Friday, August 26, 2011

Hazare fast enters 12th day; doctors worried

As Anna Hazare’s fast spilled over to the 12th day, doctors today raised concerns over his health saying they are more worried as the Gandhian’s blood pressure has dipped while heart beat has increased.

More doctors have been stationed at Ramlila Maidan to keep a watch on the health of the 74-year-old Gandhian, whose hunger strike for a strong Lokpal has crossed 260 hours.

Dr. Naresh Trehan, whose team is monitoring Mr. Hazare’s health during the fast, said “We have more concerns than last night. His blood pressure has decreased while heart beats have increased.

“The blood pressure was going steady but it has come down. We have taken blood samples. Due to his weight loss, there is energy loss also,” he said.

He said since blood pressure has decreased, they have doubled the number of doctors at the Maidan to attend to him.

Team Anna sources said doctors were really worried and they fear that his internal organs have started getting affected due to the fast.

Mr. Hazare has lost more than seven kilos since August 16 when he sat on a hunger strike for a strong Lokpal Bill.

Last night, Mr. Trehan said, “There are concerns though his blood pressure and heart beat are okay. He has been asked to take more rest and not to strain himself.”

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