Wednesday, February 9, 2011

NOTD/Giveaway Winner

I'm going to keep this post very brief considering you will have seen a 1001 swatches of this colour, Nails Inc Caramel (Diet Coke promo). Now after swatching this on Lauren in my office, I thought this was basically a dupe for Models Own Nude Beige. It got thrown to the back of my nail polish drawer, until the other week...
With having nail extensions and as I like to call them man hands, I feel that bright colours don't look right on my nails, so many of my favourite nail polishes have been neglected lately. I've been playing safe and sticking to either blacks/berry shades, with the occassional Nude Beige thrown in. So the other week I thought I would give this colour an outing, and after putting the usual two coats on- I hated it. However as I couldn't be bothered to remove it/get gassed from the stink of acetone free polish remover, I thought I would leave it on.
My nails look a bit blahhh, blame the BB flash. However I love this colour!!! Perfect colour for work, and I think the second picture shows the colour better.

Anyway onto the winner of the giveaway... sorry its taken so long for me to get sorted....

Steph can you email me with your address please.

Oh who wants to see some drunken pictures from last weekend tomorrow?? xxx

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