Tuesday, November 9, 2010

JEM's Shoe Porn...

Here's JEMs scheduled post for when she's away.. sunning herself... while its bloody freezing here...jealous me?? Totally!!! Anyway back to JEMs shoe porn...

I love me some Kurt Geiger.  I think he's probably the only other man for me, luckily my hubby doesn't mind sharing.

So... I was browsing, the other day, for some inspiration to get out of bed and wash my hair, and they are having a sale.  A silly sale.  A silly 'omfgit'ssofabulouslycheapIneedsixpairsNOWWWW' sort of sale.

Without further ado, I present my shopping list:

For £9, these are going in my work pile (also available in pink - oh you tease me.)

Now, I thought the sale was all about getting rid of stuff that was 'so last season'.  So, tell me - when will THESE go out of style?

And for £19, who really cares??

Again £19 - how cute!! 

I can just see these with skinny jeans on a Saturday shopping trip...

"I wanna pair of pink high heels" Sang Debbie Harry.  Well, so do we.  They might be a little OTT but honey, they're PINK HEELS - they're supposed to be...

£19 Carvela 'Glyn'

These literally made me want to lick the laptop screen (but hubby has banned me from such)

£29 Cavela 'Athena'.
Right, I need a cold shower after this.  And that's just the CHEAP STUFF girls!!!


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