Wednesday, April 20, 2011

pslv c16 | PSLV - C 16 launch successfully today launch pad at 10.12 am.

PSLV C-16: ISRO’s rocket successfully launched with three satellites at 10.12 am.

(ISRO) is all set to launch Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C16) from the launch pad at Sriharikota today April 20 2011 (Wednesday) at 10.12 am. The 54-hour countdown began at 3.40 am April 18 2011.

3 Satellites:

PSLV C16 is launch three satellites a) India's Resourcesat-2, b) Youthsat (Indo-Russian satellite) and c) X-Sat, a micro-satellite from the Nangyang Technological University of Singapore.

Resourcesat-2, is an 1,206 kg advanced remote-sensing satellite. It will be useful for estimating the crop health, water level in reservoir, lakes and melting of snow in the Himalayas, ground water identification, data on deforestation. The 92-kg Youthsat will be used for stellar and atmospheric studies.

PSLV Statistics:

- This is 18th launch of PSLV. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle has so far made 17 launches 15 of which are successful. One launch completely failed and other partially failed.

- PSLV is 44 meter high weighing 294,000 kgs.

- It can carry payload of 1600 kg to Sun-Synchronous orbit

- PSLV has 4 stages and uses Solid Fuel namely Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)

pslv c16 | PSLV - C 16 launch successfully today launch pad at 10.12 am.
pslv launch 2011, pslv c16 launch, pslv, pslv launch, isro

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