Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who is She Giveaway- CLOSED

Just a quick reminder that mine and JEMs giveaway closes at midnight on Friday, if anyone wants to enter.


1. You must be a follower of my blog (I will be checking).
2. Leave a comment below saying "enter me because I am fabulous" and what you want to see on here.
3. For a one extra entry- give a shout out on twitter (@whoissheblog) about the comp/blog
4. For another extra entry- paste the top photo into your sidebar of your blog.
5. For another entry- do a blog post on the giveaway.
6. If you do all 4 I will give you another entry (5 entrys max)
Oh and mention in the comments as to what you have done :)

Good Luck xxxx

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