Friday, December 31, 2010

Whats Haute and Whats Not- Best of 2010

So its NYE, where has the last 12 months gone too?? Suppose the saying is right- that time flies when you're getting old... urgh.

Now I'm debating whether to go out tonight, even though I am laden with cold... hmmm I'll see what I feel like later.

Anyway, lets get on it...

  • Baby JEM- who is 90% certain is a GIRL (she was being coy on her scan)
  • Boxing Day sales.
  • Models Own and Barry M dupes- fab quality and half the price of high end shades. Keep up the good work.
  • Forever 21 - new online site to pester. Something to keep us occupied at work.
  • The creation of “Who is She?”
  • Topshop- that shop keeps getting better and better.
  • X Factor- Saturday nights + getting ready for a night out + rose x X Factor = perfection.
  • Kerry Katona the next chapter- morally wrong, but so right.
  • Introducing JEM to the wonders of Nandos and Fat Buddha.
  • Kitten and mid-height heels making a comeback - finally solid stomping ground for a night out (for JEM).
  • The end of the 'size zero' trend. Christina Hendricks- we applaud you.
  • Red Hair- I love my red hair, want it redder for my birthday night out
  • Queen Louie Spence- got to love his mincing about.
  • Freezing cold temperatures.
  • New Years Resolutions- pointless.
  • January diets - see New Years resolutions. However Ray's uber diet will resume in January.
  • Alexandra Burke- GO AWAY.
  • Peter Andre and Gavin Henson- both oily waxy creatures.
  • End of Big Brother - for ever!! *sob* Daviiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! We miss you!!
  • X Factor - was it rigged?? No names mentioned Weasel and Wagner.
  • Speidi's shameless famewhoring.
  • The Troll. Hahaha those who come to the meet up in Feb may have an opportunity to see this creature at work.
  • The recession - okay, we get it, the country is both morally and financially bankrupt.  Now, can you stop making us feel so freaking guilty??  It's just that we have SHOPPING TO DO!!!
  • Cheryl Cole (JEM)- still the nations sweetheart after Gamugate??
  • Julian Macdonald- the worlds most pointless man- go crawl under a rock.
  • Olly Murs- why do you have to be so fit, yet have to look exactly like certain little boys :(
So thats our highs and lows of 2010, what will 2011 have in store for us all??

Hope you all have a fab NYE xxx

Thursday, December 30, 2010

15 Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by the goregous Laura to do the 15 random facts about me tag.

Rules: Come up with 15 random facts about yourself and share them with the blog world!

After doing this post tag 5 other bloggers to do this!
Here are my 15 facts:
Yes I am hiding- thats just how I roll.

  1. I love ghetto gold- bracelets, rings and watches.
  2. I am getting increasingly annoyed with my false nails- I am ready to rip them off.
  3. Did you know men are women but with balls?? haha
  4. I am really boring and I'm suprised you're still reading this.
  5. Sometimes I can't let go of the past.
  6. I want taped in hair extensions, but I'm worried about ruining my hair.
  7. Actually I worry about anything and everything.
  8. To an extent, I am set in my ways and don't like change much.
  9. Durham is so small, its hard to move on....
  10. I am a HR Service Development, Quality and System Officer. Quite a mouthful.
  11. I hate being alone.
  12. I'd be lost without my blackberry and bbm (add me 21AE8DB1).
  13. Chilli Doritos are the sex.
  14. I always fall for the dickheads- the ones who make you feel like you're good enough as and when it suits them.
  15. I love the word spenk, say it out loud.... spenktastic. Oh and meff is also a good word to use haha.

Told you I was boring...

I tag all of you- let me know if you have done it below, and I'll check it out.

Love xxx

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Primani S/S 11

Considering its freezing outside, its that time of the year again when the Cruise collections are already in store, and S/S collections start to sneak in. I had to double take in Topshop on Sunday as bikinis are now in stock, cause the one thing I really want to buy when its bloody freezing and I have a xmas related spare tyre on me is a bikini. Not.

Anyway as I am about to go have a primark rampage with a pregnant hormonal woman (aka JEM) I thought I would share the following pieces from their S/S campaign with you which I am in love with. However is it me or are the prices starting to creep up??

So what are my picks for S/S 2011...

 Left- Lace trim tee £8 due in store end Jan, Printed cotton bow short £5 due in store mid March, crochet shoe boot £14 in store now. I really love these shoe boots, not 100% sure on the tee, would rather see it in person first.
Right- Pleat skirt midi dress £17 due in store end Feb, Floppy straw hat £4 due in store end Feb, Patent platform £12 in store now. Love the midi dress- makes me want to go for a picnic. Tried the shoes on in store, really like them- shame they scuff like a bitch :(

Left- 50’s printed skirt £16 due in store end Jan, Crochet crew jumper £16 due in store beg. Feb, Sling back bow kitted heel £10 due in store mid Jan. This skirt is something I think JEM would wear for work, actually I would be very suprised if she didn't buy one for post baby.
Right- Shell frill sundress £9 due in store end March, Interwoven wedge £18 due in store end March, Retro glasses £2 due in store mid November, Retro sunglasses £2 due in store end Jan, Cup shape straw bag £7 due in store end March. Not too keen on the accessories with this outfit. However I want this dress for work- cute grey cardi and a belt- perfect.

I'm not going to lie here- when I saw these two dresses I actually did a little squeal at my desk, and proceded to show the office, and then did a 5 minute ramble of how I could wear these. I feel sorry for the lads in the office at times. I need the sundress in my life- roll on the end of March (perfect outfit- Easter bank holiday haha).

Left- 2 in 1 chiffon midi £15 due in store end Jan, Cork platform £12 due in store end March.
Right- Shell frill sundress £9 due in store end March, Interwoven wedge £18 due in store end March, Retro glasses £2 due in store mid November, Retro sunglasses £2 due in store end Jan, Cup shape straw bag £7 due in store end March.

Why do the good things come in the shops when you're on a spending ban from 1st January. Booooo.

Whats your thoughts on the new Primark collection?? Yey or Ney xx

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ho Ho Ho

Merry Christmas!!!

Hope you all get what you want of the big guy

Ray and JEM

We'll be back on Bank Holiday Monday with a birthday MAC giveaway, when JEM is a year older haha.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bloggers Meet Up- Additional Info


So as I wait for my Office Christmas Buffet to start, I thought I better do some final research into our bloggers meet up in Feb (5/6th). Honestly can't believe its getting closer and closer, and I think its time to start getting things sorted/booked up.

As people will be travelling here on the Saturday, I have decided that for that day we stop in Durham itself (have a look around the shops),then have a meal somewhere- we can decide on the day at 4.30ish (just so people who aren't stopping for the night can come- could get cheap meal in Fat Buddha), then go back to the hotel get changed and go out for drinky poos and dancing.

For the Sunday, if people want to go to the Metro Centre or up to Newcastle we can do whatever people want.

Travellodge- Durham (its on Gilesgate bank)- rooms for the 5th (these are doubles, I think there are twin rooms too) is £39.50 (savers rate- non refundable), or £49.75 (flexible rate- refundable). Now the hotel can only check us in from 3pm, however they do early check in from 12pm for an additional £10. There is free car parking at the hotel. To save money- do people want to double up?? Let me know if you are willing to do that and I will pair yous up.

Cars- If you come via the motorway (A1) you will need to come off at the Durham/Carville turnoff and come down the dual carrageway to Gilesgate roundabout, hotel is on your left.

Trains- I will be coming in my car, so I can help pick people up from the train station. Times/prices below are for one way only.

People from Manchester- you can get a Trans Pennine Express train from Manchester Picadilly direct to Durham at 11.27am to arrive in Durham at 1.50pm. Price is £18 one way ( This will also stop at York.

Stacey suggested that singles to York from Manchester and then York to Durham would be cheaper. However there is only a £1 difference in the tickets (I checked thetrainline). So its up to you.

People from York- there is a train leaving York at 12.49pm and gets into Durham at 1.35pm. Price for this is £6.50. Or the 11.27am Manchester train will stop at York at 12.58pm and is £9.

I hope this makes some sense to you all, and doesn't look like some random ramblings of a mad woman. Please can you let me know if you are definately attending, and if anyone wants to room share with me, please let me know.

If anyone has any questions and don't want to leave a comment- email me


Ps- just thought I would share this for you- there is a man running around my work place inside and out wearing nothing but a gold thong and a santa hat saying merry christmas. My eyes have been scared for life haha

Monday, December 20, 2010

6 More Sleeps...

....until the Boxing Day Sales begin!!!

I love the sales, love love love them. Coming from a girl who has two wardrobes, and 2 sets of drawers full of clothes... its the perfect excuse to buy more clothes :)

Now this month I was supposed to be buying no clothes until the Boxing Day sales, and I have been doing really well... until Saturday. Remember that horse shoe print blouse I bought in Primark in Manchester?? Well they have a sweatshirt with that print on, and I just had to have it and it was only £6 and I really needed it and if I didn't buy it my hand was going to drop off, and so I had to have it ok.

I have crap will power I know.

Now as next year I really need to sort my act together and buy a house, I have to start seriously budgeting. However it would be rude not to have one last splurge before I start saving. Here's what I really want in the Topshop sale...providing they go in the sale...fingers crossed...

Basic Zip Exposed Vest (currently £28), Desert Floral Print Blouse (currently £33), Peter Pan Tunic (currently £28).

Cream Feather Print Kimono (currently £38), Stripe Cream Dress (currently £38)- I've been told by JEM to pick her one of these up, Floral Batwing Kimono (currently £50)- you know how much I love this.

Will any of you be braving the Boxing Day sales?? Ooooo I also want those glitter dorothy shoes from Topshop too- can't find any pictures of those though :(

Break up from work tomorrow woop woop xxx

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good enough to eat...

I always find it quite hard to buy birthday and christmas presents for my bestie as we both have different tastes on some things, then other things we agree on (if that makes sense). Now the other week when I was reading Steph's blog I came across a review on her cousin Heather's jewellery making business- Little Creations Jewellery.

Now as soon as I saw the pictures of her licorice allsorts bracelets I knew the bestie would love the items from this site, as she loves kitch and unusual jewellery. And as I was stumped on what to buy her, I knew this was fate!! Now there is a shop in Durham- not naming no names who sell their own version of the licorice all sorts bracelet and I think dolly mixture ones too- at £18 each, yes you read right- £18.

What I love about Heather's jewellery that even though everything is handmade by Heather herself, but the items are reasonably priced- which is brilliant.

These are the items I bought...

Whippy Cupcake key ring- £3.50. I think I am going to order one of these for myself as its too cute. Also I think JEM will probably one want after seeing this, as she is obsessed with cupcakes.

Bow and Penguin hair slides £2 a pair. 

Some close ups- how cute are the penguins??

Honestly I can't rave enough of how fab Heather's items are, if you're stuck for a last minute Christmas gift, or just want to buy something for yourself- have a look on Heather's site.

These gingerbread men earrings are my favourite- and there are pirate gingerbread men too!!!
Picture taken from Steph's blog.

Twitter- @LCJewellery

Now I just have to start wrapping all my xmas presents up now- tourture!!! xx

Please note I am not affiliated with Little Creations Jewellery, all items I purchased myself with my own money. I just wanted to share the site with all of yous.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Back to Black Magic- NOTD

I feel rough, rougher than a butchers dog.

Mad Friday as per was quite epic, a lot of rose was consumed, many a fat buddha cocktails went down a treat, dancing til 2.30am and after 4 hours sleep, I have regained feeling/warmth in my toes and now the hangover is starting to go away.

Now if you follow me on Twitter you will know that I have recently gotten fibreglass extensions on my nails. Initally I had a red opi colour on it and in all honestly I wasn't too keen on how bright it was. Also as I have large nail beds my nails look massive on my man hands.

So for last night's outfit I decided to don my all time favourite nail polish colour ever...


Yes, black. I can't rave enough about how much I love Models Own Black Magic- one coat is all you need. It dries super fast, and when in doubt over what colour to wear- always go black.

Here's my nails pre nail extensions (if you have a nervous disposition- look away now).

Yucky yucky man hands.

And here's my nails post extensions- had them on for about 10 days now and I still can't type on my laptop properly.

See they look quite long, however they aren't. Debating whether to get more cut off them when I get my infills done. I've done two coats of this, and like all Models Own I will get a weeks worth of wear out of them before they start to chip.

One week and its Christmas Day- excited much?? xxx

Friday, December 17, 2010

Its the most wonderful time of the year...


Oh how I love this day, fingers crossed that as you read this, the snow has kept away and I'm out painting the town red.

Hopefully I will have figured out something decent to wear, or I'll be out in a bin bag.

Anyway here's some pics which have summed up my last couple of weeks...

All pictures from

Hope you're all having a fab Mad Friday!!! xxxx

Thursday, December 16, 2010

(Dirty Bit)

I think at this time of the year my ipod normally has really upbeat going out dance music on repeat. Plus there is something rather theraputic driving with your music turned up loud, getting deafened while trying not to look like a charver.

So what I am listening to at the moment??

(Dirty bit)

Alphabeaaaaaaaaaattttttt- DJ (remix), Justice vs Simian- We Are Your Friends, Cee Lo Green- Fuck You, Foals- Hummer.

Afrojack- Take Over Control, Katy B- Lights On, Kid Cudi- Day n Nite, Fake Blood- I Like It.

Mike Posner- Cooler Than Me, KoL- Pyro, Alex Gaudino- I'm In Love, LMFAO- Get Crazy.

Steve Angello- Show Me Love, Solu Music- Fade (My two favourite songs ever), Ne-Yo- Beautfiul Monster, ft Nikki Minaj- Check It Out.

Tinie Tempah- Pass Out, Black Eyed Peas- Time Of Your Life (Dirty Bit), Rhianna- Who's That Chick, Nicole Scheeihfger (haha)- Poison.

MGMT- Kids, Taio Cruz- Dynamite, Digalism- whole album, Usher- DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Je Suis Un Liability

This is why I don't do outfit of the day photos....

Take 1- unable to understand the timer setting.

Take 2- still unable to fathom out the timer setting.

Take 3- Kinda got the hang of it- need to move faster.

Take 4- nearly break my neck. 

Take 5- flustered. 

Ignore the random crap on my bed./gormless pose.

Wearing Kate Moss for Topshop Dobby Dress

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just so you know....

Image via

Things are a bit manic at the moment- will try and blog when I can. Hoping this snow stays away until Saturday as its Mad Friday this Friday (no shit sherlock haha) need something decent to wear, town will be heaving, lots of alcohol will be consumed, mischief will be caused- a normal night out then.


Friday, December 10, 2010

A Very Special Announcement...

JEM would like to share some special news with you all....

17 weeks tomorrow.

Baby JEM aka BJ is the newest member of the "Who is She" Team.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Big Announcement


(no X Factor fashion this week-sorry)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Whats Haute and Whats Not (Christmas Special).

As JEM is back and not ill/jet lagged anymore, I thought it was only apt we do a whats haute and not. Before that, just a few things I want to share with you-

I am going to have a section on the blog kinda like a blogger exchange- if you want your blog to be mentioned (me and JEM will be posting our favourites anyway) or have a button linking to your blog leave a comment below or email me the button and I'll get it on the blog for you.

Secondly there is going to be a birthday giveaway sometime between mine and Judith's birthdays (4th Jan and Xmas Day).

Hmmm what else- oh yes on Friday there will be a very special annoucement coming your way...

  • Fur coats- well any type of coat which is going to keep you warm in this weather gets two thumbs up from us.
  • Merino wool thermal underwear (JEM) - the best friend a girl can have.
  • Snow Boots/Hunter Wellies- our saviours this last week.
  • Anything Christmassy- fact
  • Hot Chocolate at work
  • Bright nail varnish colours - ruby red, fuschia pink, royal purple, emerald green, getting us in the mood for Christmas!
  • Party dresses – the perfect excuse to buy even more.
  • Kerry Katona- the next chapter- the lass is like marmite- however you know the show is going to be car crash tv.
  • Boxing day sales- bobby loves a bargain.
  • The annoucement on Friday.
  • Christmas Dinner- just for JEM.
  • Christmas Day Hangover- no Christmas Lunch for Ray- brrraaaaaapp.
  • SNOW- the whole world comes to a standstill.
  • FREEZING temps- -15.5 anyone.
  • Pre xmas spending diet-this is killing me, however got to think more money for clothes in the sales.
  • Dieting- pah, however after the 17th the diet can bugger off.
  • Gavin Henson the oily, waxy, greasy pillock- Peter Andre your crown has been stolen.
  • The end of X Factor and I'm a Celeb… what do we do with our nights now?
  • Taking 20 mins to defrost the car every morning.
  • Christmas present gift agony.  Would everyone just like vouchers??
  • Wrapping up to look like the Michelin Man every morning just to keep warm.
  • Christmas Dinner- Ray- the worst thing about Christmas.
So that's it until next year... or maybe there will be a end of year special... perhaps..

NOTD- Nails Inc Saville Row

I searched high and low for a copy of last months Glamour just to get this colour, in a vain hope that this would be the end of the search for my HG dark berry/red nail polish.

How wrong was I??

The colour itself is obviously a dark purple colour and yes I do like it, but would I have bought it anyway... nope.

I don't know what happened with my Blackberry in this picture, however it does capture the colour in its true state. Plus it only took one coat and a topcoat to get it looking like that.

Considering you can buy this full price in the shops for £11, getting to try this colour at a mere £2 is better than a slap in the face haha.

Can anyone recommend to me a perfect dark berry/red shade for my nails please?? I will find my HG polish one of these days xxx

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fashion Emergency 911

Like any other normal night out, I change my mind about 1001 times. Now you may remember a few weeks ago I was 110% set on wearing the Kate Moss dress which I had bought off ebay. However as my Christmas Party is on Friday, I'm now debating my outfit of choice.

Due to the FREEZING weather which we're having now, I'm going to have to team my dress with my bomber jacket.

Now I know Kate has a belt on in the picture below, however my belts really doesn't go with it. Also as I'm 5'10" the dress is shortish (well long to me) when I have it on.

What do you think?? Yey or ney?

Or should I wear something else??

Style me up loves xxx

Monday, December 6, 2010

November Favourites

Where has November gone too?? Have I lost it somewhere?? Maybe slept a bit longer than I should have?? Can't believe its Christmas 3 weeks on Saturday. I've practically been a hermit the last month, haven't been out and about gallavanting on a night (I blame the horrible weather), so my life has basically been work, home, work, home, shopping, home (you get the picture).

So what are my November favourites?

Silhouette Hairspray- this is my hg of hair sprays, keeps curls in my hair, able to back comb it and it doesn't go all sticky. I got this from my hairdresser cousin for free, however I'm sure she buys it from Sally's. I've had this for over a year now and there's loads left.

Trevor Sorbe Blow Drying Spray- Even if I let my hair dry naturally I always use this heat defense spray. Especially in this weather, I always like to keep my hair protected as I think the dry heat from radiators make it go a bit afro-esq.

Aussie Colour Protect Shampoo and Conditioner- I normally alternate this with Aussie Volume shampoo, however as I've keep been forgetting to buy some shampoo for red hair, I've been using this. Its actually kept my dye in for a lot longer this month. 

St Ives Apricot Body Scrub- I've had a bit of a St Tropez detox this month, and this has been getting rid of the fake tan. For some reason I like my body scrubs to be like grit and really scrub your skin, and this is so so. Doesn't beat Soap and Glory Flake Away.

Hawaiian Tropic Body Butter- this stuff is a miracle in a pot. Keeps your real (and fake tan) in for ages, and the smell is basically holidays. Its only £2.99 in Home Bargains, and as I love the stuff so much I currently have 8 (yes you read right) tubs of this in my cupboard.

Johnson and Johnsons Hydrating Day Cream- my skin always goes really dry on my face when the weather is like this, and so far this year (touch wood) my skin has been in the best condition its ever being in. I use this twice a day and its made such a difference. Its normally on offer in boots or tesco for £1.99.

Comfort Drops- always carry these with me when I'm wearing my contacts- if I don't have this with me, my contacts always dry out. Been relying on them loads when at work.

Chapstick- this is the new intensive moisturiser version, does it beat the medicated- no. However its kept my lips in tip top condition so I'm not complaining.

Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Hand Cream- my saviour at work. Plus it gives me something to do :)

Chanel Chance/Jean Paul Gautier- two of my favourite perfumes. I used to always wear JPG on a night out, then swapped to Chance, now its Coco Madameselle (JEM-Dogg has gotten me a bottle brraaaap). Love love love them both.

Barry M Pink Flamingo- snazzy nails for work. Getting nail extensions on Thurs- can't wait for those.

Mac Utterly Game Mineralize Blush- been wearing this for work, for just a touch of colour on my cheeks. Don't like wearing a full face of make up for work.

Mac Eyeshadow in Woodwinked- where has this been all my mac-loving life?? Totally in love with this eyeshadow. My new staple for work :)

Mac Plushlash Mascara- its not waterproof, but it does a bloody good job of staying put. I don't like this for a night out as after 2 coats I get really bad spider lashes (not in a good way neither) and it always refuses to budge. But for a day time its a two thumbs up from me.

So thats my November Favourites- need some help in picking my Christmas Party outfit for Friday night. Will post some pictures tomorrow and I will need your opinion please. Operation St Tropez starts tonight too. Off to watch Kerry Katona- fun xx

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chirstmas Party Week- Day 6- Finishing Touches


Quite an early post from me today- never knew Sundays actually had a morning. Decided that today is going to be the last day of Christmas Party Week, I don't have the time at the moment to find party make up and hair looks- sorry.

Right so last up is the finishing touches for your outfit- accessories.

I very rarely wear tights for a night out, actually I'm not going to lie to you- I never wear them. However a pair of tights can jazz up any outfit and the high street has loads of amazing tights in. I've just bought the House of Holland Suspender tights after wanting them for over a year. Remember the coloured tights the saturdays wore in their "Up" video- what a birlliant way to jazz up a dull outfit. Also for plain black tights you can never ever go wrong with Primark 80 and 100 denier tights.

Jewellry wise I very rarely wear necklaces, until I found the aqua topshop necklace (below)- can't wait to wear that with my mad friday outfit. Bangles and rings- the more the better, you can never go wrong with Primark Gold bangles (£1 for 10) and their cocktail rings, however since Forever 21 has come to the UK I find myself perving over the bangles on their website.

Clutch bags again are one of those things which will never go out of fashion- I've included more christmassy ones for you to have a look at. Tbh I take that much crap out with me on a night out (and panic if I don't take them out) I always just use one of my Chanel bags (might as well get my money's worth).

As always if you have any questions, or want any advice on what to wear for you Christmas nights out, drop me a comment below or an email.

So for the final time, these are my picks from the High Street.

Short Pearl Necklace £10 Dorothy Perkins, Multi Riw Necklace £40 French Connection, Pearl-Lace Multi Row £18 Miss Selfridge, Aqua Twisted Rope Beaded Necklace £16.50 Topshop.

Hammered Bars Cuff £10 Miss Selfridge, Selection of Forever 21 Bangles (I want all three).

Embossed Cutout Hoops £6.50 Topshop, Peacock Earrings £12.99 River Island (these are very long), Bombay Hoops £15 Accessorize.

Deep Deco Statement Ring £12 Accessorize, Vintage Ring £4.80 Forever 21, Green Stone Ring £9.99 River Island.

Asos Leather Waterfall Clutch £40 Asos, Embellished Box Clutch Bag £65 Topshop, Red Animal Print Box Bag £24.99 River Island, Silver Sparkle Clucth £30 Accessorize.

Animal Print £10 Asos, Teal Tights (also in different colours) £6 Topshop, Swallow Ankle Detail Tights £8.50 Topshop, Bondage Tights (a la Cheryl Cole) £32 Wolford.

Buisness as usual from tomorrow xx

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Party Week- Day 5- Keeping Warm

Now when it comes to this time of year, I normally end up wearing somesort of jacket when I go out. You can never go wrong with a leather biker jacket- I got mine in Feb from New Look for a bargain £25 and I always wear it out.

Blazers are another staple in my wardrobe, I love oversized boyfriend blazers over dresses and skirts/tops, fashionable and keeps you warm- two thumbs up in my book.

Remember when you try biker jackets and blazers on, make sure you are able to roll the sleeves up- makes the outfit look fab while looking like you've just thrown it together- when really its been planned in military precision.

I've posted a picture of my favourite trophy jacket too- I got mine in the Boxing Day sales last year for £25 down from £85. These jackets never go out of fashion, and most can be found on ebay for a fraction of the price.

Remember if there is a few jackets which you want- why not wait until the sales and get twice the amount. I've got my eye on a couple of these below.

Black Blazer £34.99 H+M, Oversized Blazer £65 Topshop (I want this in the sales), Stripe Trim Blazer £28.80 Forever21 (this is a dupe for the original black Topshop Boyfriend blazer), Cream Slouch Blazer £49.99 River Island (my newest blazer addition- wearing this out for Mad Friday with work).

Silk Blazer £125 Kate Moss for Topshop, Minkpink Sequined Blazer £120 Asos (I got my black sequinned blazer from Republic for £30), Oyster Shawl Collar Blazer £65 Topshop, Frazer Blazer £115 French Connection.

Lace Jacket £75 Oasis, Floral Batwing Kimono £50 Topshop (I need this in my life so badly, this is quite long on the body), My bargain Topshop Trophy Jacket (avaliable on ebay), Beaded Stud Cardigan £70 Topshop (this is very heavy on- tried it on in the shop).

Asos Leather Biker Jacket £95 Asos (New Look/Primark have copies of this in for less), Cropped Biker Jacket £120 River Island, Larna Faux Fur Jacket £60 Boohoo (Primark have similiar jackets in for £20ish), Grey Rouched Sleeve Blazer £55 Topshop (I have this and it goes with everything).

So those are my top picks of jackets, and I think in this weather you definately need something to keep you warm while your waiting in the taxi queue. Also the thing about these jackets (bar the trophy ones as personally I think they're more Christmas/New Year) is you can wear them all year around- you will get your moneys worth from it.

If you have any questions, or outfit advice, leave a comment or drop me an email.

Right I'm off to grab some food before X-Factor starts. Fingers crossed Shaun wins I'm a Celeb and I win the office sweepstake :) xxxx