Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bish Bash Bosh Bloglovin'

See told you last week I would keep you on your toes and maybe post this a different day of the week.

Currently eating a very bland ham sandwich with salt and vinger crisps- seriously balls to the diet, I'm sick of salad and cous cous and I can't go for a walk today as its pouring down. Bahhhhhhh. I decided to go for the mahogany hair, still loving it and I'm suprised the colour is still in after washing it. Saturday night with the Lederhosen, what a night- will attempt to post some pictures up here, but I just look shitfaced in them (sign of a good night). Also having a cracking week on the fantasy football- 110 points and I have more players playing tonight- the lads in the office aren't amused haha.

For some reason when I read blogs at work my computer won't let me comment on your posts- please don't think I'm an ignorant twat who doesn't comment. I do read your posts- pinky promise. So this week, I think you should go check out these fab blogs...

Ellen is such a doll, love her blog- its hard to catogorise what type of blog it is. She covers everything- bit of celeb, bit of fashion, bit of beauty.. I think you get the jist. What I do love about her blog is her advice posts and how honest and frank she is when giving advice. This is what I personally think sets her blog apart from others... and she's bloody lovely too. Check out her latest post on the joys of bikini waxing!!!!

You might not be familiar with Lisa the blogger but probably will know her from Twitter (@poddington_pea). Seriously me and her are like two peas in a pod (no pun intended)- we both love nandos, have a hatred for Julian Macdonald, blame each other for finding things on Topshop site, attract the dickheads, the list goes on. Love her weekly playlists- you can follow those too!!! She's also doing a nail polish blog sale at the minute so go grab yourself a bargain.  

Have you seen Emma's ootd pictures?? Fabulous!! If I were Kimora Lee Simmons I'd be having some sort of fabulousity bitch fit on the floor. I just love everything about her blog- love love love. I think she may have an obsession with peter pan collars... but in a good way. She shows how high street items can look effortless, and that you don't have to spend loads of money on an item of clothing for it to look lush!!!

Go check these out and show them some love!! I order you xxx

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