Thursday, October 28, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show

Hey, its that time of the week again... lets skip the intro and jump straight in shall we....

Oh Mary Mary Mary, why can't you not wear some colour or is the stylist colour blind?? You could even wear your Tesco uniform.. for a splash of navy. Or even better get head office to send you some F+F clothes for you to wear- nothing better than a spot of free advertising.

2. Belleaime.
The blue Topshop jumpsuit is lush- my favourite look of the night.  Is that junpsuit in the shops yet?? Hmmmm.

3. Aiden.
Where do I start with this outfit?? Does his trousers have some sort of drawstring/pully thing going on?? Also what is with the i'm a coffin bearer by day, and I just happened to wander into the X Factor studios?? Really not a good look here- massive fail yet again on the stylists. I actually prefer his victorian shirt to this mess.

4. Matt.
"Hi my name is Matt and I like to wear grey all in one rompers. That is not a guitar in my hand but instead a giant rattle. Please will you play with me".

I thought it couldn't get any worse... oh how wrong I could be......

5. Cher.
One word- skank, actually add another two- SKIP RAT. Seriously why are people voting for her... send her home with a signed picture of Cheryl and Ashley Cole's mobile number and she will have achieved her life's ambition of being Cheryl. GET HER OUT.

6. Ferritt features.

7. Wagner.
So we can see where Diva Fever's (sob) chinos ended up this week- on Wagner. Is it me or does Wagner look like Ron Jeremy the porn star?? Also I think Rab C Nesbitt wants his string vest back too- apparently its a bit chilly in Glasgow.

8. Rebecca.

Now this would definately have been the best look of the series so far, however the designer had to ruin it by sticking that massive pleating down the side. It looks like she has a growth on the side of her leg. I am loving her red hair though.

9. Treyc.
As Nelly F sings- "I'm like a bird, I'll only fly awayyyyy". This dress makes her look like a crow. Maybe she has jumped on the halloween bandwagon a week early?? Something for you to ponder on.

So thats it for another week, as its halloween, I wonder what frights the so called stylists have up their sleeves this week??

Remember the giveaway closes tomorrow night if anyone wants to enter- link is in the side bar xxx

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