Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog Stalker #4

I really must start to pack my suitcase, as usual I'm leaving everything to the last minute. 1001 things to do at work, and I'm absolutely shattered, but its that time of the week again... 3 fab blogs for you to follow this week...

Now for some reason on my work's computer Julie's blog header opens like this, but on the laptop its completely different. So where do I begin with what I love about Julie's blog- I think firstly the cross over which she has between her youtube channel and her blog. I love that on her haul videos she mentions all her new purchases and then on the blog she does fab indepth reviews on them. Love chatting with Julie on Twitter- she always have fab banter, and she's gorge too!!

Marilou.. ahhh I love reading her blog. I love how she loves all the same tv shows as me- I honestly thought I was the only one who loves Jerseylicious and TOWIE (new series on Sunday woop)- excellent tv choices even if I do say so myself. So as the name of her blog suggests Marilou has an obsession with nail polishes- love how she finds dupes of the nail polishes which celebs wear. Also like me she has an obsession with the one and only Lauren Conrad!! Love her fashion. Fab blog, go check it out now!!!

Jen's blog is a newly discovered read of mine, her current wishlist wednesday is going to be making me skint when I come back from my holidays as I am a sucker for stripes. I've really being enjoying reading her blog over the past week, really like her writing style and how indepth she goes with reviews. Plus she loves big hair and cupcakes- what more is there to love!! Definately worth checking out pronto!!!

Remember its Comic Relief today- Laura has had a fab idea for all us bloggers to join up together to help raise some money. Click on this link to pledge some money

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