Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two black toes later...

Well Manchester was BRILLIANT!! Hope you enjoyed the guest blogging while I was aware (big thank you to JEM, Lea and Steph). I have some pictures on my camera to share with you, however sods law that my camera battery dies 3 photos into the night. Typical.

Anyway I thought I would share with you my purchases, or should I say lack of them. I love Manchester shopping probably cause they have AA, Urban Outfitters and then the holy grail of shops my personal fav- Selfridges. No Chanel bag for me- very disapointed with the selection they had. Tried on the Hermes cuff however they had no baby blue ones- more money saved there.

What is the matter with me haha.

First up, I bought this cute pussybow blouse in Primark for £10- how cute are the horseshoes. The blouse is more of a light pink colour- it doesn't show up that well on my camera. Already had lots of compliments about this.

I've had my eye on this tee since Feb however the £55 price tag had put me off, however Saturday must have been my lucky day as it was reduced down to £9.99 in Urban Outfitters. I bought it in a large so its quite baggy on me, and I'll be taking the scissors to it as I want it to be a vest.

I adore ghetto (yellow) gold and as soon as I saw this vintage esq watch I had to have it. Only £16. Again from UO.


Final purchases was on the MAC counter. Now I'm going to York Shopping Outlet in early December as they have a Cosmetic Discount Store which sells Mac- the aim is to buy the eyeshadow pallette and fill it up with the shadows from the outlet and stock up on blush and lipsticks then. However I have had my eye on these for a while and wasn't prepared to wait until December.


Satin Taupe and Print and swatches (print is on the top). I am in love with Print, makes a really dark smokey eye.

Finally I was after another nude lipstick and I know many of you highly recommend Myth and Hue. So I ended up buying Hue.

I tried to do a swatch but my Blackberry couldn't pick the colour up properly. Although as you probably will have seen it on other blogs, I don't need to do a swatch.

So that is my Manchester goodies (oh not forgetting Krispy Kremes)- spending wise I was quite good even if I say so myself xxxx

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