Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog Stalker #10

I do love the 4 day working week when there is a bank holiday, yet even though this week has kinda dragged, I'm still convinced its Thursday. Speaking of Thursday I had such a fab night out last night with me marra Laura. Ahhh roll on tomorrow- bring on the cocktails. 

We all know the drill its Friday- its back in its rightful slot- its blog stalker time. I feel the need to add somesort of jazzy jingle or theme tune in here haha.

Have you heard of Steph's blog before?? Of course you have!! I've been following Steph's blog for ages now and I always read her new posts. I love her "Steph Talks" segments she does, where she discusses whats on her mind- always a fab feature, with honest and frank opinions and advice. Such a fab and gorgeous girly- love chatting with her on Twitter. She's always there for you when you need to have a moan- a fab friend!!!

Hayley is such a star- I've really started to get into her blog over the last few months. Love how she combines everything into her blog- makes it totally unique. After reading her recent post on the Glossy box I am tempted to buy one- however Hayley is a bad influence :p Love love love her blog. Deffo check out her weekend in pictures posts- love how professional her pictures look. Such a fab blogger- go get following.

This new raunchy little bugger of a blogger goes by the name of Muc or sometimes Muccy, but to me she is my treacle or treacs (you are forbidden to call her the T word or you will get belly bounced). I've known Treacle for years and years from many a shift in la co-op- along with a select few others she kept me sane in there. Even though she is a skinny minnie, she's set up her own dieting blog, where she is tracking her weight loss. Why should you follow her? Cause she's my treacle and we have matching "treacle" necklaces too cause we are too cool for school.

Have a fab weekend peeps- sorry about the total lackage of commenting this week, will try and get that sorted this weekend!! xxx

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