Friday, July 1, 2011

Want to invite people to Google+? Read this

Want to invite people to Google+? Read this

NEW DELHI: It seems that Google+ is the hottest address on the planet right now. Those who have it can't stop preening. Those who don't are eagerly waiting for an invite to pop in their mailbox. Of course, it wasn't supposed to be like that.

After asking a limited number of people to join the service on June 29, Google enabled invitation option for them so that they can invite everyone and their aunts to Google+.

But the invitation frenzy lasted just a few hours. According to Google, it received such an overwhelming response to its new social networking service that it had to stop the invitation process within hours. "Insane demand. We need to do this carefully, and in a controlled way," Vic Gundotra, a senior vice president at Google said.

But don't lose heart. There is still a way to bring your friends into Google+ without any formal invite. It's quite simple, in fact so basic that we feel Google deliberately left it there. So, how does it work? Read on...

1. Go to your Google+ homepage

2. Make a new post under Stream. Write anything in it.

3. Click on 'Add Circle or People To Share With...'

4. In the text field, enter the Gmail address of the person you want to invite

5 Click Share

The person with whom you have shared your post will receive an email, asking him to sign up for Google before seeing the post. If you want you can even delete the post after sharing it with the person whom you wanted to invite to Google+.

Want to invite people to Google+? Read this

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