Wednesday, July 27, 2011

joan of arc | Neil Gaiman singing a song about Joan of Arc

Minnesota Public Radio wrapped up another fabulous season of WITS last Friday. Besides being the first thing I’ve ever bought season tickets for, WITS is best described as the very nerdy, slightly tipsy, younger cousin of A Prairie Home Companion. There are authors, there are musicians, there are the creators of MST3K heckling from a balcony seat. In other words, you’d love it.

This season wrapped up with Neil Gaiman, singer/songwriter/charmingimaginaryboyfriend Josh Ritter, and phone call-ins by special guests Wil Wheaton and Adam Savage. I thought you’d all get a kick out of this clip from the show, where Gaiman sings a song he wrote about Joan of Arc, accompanied by Ritter, a brass band, and the WITS house musicians.

If you aren’t lucky enough to live in, or be visiting, the Twin Cities when WITS is recorded,

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