Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Stalker #3

Its Friiiiiiidddaaaaaaayyyyyyy and you know what that means...

blog stalker
blog blog stalker..

Can you tell I've had too much sugar this morning- I blame Lauren's latest creation for this. However they tasted fab!!!

Lets crack on...

Now I don't think Laura needs any introduction, as you will probably be well aware of her fab blog. Laura's blog was one of the first blogs I followed, and everytime I see her name pop up in my google reader I always make sure I read her posts. I love how Laura's blog appeals to everyone- as she has a great mix of posts(fashion, beauty, celebs etc). I always have some good banter with Laura on Twitter, and her two little boys are too adorable for words. Love!!!

The one thing I don't like about my computer at work is that for some reasons, certain blogs won't open, Charli's was one of them- so I only had the ability to read her blog when I was at home. Now when I've clicked on Charli's blog on my lunch to my amazement her blog now opens, so I've had a good catch up session (what a fab way to spend a Friday lunch at work). Like Laura's blog, Charli has a fab mix of everything on her blog. If you need hair advice- Charli is there for you. I love her honesty in her reviews and I value her opinion. Get following!!!

Ash is a newish blogger which I came across not so long ago, the lucky bugger is moving to Oz soon (Jealous- you bet I am). Really enjoy reading Ash's posts- love her outfits, her love for her other half (the way he got her to go out on a date was really cute), Korby the Ka. One thing which is totally unique to her blog and I think is a fab idea is her T-shirt Tues. Definately think you should check her out and get following asap.

The weekend- I'm all over it xx

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