Sunday, October 31, 2010

Missing Cheesy Chips

.... if found please can you return them to me.

note- they look a bit like that above, but look way nicer. Or was that just the rose goggles making them look delicious??

A note to you all- dieting + alcohol + clockings going back + false nails = trouble.

I played Pizza King bingo (those from Durham know its the only way to end a night)- number 69- HOUSE. Stood in a taxi queue for ages, get home and then can't find my cheesy chips...


My head hurts and I'm tired. Bath and bed I think- oh how I lead a rock and roll life.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A few things....

Morning poptarts,

This is quite an early post for me, I'm not normally fully compus mentus at this time on a Saturday morning, it normally takes me ages to fully wake up. However as I'm at the hairdressers at 1 to finally get my roots done, and I need a shower as I look like an oompa loompa (st tropez), I thought I would do this now.

Firsty I've hit over 200 followers- honestly I never expected 5 followers let alone 200, and I do appreciate every single one of you for taking an interest in my blog, and for all the comments.

Secondly- the giveaway closed last night... so by the magic of I can now reveal that the winner is.... drumroll please....

Well done chick- can you please email me your address so I can get this in the post to you next week.

Don't worry peeps- me and JEM are feeling very generous and will be giving a way a bottle of Barry M effects in the next couple of days.

Third- and by no means least, Flopsy14986 has named "Who is She" her blogger of the week. Go check out Flopsy's  and show her some love here.

Hope everyone has a fab Saturday, now I just need to find something to wear tonight xxx

Friday, October 29, 2010

O.T.T- Sucessful

Since the annoucement at 10.09am on Tuesday, well what was supposed to be at 10am, but instead was 9 minutes late... I have been planning in military precision OTT aka Operation Take That. Poor JEM hasn't heard the last of it bless her, minute by minute planning of how I will get my tickets for the mighty fivesome.

I have been wide awake since 6.30am this morning, on two laptops each with 6 screens open constantly refreshing ticket sites, as well as having everyone in the office at work on standby, and then the Beast (my fellow TT groupie) on her computer, and having her husband at work looking.

Come 8.40, all hell broke loose- everything was crashing- THIS WAS NOT IN THE PLAN. However... at 9.03am I had THE phonecall to say that we had nabbed tickets....


And I will be at the front again- what Ray wants, Ray gets...

Here's some pictures from last years tour (Sunderland and Manchester).

I know I don't normally mark (no pun intended) my pictures- however for TT I will make an exception. If anyone wants to use these images please ask first- thanks.

Are any of you going to see Take That??

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show

Hey, its that time of the week again... lets skip the intro and jump straight in shall we....

Oh Mary Mary Mary, why can't you not wear some colour or is the stylist colour blind?? You could even wear your Tesco uniform.. for a splash of navy. Or even better get head office to send you some F+F clothes for you to wear- nothing better than a spot of free advertising.

2. Belleaime.
The blue Topshop jumpsuit is lush- my favourite look of the night.  Is that junpsuit in the shops yet?? Hmmmm.

3. Aiden.
Where do I start with this outfit?? Does his trousers have some sort of drawstring/pully thing going on?? Also what is with the i'm a coffin bearer by day, and I just happened to wander into the X Factor studios?? Really not a good look here- massive fail yet again on the stylists. I actually prefer his victorian shirt to this mess.

4. Matt.
"Hi my name is Matt and I like to wear grey all in one rompers. That is not a guitar in my hand but instead a giant rattle. Please will you play with me".

I thought it couldn't get any worse... oh how wrong I could be......

5. Cher.
One word- skank, actually add another two- SKIP RAT. Seriously why are people voting for her... send her home with a signed picture of Cheryl and Ashley Cole's mobile number and she will have achieved her life's ambition of being Cheryl. GET HER OUT.

6. Ferritt features.

7. Wagner.
So we can see where Diva Fever's (sob) chinos ended up this week- on Wagner. Is it me or does Wagner look like Ron Jeremy the porn star?? Also I think Rab C Nesbitt wants his string vest back too- apparently its a bit chilly in Glasgow.

8. Rebecca.

Now this would definately have been the best look of the series so far, however the designer had to ruin it by sticking that massive pleating down the side. It looks like she has a growth on the side of her leg. I am loving her red hair though.

9. Treyc.
As Nelly F sings- "I'm like a bird, I'll only fly awayyyyy". This dress makes her look like a crow. Maybe she has jumped on the halloween bandwagon a week early?? Something for you to ponder on.

So thats it for another week, as its halloween, I wonder what frights the so called stylists have up their sleeves this week??

Remember the giveaway closes tomorrow night if anyone wants to enter- link is in the side bar xxx

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Need...

As you are reading this post- I should be sat in Nandos with my Treacle scoffing my face recovering from a days Christmas shopping with the Mother. Mmmmm Nandos.

Anyway here is something pretty for you to look at- if I win the lottery I will buy you a pair- pinky promise.

These bad boys are THE SEX!!!

Christian Louboutin Clou Noeud 150 Studded Slingbacks £755 from

Wednesday Love xxx

Oh before I forget- me and JEM have a bottle of Barry M nail effects to giveaway. Watch this space chickadees.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who is She Giveaway- CLOSED

Just a quick reminder that mine and JEMs giveaway closes at midnight on Friday, if anyone wants to enter.


1. You must be a follower of my blog (I will be checking).
2. Leave a comment below saying "enter me because I am fabulous" and what you want to see on here.
3. For a one extra entry- give a shout out on twitter (@whoissheblog) about the comp/blog
4. For another extra entry- paste the top photo into your sidebar of your blog.
5. For another entry- do a blog post on the giveaway.
6. If you do all 4 I will give you another entry (5 entrys max)
Oh and mention in the comments as to what you have done :)

Good Luck xxxx

JEMs NOTD- Grey Day with Barry M Effects

Hello peeps,

Sorry it's been so long since I've been at the keys, been feeling most unwell of late - but I'll tell you all about that another time, as I'm far too excited about this.

One thing that DID drag me from the ass-dent on the couch, however, was a trip to Boots to score myself some Models Own Nail Effects.  Yeah, I was going to borrow Ray's, but at £3.95 it's hardly going to break the bank and I just knew I had to have it!!

So here it is, over Model's Own Gun Grey.  I've got to nod agreement with Ray - this goes much better over blues and greys than over reds, it seems to make red/pinks look somehow 'mucky' and too dark.

My hubby is amazed by this stuff - he still can't decide whether he likes it or not, but he agrees that it is 'amazing' and also says that 'it looks like tree bark'.  I think that's a compliment.

The major PLUSPLUSPLUS I have found with using this is it makes your polish last about 10 days without chipping!  So I shall be using it right before my jollidays in about two weeks - I'm going to New Zealand!!  Will catch you all up with the goss when I get back

JEM xxx

Monday, October 25, 2010

Goodies from Sabina

Hey loves, hope you have all had a fab Monday (worst day of the week is over with). I recently won Sabina from Make Up Addict's giveaway, and I want to share with you all the fab goodies I won.

First up- 6 (yes 6) Barry M Dazzledusts. Now I have to admit I have never ever used loose powder eyeshadow before even though my best mate swears by them. I am now a convert.
Is it me or does my arm look a bit weird on this? Anyway back to the colours- we have number 53, 24 (brilliant to use as a highlighter), 102 (has red/purple glitter in this), 94, 98 (blue/green glitter in this) and 44 (another excellent highlighter). I think my life is now complete I have these in them.

Next up is some ELF eyeshadow quads- really like the texture and the staying power of these little beauties.
Pretty N'Pink (can you tell this is the one I keep in my bag at work), Rocker and Drama.

Also I got some Barry M Polishes
Berry Ice Cream (very similiar to JEMs MO Lilac Dream), Mushroon and Coral.

Finally and I am so grateful to Sabina for putting these in her giveaway is Benefit's Coralista and The Body Shop's Blush in 01.
Coralista is on the left, Body Shop on the right. I can't stop using coralista atm.

So a massive thank you to Sabina for sending me all these goodies, and if your not following Sabina's blog go do so pronto. You will be amazed/jealous of how fab her make up is- I want to be able to do my eyeshadow as good as her.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

She Died of Beauty

I have to admit I am a fan of the slogan tee and how versatile they can be. Now when I saw this tee on Princess Ri-Ri, I realised how much of a statement they can be.

In all honestly I was expecting this tee to be well over a £100, however I was very suprised when I found out it was only £40 from

The tees have been designed by supermodel Erin O'Connor and stylist Kate Halfpenny and state that

"The inspiration behind the brand name and collection is to make “a teasing yet affectionate tickle at the fashion industry we continue to love, honour and serve”, showcased through a capsule collection of invigorating and lovingly created organic cotton t-shirts and bags in a classic monochrome palette"

So my name is Ray and I died of Perfection haha xxx

Friday, October 22, 2010


So... as you may have all realised I do not post pictures of myself on here... why.. I don't know. Maybe I like the air of mystery surrounding "Who is She". I had made a conscious decision not to reveal myself when I started up this blog, and considering I know what you all look like- its only fair you see me.

I was meaning to do a post on my favouritest dress in the world ever- THE VIVIENNE WESTWOOD, so instead of me taking a picture of the dress, I thought (after consultation with JEM haha) that I would just show a picture of me in the dress.

Now this was taken over a year ago and last time I checked my hair is really long and red, and I don't have a fringe no more. I still have the stupid cheesy grin.

So an outfit of the night...

Dress is Vivienne Westwood- £170 in the sale
Shoes appear to be Dotty P
Studded belt is from Topshop
Clutch is vintage

So thats my ugly mug haha x

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show- Week 2.

Sorry this is a bit late- I honestly haven't got a clue where this week has gone too, and what is happening with the weather- how bloody cold is it!!!

Anyway as I promised you all I would keep this up- here is the frocky horror show which was X Factor week 2.

1. BelleAmi.
The Topshop clones are sticking with Topshop for their retro look. Love the Aqua Couture dress (you can get it from asos) on the second girl. However I am not loving this look this week- I hate white tights too. Always remind me of being a kid, wearing them at parties haha.

2. Paije.
I have such an urge to play dot to dot with hs spotty blazer, and what is going on with the hareem esq, bleached demin jeans?? It is 2010 isn't it?? Or is Paije going to a Calvin Harris gig straight after to be "Acceptable in the 80s". Hmmm.

3. Treyc.

Treyc love She-Ra has been on the phone and she wants her outfit back as she needs to fight the baddies with her sword of protection.

4. La Diva Fever.

Club Tropicana drinks are freeeeeeeeeee, fun and sunshine- there's enough for everyone. All whats missing is the seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hey diva fever whip on your chinos and i'll meet you at the bar!! Oh how I am going to miss my little rays of sunshine. Gutted they have gone. Wham eat your heart out!!!

5. Cher.
Cher, Cher, Cher, Cher, Cher. Words fail me. I honestly thought your outfit from last week couldn't get any worse, but this week you have totally outdone yourself. Her trousers/jacket look like a doiley (is that what grannys knit?), and what is going on with the knee/crotch patches?

6. Rebecca.
I LOVE THIS!! Retro glam at its best, and that cuff is to die for. Favourite female look of the evening. A+ for Rebecca.

7. Mary.
An improvement on last weeks outfit- nothing much to say- its quite dull. Would love to see Mary in some colour though.

8. Storm.

Good use of recycling there Storm. Bin bags do make great wet look leggings. Now I am a fan on leggings/sequin blazers on nights out.... ON WOMEN!! However Storm looks a idiot, and when your wearing that hat you look like Mr Potato Head. Glad he has gone- what a fool.

9. Aiden.

Massive improvement on last week there Aiden- I see you returned your shirt back to the Victorians. For some reason this look reminds me of Jack Shepard on the pilot episode of Lost when the plane crashes. However please tuck your shirt in.

10. Weasel.

I wish she would just piss off- the show is called the X Factor not the Katie show. Lets all chip 20p together and pay for her to get those bloody roots done. Bored... moving on..

11. Matt.

I never knew Matt actually had hair- I thought he was a special and had a green cap for hair. Have to admit you scrub up very nicely. Favourite male look of the night.

12. Wagner.

Where was your bongo playing at this weekend Wagner??

So thats a wrap until Saturday peeps, wonder what horrors we are going to witness this week??

Big Love xxxxx

Blogger Meet Up

Hey dolls,

Just a quick post to let you know that I'll be emailing you in the next couple of days about this. If you haven't left me your email can you do so in the comment box :)

Also if any one is interested in joining the blogger meet up in Feb, all the details can be found here and leave me a comment below.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Smile

Now imagine how happy I was last Friday when this little package came in the post for me.

After a month wait- via a detour to Barbados I finally recieved my Crest Whitening Strips- how I have been pining for these.

Now I know some people may be a bit wary about using these however I can't rave enough about them- they really do work. I recieved 28 pouches, each containing an upper and lower strip for your teeth. Realistically this should last you 14 days (30 mins twice a day with each pouch). However I only bleach my teeth twice a week if I am out at the weekend/if I can be bothered, and I only use one pouch per session- I wear the one strip for an hour. So these will last me a good 4-6 months.

Now I will warn you though- it does make your teeth a bit sensitive the day after, and I always brush my teeth with sensitive toothpaste. However normally the sensitivity goes after a couple of hours. You will start to see effects within 2-3 weeks of using them. Also they're completely safe to use and don't damage your teeth- I asked my dentist the other week. Its a cheaper cost effective way to whiten your teeth.

Picture from Google Images.

These aren't avaliable in the UK, and to purchase them I always use ebay and they cost between £18-£22 which isn't bad. If you are interested in buying some, please note that in America Crest have changed the packaging of these, so if you can get these do it.

Remember the giveaway is still open- link is in the side bar xxx

Layout Help

A very quick post before I start working, sending this off the old Blackberry. How do I change the stupid layout on the blog? I want the lines (the ones either side of the posts) removed, and the columns widening. I've been on blogger layout and thats as useful as anything (not). I still want my background white/fonts the same just spreadout more- and have the one column on the right hand side?

I may actually hate blogger a teeny bit lot today

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To Dress or not to Dress

I have to admit I HATE this time of year- trying to find dresses which aren't too formal, aren't too casual, aren't too ridiculous ready for Christmas. For me this kinda is the worse time of the year, as from the end of Novemeber its really party party party for me, until I have my birthday night out in January. In this period of time... I have my best mates birthday, JEMs birthday, works xmas night out, normal saturday nights out, mad friday, christmas eve, boxing day, normally the day after that, new years eve, and then my birthday.

Plus as the 6 week rule nearly always applies (is that just a NE thing?), I like to be stocked up on cute dresses (and an extra special one for my birthday)- however this makes it even more difficult trying to pick outfits out for nights outs. 

I like dresses which you can wear with blazers or bomber jackets- after an incident on last NYE which involved me waiting for a taxi for over an hour in the snow in minus whatever. NEVER AGAIN.

So here are my current favourites (these took ages to find)...

Tavi Dress £295, Gabriel Mini Dress £195- both All Saints, Jewel Digital Print Dress £324- Emma Cook at ASOS, Metal Mindy Dress £140- French Connection.

Tribal Ladder Neck Dress £38- ASOS, Green One Shoulder Dress £29.99- H+M, Josephine Acid Print Tee Dress £149- Reiss, Jersey Cape Detail Dress £36- ASOS.

One Shoulder Animal Print Dress £36- TFNC at ASOS, Pink Pintuck Dress £32- Miss Selfridge, One Shoulder Dress £29.99- Miso at Republic, Animal Wrap Dress £24.99- H+M.

So out of these I definately want the Green H+M dress, possibley the tribal ladder dress (although it is strapless), and all of the embellished dresses. What are your favourites? Which dresses should I buy?

Decisions, decisions!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Only Girl (in the world)

Oh I feel so proud... "Who is She?" has won its first (well two) blog awards from the fab Bristol Beauty Blog.

If you haven't checked this blog out yet- do it now!! Great mix of everything on there for everyone. I'm currently taking part in her Christmas Weight Loss diet (drop 7lbs before Christmas)- I've lost 4lb in the last week woop woop (and that included a cheeky Nandos and a meel at Fat Buddha), so if you want to get involved- join in.

So the first award is..

Now with this you are supposed to reveal 7 secrets about yourself... hmmm...
  1. I have an unhealthy obsession with fantasy football- our office has its own league and its VERY competitive. Considering I know nothing about football, for the first 4 weeks I was top of the table, then I went to 2nd, then 3rd, then 4th. Good going I think.
  2. When you get to meet me (BLOGGER MEET UP) I come out with the stupidest of things, I lack common sense at times.
  3. I am the Queen- that is why I keep my identity hidden.
  4. My designer handbag collection comes to over £8000 (and I scrimped and saved for every one of them).
  5. 9 times out of 10 I end up with a new outfit for a night out.
  6. I have magical shrinking feet- the only good thing about getting old. They used to be a size 9, but now they're an 8.
  7. I'm the world's biggest Take That fan- saw them twice last year. Right at the front for both Manchester and Sunderland- nearly got into fights with people. And I nearly pushed a granny over racing through the stadium of light to get to the steps. 
The second award is..

Now for this I have to give this to 15 people. However after speaking with JEM, I am going to give both of the awards to the following bloggers who you should check out and follow and show them some love.

Big love xxxx

Barry M Nail Effects Part 2

Seeing all your lovely comments on my previous BM Nail Effects post (see here) I thought I would do some more swatches for you on a boring Friday night for you- hence the messy nails.

Nails before...

MO Coral Reef, BM Turquoise, BM Grey, BM Bright Red, OPI Passion, BM Baby Pink, BM Coral, BM Mushroom, MUA Shade 9 (aka smurf blue), MO Lils Pink.

Nails abused with Nail Effects...

I have to admit the red/pink/MO coral all look a bit dire with them on- kinda "dirty" looking?? That might just be my own opinion though. Really loving it on the grey, mushroom and MUA polish though. Next night out I have I think its going to be mushroom/nail effects for me.

Whats your favourite colour to wear with Nail Effects??

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Whats in my handbag?

Thought I would share with you what I normally have in my handbag on a night out- I really enjoy reading (or should that be snooping or noseying) about whats in your bags, so here's mine.

So firstly- I had my Chanel XL Jumbo bag out with me that night. Love this bag so much- fits so much "rubbish" in :)

Geek specs- I now have 2 pairs of these so I'm assuming I've swiped these of some random bloke. Always the sign of a good night- stolen booty!!

Camera- used to take this picture. Mine is a Samsung ES17 (has a mind of its own and you have to wait an hour before it takes the picture).

LV Coin Purse- never normally has any money in it by the end of the night.

Blackberry- how did life exist pre-blackberry? Once you have a blackberry you never go back haha.

Chewing gum- no smelly breath for me. You never know who you might meet.

Malboro menthols- now smoking isn't cool, don't smoke its wrong and your hand will drop off if you do. Don't do it.

Lipstick- both Mac- lipglass in Florabundance (my HG of lipgloss) and lipstick in Hue (glaze). These go really well together.

Boi-ing- always have it just to be on the safe side.

Mac Blushcreme in Posey- if I don't have this in my bag, normally its bronzer instead.

Mascara- Max Factor False Effects- would be lost without this.

Eyeshadow- For some reason I can't go out having nude (ish) eyes- I love to have a good smokey eye. I swear by Mac Typographic.

Make up brushes- Now after a painful incident in Fat Buddha where I lost my Mac 219 brush in the loos, I don't take my Mac brushes out with me. So what did I get for Christmas last year off the bestie- a small set of Mac brushes bless her. So for a night out I take a shading brush by Models Own and then from the Mac set a 212SE (flat) brush.

I also normally have a comb and a couple of perfume samples in my bag too.

The kitchen sink might be in there somewhere too...

Nothing out of the ordinary I have to admit xxx

Friday, October 15, 2010

Alexander McQueen S/S 2011

Double whammy of posts for you today- think I'm making up for lost time. I know this has been on so many people's blogs and I'm a bit late off the mark with this.

However as McQueen is one of my favourite designers along with Vivienne Westwood and Karl Lagerfeld I thought it was only apt to share my favourite looks from the new collection.

Enough from me- I'll let the clothes speak for themselves.

Remember the giveaway is still open- link is in the side bar, and info about the blogger meet up is below JEM's post.

Have a fab Friday night xxx