Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I don't really have much to say on this, as I think the pictures talk for themselves. Even though the Metro Centre has a Zara in, to be honest it never stocks the items which you see in magazines, and what they do have in is quite frankly overpriced tat.

Normally if I am online Zara is one of those sites I very very rarely go on. However after seeing the leopard print dress which was featured in last weeks Look magazine, I decided to have a looksie on the site, and I have rediscovered a love for Zara's simplistic clothing.

One thing I love about this site along with asos is how they put outfits together around the garment. Its things like this which makes my brain tick, and makes me look at items of clothing in a whole new way.

These are my current favourite looks/items from the site (all items are under the New Collection dropdown).

Whats your thoughts on Zara??
Back to work tomorrow- bad times xxx

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