Monday, April 4, 2011

March Favourites

So for the month of March- bar a night out at the start of the month, I haven't really been using many make up/products as I normally do. Therefore for this month I have decided to share my holiday must haves/favourites, some of which you have previously seen on here. Now I know I don't do FOTD posts, however when I share my OOTD posts, I will mention the products which I have used. Also I haven't had any make up on in over a week- what is happening to me??

I am also suffering from cottage cheese brain today- so I'm warning you in advance...

Benefit Coralista- now this didn't work on my cheeks for the first 3 days due to being burnt, however once my face settled down- this really complimented the tan. Think I may be reaching for this over my beloved Mac Melba blush for my upcoming nights out. I also had Mac Pinch o' Peach blush with me however with a tan/red cheeks you couldn't see it at all. Kinda wish I had brought Posey with me.
Mac Bronzer in Refined Golden- wore this every night, you know how much I love my bronzer- I think this needs to be relabled as a HG product for me.
2true liquid eyeliner- I really need to learn how to apply liquid eyeliner properly. After watching Julie's fab youtube tutorial on her college ball make up, I have been applying this with a Mac 219 (the really fine brush if that number is wrong) brush, and I think I may actually be getting the hint. Bought this on a whim in Superdrug and I am really impressed with the lasting power.
17 Wild Curls Mascara- now I initally loved this mascara the first few times I have used it, however since I've noticed its really clumpy on the brush. Bit of a pain to have to clean most of the product off the brush before putting it on, however I do like the effect it gives after about 5 coats. Just bought Maybelines the one mascara to try instead.

Mac Cut a Caper Lippy- I bought this off the lovely Ellie and this was the colour I'd been wearing most nights (when it wasn't living in the fridge as I was paranoid about it melting). However due to the hospital incident this was replaced from Thursday with the chapstick. Note- nude lippy (Gosh Darling) does not look good with a red face.
Dior Addict Ultragloss in 256- I've had this for ages and only really used it while I was away on the Monday night. Really like this lipgloss, and the colour is true to the bottle.

My Mac palette- my baby. I nearly kicked off in Newcastle Airport as when my bag was getting searched for the hidden explosives- the security guard swiped it and then threw it upside down on top of my bag. Oh the pain is coming back now- it was like someone had kicked me in the lady parts. Luckily nothing was damaged or there would have been hell to pay. I am going to do a post soon about my mac pallette and why it is arranged the way it is- in a nut shell (bar vanilla and arctic grey and soon to be all that glitters) if you look down each row it basically is a variation on a smokey eye. When I do my outfit posts I will mention what eyeshadows I have used (I have a weird memory for things like that).

Label M Sea Salt Spray- I hate using heat on my hair (bar a hairdryer) when I am away especially as my hair is coloured and I don't want to damamge it. So on a night after washing my hair, I would spray heat protector on, then some of this, tie it up in a top knot and either let it dry itself or blow dry it for curly hair. Also as I avoided the pool (mainly due to the typical british lads abroad idiots around it), my hair has come back in good condition for once.
Hawaiian Tropic Body Butter- you know the score with this, smells like holidays and it keeps your skin hydrated. Kept this in the fridge so it was uber cold.
Barry M Pink Flamingo- holiday notd to come on this. Moving on...
Kiehl's Face Cream- excellent to keep my face hydrated. Only used this Sunday-Wednesday night (all will be revelled later in the week), like the HT this was kept in the fridge. Came in handy for the holiday however I won't be repurchasing this.
Medicated Chapstick- one of my HG products, love love love. Shame it doesn't have spf in it though :(
Marc Jacobs Daisy- this is normally my "throw it in my work bag and forget about it" perfumes, however in a bid to start using my perfumes up, I took this away with me. Definately would recommend this as a holiday scent. This this bottle is never ending as it doesn't seem like it wants to go down.

So thats my March/Holiday favourites- don't forget to enter the mac giveaway (post below the one below).

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