Friday, July 1, 2011

Sex during Solar Eclipse, why not!

Sex during Solar Eclipse, why not!

1st July, 2011 will witness the partial solar eclipse and this news has again brought back the same old myths, doubts, fears and queries related to the same. Here, we tell you some interesting myths attached to this scientific phenomenon, which has raised peoples' eyebrows once again and left them with lots of questions in the back of their mind:

• And, the first one that pops in the minds of many is, ‘Is it safe to have sex during this time?’ The answer to which, is surprisingly a strict 'No,' but we quite obviously don't endorse it, implying- why on earth would someone care about the Sun, when all that a person's thinking about is sex, eh?

• Another popular myth related to pregnancy is that the expecting mothers are not allowed go out in the eclipse as, it can cause any kind of disorder in the baby.

• One should not eat or drink anything during the entire duration of the eclipse because the God punishes those who do that.

• Another one is related to food. Anything cooked before the eclipse, becomes impure after it so, the best resort is to throw it away.

• People are asked not to hold any sharp objects like knife or scissors during the eclipse time because, the evil demon which swallows the Sun, can do black magic and you can harm yourself with those sharp objects.

• One should not touch idols of Gods and Goddess; should not play loud music or create any kind of noise. Maintaining peace is of utmost importance during the eclipse duration.

We tried to find out what does 21st century generation think about these myths and this is what they have to say:

Monika Sharma, a student says, "I do not believe in all these myths. Solar eclipse is purely a scientific phenomenon and creating various kinds of fears around it is pointless."

Deepti Thakur, who is 24 and recently got married says, "My mother-in-law has a firm belief in all these myths and in-order to maintain peace at home, even I follow what all she says."

Lastly, Priyanka Gupta, a final year student, shares her experience. "Once, I ate something during the eclipse and got food poising after that. Since that day I feel, it all happened with me because I ate something during the eclipse. So now on, I always avoid eating or drinking anything during that duration."
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Sex during Solar Eclipse, why not!

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