Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show- Halloween Special

Now I better be careful in case the X Factor Police report me to Simon Cowell for having an opinion, however you know its that time of the week again....

1. Mary.

Yeyy nice to finally see Mary in something other than an all in black outfit- even if its only some sequins to jazz it up. Love the devil horns too, and the fact that she sang "Could it be magic"- top marks for you this week.

2. Treyc.

Little Red Riding hoods mother perhaps?? Not a good look for Treyc this week- not flattering at all.

3. Matt.

Oh Matty Matty Matty- I may have been a teeny bit harsh on your romper I mean outfit last week, however this week you have redeemed yourself (clothes wise, not song choice). Love men who wear converse. All is forgiven Matt.

4. Drama-queen.

I honestly didn't think you could top that hideous outfit from last week- oh how wrong was I. Reminds me of the Ice Queen on smack. One bonus is that horrid wig has covered her manky roots. A plea to the hair stylists there- please bleach those roots or even dye it another colour.

5. Cher and Aiden.

Is this where the stylists got their inspiration for their outfits this week?? I think the picture says it all. Cher's singing was good, I will give her that, Aiden on the other hand butchered "Thriller". Nuff said.

6. Rebecca.

I really am not keen on velvet dresses (takes me back to birthday parties as a child)- however I do like this Alexander Wang dress on Rebecca. However I do think the hair/make up is a bit too drastic, yet it works with the dress.

7. Belleaime.

Gutted they went to be honest- nothing much to say about the outfits, loving the blonde girls hair!!!

8. Wagner.

Seriously who is voting to keep him in?? Please go and crawl under the rock you came from Wagner.

Sorry its a bit brief this week, got to start baking cakes for work tomorrow- there may be an early morning dash to Tesco for some boxed cake.

Remember giveaway closes tomorrow night for the chance to win a bottle of Barry M Effects- see the post below xxx

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