Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Things which amuse me..

.. by JEM aged 5 and a bit.

Sorry it's been such a long time since I've been at the keys, there is a genuine reason tho - my hands have become camera-shy.  No, seriously.  Don't mock.  A conspiracy between the Baby-JEM and Cadbury's Crème Eggs have given me horrible sausage-fingers so I didn't dare photo them for you.  But I can't deny you any longer, so please don't mock my little squidgy puddinghands.
Also, if you think they are bad, you should see my cankles!!!

First up we have Model's Own Beth's Blue.

This has been out for AGES, and I can't believe I never took a photo of it before, it's one of my all-time top five favourite colours and I frequently get complemented when I wear it.  A lovely pastel blue with a purple tinge (blurple??) it always looks fresh and bright and goes both winter and summer time.  I will always repurchase this polish!!

Another new one from MO, Vintage Pink - this is a little unusual, I'll be honest I hated it at first as it looked like a stinky dirty pink colour. 

However, it does look much nicer under natural light, and I will probably wear it for work as it's a neutral one.  Just a bit shocked that MO has come out with something so. blah.  It looks nothing like the swatch on the web page either.  I might not buy this one again- I think Ray has her eye on this one.

Now, a small sample of things that have amused my (scatter)brain this week:

This bargain dress I spotted online and fell in love with for my friend's wedding next month (when I will be 8 months pregnant and resembling a beached whale).  I saw it, ordered it (thanks for free delivery, ASOS!!), it came the very next day and.
Then I sent it back...

My ankles look TERRIBLE in this dress, the model must be about six foot something as it came down to mid-calf on me which only drew attention to the cankley grossness that was going on underneath.  I've since ordered a Mamas and Papas maxidress off ebay instead, stay tuned for the update on how that one looks.

THIS is what happens when the hubby asked for my credit card so he could go and buy 'Jumpers for work'. 

I kid you not, that is 50 inches of pure HD TV goodness.  I'm busy making his life a complete and total misery in penance, oh it's nice not to have to do ANY housework for. hmm. the rest of my life.  Word of warning, ladies, if your man asks for money for 'jumpers for work' please make sure he is actually going to buy jumpers.
And finally I thought I'd share a photo of the most loyal, caring, loving, adorable man in my life EVER. He has never let me down, failed to listen, or ignored instruction from me - EVER:

yes, my labrador Chester.  Isn't he a lovely boy?  I should have called him Rick Astley really.

Toodles xxx

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