Thursday, October 21, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show- Week 2.

Sorry this is a bit late- I honestly haven't got a clue where this week has gone too, and what is happening with the weather- how bloody cold is it!!!

Anyway as I promised you all I would keep this up- here is the frocky horror show which was X Factor week 2.

1. BelleAmi.
The Topshop clones are sticking with Topshop for their retro look. Love the Aqua Couture dress (you can get it from asos) on the second girl. However I am not loving this look this week- I hate white tights too. Always remind me of being a kid, wearing them at parties haha.

2. Paije.
I have such an urge to play dot to dot with hs spotty blazer, and what is going on with the hareem esq, bleached demin jeans?? It is 2010 isn't it?? Or is Paije going to a Calvin Harris gig straight after to be "Acceptable in the 80s". Hmmm.

3. Treyc.

Treyc love She-Ra has been on the phone and she wants her outfit back as she needs to fight the baddies with her sword of protection.

4. La Diva Fever.

Club Tropicana drinks are freeeeeeeeeee, fun and sunshine- there's enough for everyone. All whats missing is the seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hey diva fever whip on your chinos and i'll meet you at the bar!! Oh how I am going to miss my little rays of sunshine. Gutted they have gone. Wham eat your heart out!!!

5. Cher.
Cher, Cher, Cher, Cher, Cher. Words fail me. I honestly thought your outfit from last week couldn't get any worse, but this week you have totally outdone yourself. Her trousers/jacket look like a doiley (is that what grannys knit?), and what is going on with the knee/crotch patches?

6. Rebecca.
I LOVE THIS!! Retro glam at its best, and that cuff is to die for. Favourite female look of the evening. A+ for Rebecca.

7. Mary.
An improvement on last weeks outfit- nothing much to say- its quite dull. Would love to see Mary in some colour though.

8. Storm.

Good use of recycling there Storm. Bin bags do make great wet look leggings. Now I am a fan on leggings/sequin blazers on nights out.... ON WOMEN!! However Storm looks a idiot, and when your wearing that hat you look like Mr Potato Head. Glad he has gone- what a fool.

9. Aiden.

Massive improvement on last week there Aiden- I see you returned your shirt back to the Victorians. For some reason this look reminds me of Jack Shepard on the pilot episode of Lost when the plane crashes. However please tuck your shirt in.

10. Weasel.

I wish she would just piss off- the show is called the X Factor not the Katie show. Lets all chip 20p together and pay for her to get those bloody roots done. Bored... moving on..

11. Matt.

I never knew Matt actually had hair- I thought he was a special and had a green cap for hair. Have to admit you scrub up very nicely. Favourite male look of the night.

12. Wagner.

Where was your bongo playing at this weekend Wagner??

So thats a wrap until Saturday peeps, wonder what horrors we are going to witness this week??

Big Love xxxxx

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