Friday, July 1, 2011

Blog Stalker #14

As Rebecca Black likes to sing...

"It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend"

You know whats coming- lets delve straight into my favourite blogs this week..

If you are a follower of Charlotte's blog you may have seen LC's outfit of the day post here. Now I've followed LC's blog for quite a while, and after a short period of absence she is back bigger and better than ever. Lizabellys covers all aspects of LC's life- fashion, beauty, random bits and bobs. She's gorgeous!! Take a look at her updated Glasto pictures- seriously she looks as fab on the last day as she did on the first. If only I could look like that!! Go follow.

I only discovered Bethany's blog this week, when she commented on one of my posts, and I am gutted I never found this earlier!! A fellow North-Eastener, who hails from the same neck of the woods as my Mam and her side of the family. I sat and read her blog all in one go, and I seriously have wardrobe envy. Can't believe that I've never seen Bethany on a Friday night in Dirty Duzza. Deffo a blog to follow!!

A relatively new blog on the scene is Popsy- such a doll. Predominately a fashion blog, I love her natural sense of style. She's definately going to be going onto bigger and better things. Go follow and show her some love.


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