Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show- Week 7

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire inside is so delightful, ans since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Feeling quite christmassy today with the snow showers we've been having in Durham... however what makes me laugh is how when there is a 1cm of snow on the ground Durham comes to an entire standstill.

Anyway on that random note, its that time of the week again...

1. Rebecca.

Oh Rebecca you sing like an angel, you have been dressing like a superstar... what went wrong this week?? I have to admit wear the vintage Ossie Clark top or trousers seperate but not all together. The red Topshop shoes are overkill, and the hair is a bit overkill. However if this is a one off all is forgiven.

2. Cher.

Cher rocking something decent for once from the highstreet (River Island). Personally with these types of floaty dresses its always better to get a few sizes smaller than your normal size so its fitted, as this swamps her. It pains me to say this, but this is my favourite look of the evening. She looks a lot like Cheryl in that picture too.

3. Prima donna.

So she managed to stay in the competition this week, when neither Cher nor Paije deserved to be in the bottom two. However I like her mentality to get rid of her roots- cut the blonde off. Go go go go.

4. Mary.

Oooooo Mary's gone a bit festive this week with her snazzy jacket. I still want to see her in some colour though- maybe next week... although there's more chance of snow than that happening.

5. Matt

So I think Rosie maybe is a secret idea giver for the X Factor. Look at her comment last week about Matt being a PE Teacher this week.....and what is he dressed as this week- A PE TEACHER. Rosie is either working for Simon Cowell or can travel forward in time :)
He does have lovely arms... maybe next week he goes topless?? Rosie do your thing please!!!

6. Paije.

Check out those half masts!! Did he deserve to go? Nope. Did he deserve to go for trying to make Geography teacher chic and cool?? Yes. Katie or Wagner should have gone.

7. The Beatles Misfit.

Does any of your work in immigration?? Will you check his papers... maybe we could get him deported before next weeks show?? However good on him for standing up to Cheryl- she needs to get that stick out of her backside (probs had it shoved up after last weeks guffgate).

8. One Direction.

Same old for them five. Wonder when will they have a change of image?? Hmmm.

Now I have some upsetting news...
On last weeks miming performance of "Heros" where were the chino loving, club tropicana legends that is..

If you find them, please return them in one piece to me or my dearest Cowbiscuits

Thanks xxx

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