Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blogger Meet Up 5th Feb- THE PLAN

So the blogger meet up is officially next Saturday (5th Feb) in sunny (I use that term loosely) Durham. I’ve roughly set a plan up of what we can do, however its entirely up to you if you want to do something different.

I’ll be in Durham from 1.30 onwards and I can come and meet people if needs be. I thought a good meeting place would be the Gala area (aka Walkergate), as there are loads of bars/cafes around there. However once everyone is here we can go elsewhere in town.

A map of dirty Duzza can be found here http://www.thisisdurham.com/site/tourist-information-and-maps

JEM is coming out about 3ish.

Food wise, I was thinking a meal at the Fat Buddha at 5ish (so we can get the lunch menu, more money for drinks later you see). The menu can be found here http://www.fatbuddharestaurant.com/durham/
After the meal, I’ll need to go check into the hotel (its 2 mins up the road), quick change of clothes for me and….

Then let the drinking begin!!!!

Bar wise on the night you can chose from Fabios, Chase, Jimmy Allens, Varsity, Osbournes (all in the market place area), and then the bars in Walkergate which we could stop at- Ebony, Slug and Lettuce, Bishops Mill, Fat Buddha and then LoveShack. Normally if I’m out I go wherever and go to Buddha for cocktails and then to Loveshack, plus that’s normally the end of night route people take (everyone ends up in Walkergate area).

If anyone wants to stop over there is still rooms available in the Travelodge.

What else, if you need my number to get in touch beforehand either dm me on twitter (@whoissheblog) or email me (raybanrarr@gmail.com) xxx

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