Monday, November 8, 2010

Whats Haute and Whats Not (Volume 4)

*warning you now if you have a nervous disposition or are eating- I advise you to either ignore this post or to read to the end of the bulletpoints and then click off- yes there is a photo of yours truely from Friday night*

Where does the time go to?? I've had this post for the last week and have just gotten around to posting it. Can you believe its November already?? Anyway me and JEM put this together before she left me to go on her jolly hollibobs...

  • JEMs soup making skills- honestly she made the best low calorie chicken noodle soup the other week- I could live off the stuff and lose weight (added bonus).
  • JEM buggering off home- yey for her, nay for Ray.
  • Ray's Duty Free- hello chanel coco madomselle, hello pineapple lumps, hello citrus skittles hehe./
  • The mighty five touring next summer- Ray got her Take That tickets ohhh yeah. Also Kings of Leon tickets for next year too woop woop.
  • Uggs- new staple in both out wardrobes.
  • Camel- lush autumy colour- shame about water marks from the rain though :(
  • X Factor - saturday nights have never been so good.
  • Barry M nail effects with EVERYTHING.
  • Christina Hendricks dieting- she is now convinced she is "fat" due to the media attention on herself. She's anything but.
  • Katie Weasel- GO AWAY.
  • Peter Andre- you are waxy, please grow some balls.
  • JEMs stinky cheese feet from being in her uggs all day.
  • Pre-holiday skintness (JEM).
  • Ray's lonelyness (sob sob) without JEMS dire craic at work- haha.
  • The freezing cold weather.
  • The new season's dark purple lips.  I look like I've been drinking the ribena concentrate - I just cannot pull off a dark lip!
  • Innocence Beware, being sold out everywhere (suppose I'm saving money).
  • Dieting- (Ray)- this sucks majorly however 12lb in 3 weeks isn't too bad. Need chocolate and haribo though.
As promised I said I would post some more pictures of me.. here's one of me from Friday night.. I look rough as a badgers behind... don't say I haven't warned you.
I think my fear is pretty blatent here- first time willingly holding a sparkler in years..
Then it wasn't so bad. That Primark jumper is my fav piece of clothing at the moment, so snug and baggy :)

Remember "Who is She" has a Formspring- link is in the sidebar somewhere. Ask away with any questions which you may have. Serious or random.

At least the worst day of the week is over and done with- woop xxx

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