Thursday, November 4, 2010


This post has no flow, nor sense to it- I'm warning you in advance if I confuse you or if I go off on a tangent.

  1. I am alive- I haven't managed to contract food poisoning from my baking efforts for the office buffet. I made Choccy Road (packet mix- however I the marshmallows on top were my idea haha), Smarties Cookies from scratch, and Rice Krispie Squares. Honestly this is a major achievement for me, as I can't cook, I can wreck making a pot noodle if left alone in a kitchen..
I am well proud of these haha.

2. It appears that Blogger is being a bit of a gimp and unfollowing some of my blogs- I haven't unfollowed anyone's blogs, and I am sorry if it has unfollowed you. Let me know if its unfollowed you and I will refollow. Thats a lot of follow to take in two lines... or is it just me and the sugar rush from the Rice Krispie squares???

3. Warning you in advance that if you're eating, skip this point and move onto number 4. After cleaning my contacts on Tuesday night/wash my container/change solution, I found this on my lense...

That black dot on the right lense is MOULD, manky minging mould. I could be sick- horrible.

4. Is it me or do you fellow bloggers recieve loads of spam?? However I think today I have recieved the best piece of spam fritter ever...

"I am Lile by name a quiet and sincer girl. I love honesty and truth. I trust people very much.I like nature quiet walks in the parks holding hands listening to the whispering breeze and the songs of the birds; admiring the smiling eyes of my lover, I hope to meet my true love, I will give him all myself completely.i wait to hear from you.i whish you will know me well and see me on picture.i hope to meet you soon,

A few points- use spell checker. "I trust people very much"- is this the line for me to reply and give Lile my address/bank details etc, ermm I don't think so. "Listening to the whispering breeze"- seriously has she been reading one too many "Mills and Boon" books?? "I hope to meet my true love, I will give him..." sorry since when did I become a bloke?? Considering my blog is called "Who is She?" that totally means I'm a bloke... I think not. I am tempted to email back telling them where to go, but I can't be bothered.

5. New issue of Glamour out today with a free Nails Inc polish, I've been around 4 shops after work to find Saville Row. Will this be the HG of berry shades?? I'll keep you posted.

6. Massive thank you to the lovely avs who mentioned last weeks X Factor Frocky Horror show as one of her fav reads of the week. Go and give her some loveage please.

7. I finally managed to meet the gorgeous Adele from A Ray of Pink Light outside of the shack of love (aka Loveshack) in my drunken state on Saturday night :)

8. Oh and as for the case of the missing cheesy chips, apparently I gave them to my friend in the taxi and I took the empty carrier bag with me...

9. I may start to post some more pictures of me over the next few weeks- however I am still undecided.

10. If anyone is interested in being featured on here, leave me a comment with your email address below and I'll be in touch.

Don't forget the Barry M Nail Effects giveaway closes at midnight tonight click here for more details.

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