILLIANT!! Hope you enjoyed the guest blogging while I was aware (big thank you to JEM, Lea and Steph). I have some pictures on my camera to share with you, however sods law that my camera battery dies 3 photos into the night. Typical.

Anyway I thought I would share with you my purchases, or should I say lack of them. I love Manchester shopping probably cause they have AA, Urban Outfitters and then the holy grail of shops my personal fav- Selfridges. No Chanel bag for me- very disapointed with the selection they had. Tried on the Hermes cuff however they had no baby blue ones- more money saved there.

What is the matter with me haha.

First up, I bought this cute pussybow blouse in Primark for £10- how cute are the horseshoes. The blouse is more of a light pink colour- it doesn't show up that well on my camera. Already had lots of compliments about this.

I've had my eye on this tee since Feb however the £55 price tag had put me off, however Saturday must have been my lucky day as it was reduced down to £9.99 in Urban Outfitters. I bought it in a large so its quite baggy on me, and I'll be taking the scissors to it as I want it to be a vest.

I adore ghetto (yellow) gold and as soon as I saw this vintage esq watch I had to have it. Only £16. Again from UO.


Final purchases was on the MAC counter. Now I'm going to York Shopping Outlet in early December as they have a Cosmetic Discount Store which sells Mac- the aim is to buy the eyeshadow pallette and fill it up with the shadows from the outlet and stock up on blush and lipsticks then. However I have had my eye on these for a while and wasn't prepared to wait until December.


Satin Taupe and Print and swatches (print is on the top). I am in love with Print, makes a really dark smokey eye.

Finally I was after another nude lipstick and I know many of you highly recommend Myth and Hue. So I ended up buying Hue.

I tried to do a swatch but my Blackberry couldn't pick the colour up properly. Although as you probably will have seen it on other blogs, I don't need to do a swatch.

So that is my Manchester goodies (oh not forgetting Krispy Kremes)- spending wise I was quite good even if I say so myself xxxx

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stupid Stupid Internet

I'm back from Manchester and I've finally caught up with my sleep (hurrah). Quick post via the old Blackberry as my wireless is playing silly buggers and I can't get on the net (and I can't blog from work neither- booo).

Lots of exciting stuff coming up- too much to blog about, will show you all my random pics from Manchester and what I spent my money on. Also JEM has got some goodies for another giveaway.

I'm off to stamp on my wireless router- stupid thing. Hope you're having a fab Tuesday people xxxx

Sunday, September 19, 2010

JEM's Mineral Make Up Review

While Ray is away, JEM will play. Ray has left me in charge of the blog while she is in Manchester and I thought I would share with you my first experience of mineral make up while shopping with the hubbie last week.

Before this, I had never used or even considered mineral makeup. But last week saleslady showed me how I could use this powder with a large, loose brush all over as a base, and then use a smaller brush (An eyeshadow brush) to dot on a bit extra where I need the additional coverage - under eyes, spots etc.  By the time she'd shown me the blusher (applied to cheeks it lasts about 5 hours, mix with vaseline and it becomes a lipgloss, use it as an eyeshadow too and finally mix a little with clear nail varnish and get a very nice pinky-brown coloured nail polish) I was sold. 

I'm a big fan of multi-purpose  products, if for no other reason than it's less to lug about in my bag every day!  The bronzer, too, can be used in different ways - over the cheeks and chin to give a sunkissed glow, mixed with body lotion and applied to the skin for a sheer shimmer to, and layered over the top of the blusher on eyelids to give a slight glittery look.  Cost was £43.00 for over a year's supply of the 3 products and included a free repigmentation should my skin colour change dramatically (however I'm told that they are self-adjusting naturally anyway)

So... that's the hype.  What's it really like to use this?

The answer is, for my skin, this is amazing.  I have normal skin with occasional oily/spotty patches, and for me this is second to none for coverage and wearability.  It now takes me approximately 1 1/2 minutes each day to put a full face on for work, and if I am going out again straight from work I just top up with a little more powder and a bit more bronzer before going out - so we're talking another 2 minutes here.  It lasts all day, doesn't rub off on clothes (The white shirt-collar test proved this on the first day!) and looks so natural it's like I'm not wearing makeup.  Also, it's hypoallergenic and non comodogenic, which means it won't irritate sensitive skin or block pores up.

At £21 for the foundation only, it looks like the price of this is coming down from what it was at first (over £40 in shops) and this is an excellent buy.  Word of warning though, a friend who's skin tends to be on the dry side said she can't use it as she needs the extra moisturisation of a liquid base.  Also, if you do put it in your bag like me, be VERY careful when you open the top up again cos it gets everywhere!!

Any questions- leave in the comment box. JEM xxx

Follow me on twitter @mountaindew_jem.

Masquerade Ball Dilema

So the lovely Ray has been asking for peeps to be a guest blogger for the weekend whilst she swans off to the City of Manchester for a good knees up. She asked me on Twitter and pondering over it I’ve decided to give it a go….

But the thing is what do you write about on someone else’s blog?

At the moment I am currently “researching” into a fancy dress night out for my cousins’ birthday, which will take place in….Manchester. It’s a good night out if you haven’t been before and got to admit I love a bit of dressing up too.
The theme is ‘Masquerade’ and the eye mask is compulsory!

Here is the eye mask I have been looking at:

It is about £13 on eBay, but I think it’s a bit expensive for just one night, so hoping to buy a separate mask and customise it myself so it will be unique too.

The other thing I’m struggling on is the rest of the outfit, make up etc. So I’m calling out to Ray’s followers to see if you can help with my problem. Do I go dark, mysterious and gothic or romantic and dreamy style? Never done masquerade so I haven’t got a clue!

I know my face will be hidden with a mask, but would still like make up tips for when I take the mask off, we are having a meal first at the Hard Rock CafĂ© – anyone been? – so am thinking I won’t be wearing the mask then!

Please help and I will thank you forever…well not forever, a couple of times maybe, but you know what I mean.

Also I think you will join me in saying we all hope Ray has a great night out and hoping for some pictures from the night maybe? Don’t about you but I’m jealous!

Love Steph xx
Come follow – I’ve gotta plug it haven’t I?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

When September Ends

Hi y'all I'm Lea or better known as EdinburghStylistGirl. I'm delighted to help out Ray with this guest post, hope everyone likes it!

Wow hasn't summer gone so quickly? Can't hardly believe that I am now thinking about a winter coat, here's my pick of the best from the high street.

Both of these are from ASOS.

The black jacket is faux fur and costs £110. I love a nice faux fur jacket in the winter and this looks much more expensive than it actually is. The cream cape is froom Karen Millen and costs £250 which seems expensive but this is clearly beautifully made and will last for years. I'd feel super sophisticated wearing this!

This gorgeous purple funnel neck is J by Jasper Conran courtsey of Debenhams and costs £120. The colour is such a change from the usual black, grey or brown but would still go with the majority of a working wardrobe. It'd look great with a bright pink scarf to lift a dull winter's day.

The brown faux leather aviator jacket is probably the best high street copy of the much loved Burberry number and comes in at £59.99. I have just checked the River Island website and it's sold out online! I absolutely adore this tan jacket with its shearling collar which is priced at £160. This this could be my ultimate winter jacket!

The super cute duffel coat and flared tan mac both come from Topshop and cost £80 each. I'd quite happily buy the two of these and would wear them again next year.

What does everyone think? Have I missed out on any stunning coats from the high street?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Getting to know you..

Quick post inbetween fake tanning/packing/nail painting ready for Manchester tomorrow.

I am wondering if any of you would like to do a post on here- it can be on whatever you like (fashion/beauty/music/general life).

If any of you are interested- leave me a comment below with your email address and what your idea for a post is and I'll be in touch.

Hope you're all having a fab Friday xxxx

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good things come to those who wait?

Bonjour- the day has finally come.... online H+M shopping has landed in the UK...

and I am kinda dissapointed :(

The selection online is... quite dire if I'm being honest with you. Now I have to admit that being able to purchase online will save me having to rumage through the mass jumble sale which is their Metro Centre branch (Newcastle and Middlesbrough are AMAZING), however whats online is so-so.

I've picked out some of my favourites- nothing really I'll be rushing to buy (except the breton dress and zig zag skirt), hopefully the site will improve... fingers crossed.

Tee £9.99 Skirt £12.99

Dress £12.99 Bag £7.99

Waistcoat £19.99 Tunic £9.99

What are your favourites?? xxx