Saturday, December 18, 2010

Back to Black Magic- NOTD

I feel rough, rougher than a butchers dog.

Mad Friday as per was quite epic, a lot of rose was consumed, many a fat buddha cocktails went down a treat, dancing til 2.30am and after 4 hours sleep, I have regained feeling/warmth in my toes and now the hangover is starting to go away.

Now if you follow me on Twitter you will know that I have recently gotten fibreglass extensions on my nails. Initally I had a red opi colour on it and in all honestly I wasn't too keen on how bright it was. Also as I have large nail beds my nails look massive on my man hands.

So for last night's outfit I decided to don my all time favourite nail polish colour ever...


Yes, black. I can't rave enough about how much I love Models Own Black Magic- one coat is all you need. It dries super fast, and when in doubt over what colour to wear- always go black.

Here's my nails pre nail extensions (if you have a nervous disposition- look away now).

Yucky yucky man hands.

And here's my nails post extensions- had them on for about 10 days now and I still can't type on my laptop properly.

See they look quite long, however they aren't. Debating whether to get more cut off them when I get my infills done. I've done two coats of this, and like all Models Own I will get a weeks worth of wear out of them before they start to chip.

One week and its Christmas Day- excited much?? xxx

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