Thursday, December 30, 2010

15 Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by the goregous Laura to do the 15 random facts about me tag.

Rules: Come up with 15 random facts about yourself and share them with the blog world!

After doing this post tag 5 other bloggers to do this!
Here are my 15 facts:
Yes I am hiding- thats just how I roll.

  1. I love ghetto gold- bracelets, rings and watches.
  2. I am getting increasingly annoyed with my false nails- I am ready to rip them off.
  3. Did you know men are women but with balls?? haha
  4. I am really boring and I'm suprised you're still reading this.
  5. Sometimes I can't let go of the past.
  6. I want taped in hair extensions, but I'm worried about ruining my hair.
  7. Actually I worry about anything and everything.
  8. To an extent, I am set in my ways and don't like change much.
  9. Durham is so small, its hard to move on....
  10. I am a HR Service Development, Quality and System Officer. Quite a mouthful.
  11. I hate being alone.
  12. I'd be lost without my blackberry and bbm (add me 21AE8DB1).
  13. Chilli Doritos are the sex.
  14. I always fall for the dickheads- the ones who make you feel like you're good enough as and when it suits them.
  15. I love the word spenk, say it out loud.... spenktastic. Oh and meff is also a good word to use haha.

Told you I was boring...

I tag all of you- let me know if you have done it below, and I'll check it out.

Love xxx

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