Monday, May 9, 2011

Just one cornetto- NOTD

Busy weekend for me- seriously all the BEAUTIFUL men were out on Saturday night- loving it. 21 days left till TAKE THAT- operation Take That is being planned with military precision. Anyway you may remember on my monthly favourites last week, I mentioned this polish.

Barry M- Berry Ice Cream.

Now for some reason even when I didn't have my nail extensions on I would always steer away from pastal polishes- don't ask me why but I did. I think I am at that stage where I am a bit sick of wearing with nude or dark colours on my nails, hence deciding on putting this colour on. I initally wanted Aqua nails however I felt that they looked a bit stupid with my nail extensions (even though they're filled right down).

I'm really starting to love BM polishes on my extensions- one coat was more than enough as you can see above. I think it may just be this polish as BM Pink Flamingo took two coats, but the consistency was very thick- kinda reminded me of Models Own (not complaining at all mind).

Like all polishes which I have used with my extensions, the colour lasted about 6 days without any signs of wear on the tips. Also it didn't flake off the bottom of my natural nails like most polishes do after a couple of days. All in all- such a fab colour for spring. Going to do a comparison with JEM's Models Own Lilac Dream or whatever it is called.

Also please note I am super busy at work/at home- I will announce the winner of the Mac Giveaway as soon as I can- please be patient- thanks.

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