Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog Stalker #7

Ooo tonight is a staff night out, so this post is pre-planned as I will be sat in the hairdressers getting my colour and a well deserved cut as this is being posted. Funny old week this week- starting to look forward to next Thurs and the start of the Easter break (aka party party party). As its Friday, you know what is coming, however first I just want to let people know that I do read all your comments and I do read everyone's blogs- its just that I'm on a computer all day at work and the last thing I want to do when I get home is go back on a computer. I am going to be a better blogger and start commenting so please don't think I'm ignorant.

I am jealous of Carlinn's wardrobe- you may know her from her blog Superficial Girls or from her accessory company Gift Girls. I love how she puts her outfits together, and also how she has accompanying you tube videos which she talks about her outfits. Also like all of us, even though she lives in Malta- she has an obsession with UK high street stores (notabily Primark).Really enjoy reading her blog and its definately one to check out.

Becca was one of the first people to ever comment on one of my blog posts, bless her. Currently I am LOVING her "how to wear" posts where she takes an item (eg a pair of brouges) and then styles them!! I definately think Becca is going to be a successful stylist!! If you aren't following get following!!

Cem's blog I have been following for a few months, after randomly stumbeling upon it. Love how her blog covers everything- bit of beauty, fashion, her home life, and random stuff. Also check out her posts on her Uni designs- this girl is incredibly talented!! Really enjoy reading her blog and its definately one you should follow.

Thats my picks for this week- hope you enjoy xxx

Oh and HELLO MAGPIE (you know who you are haha)

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