Friday, February 4, 2011


I stink...

...of soap and glory. I think I've gone a bit ott with my hand cream, mixed in with some Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb, ooo I smell like a fairy haha. I see quite a lot of you learned a lot from the dieting tips we posted earlier this week... see urban myths are accurate haha. Erm nothing else really to report from the land of Ray atm, just patiently waiting for THE BLOGGER MEET UP tomorrow!! Excited- erm just a little bit haha.

Some blogs for you to check out and follow this week...

Kelly is a LEGEND- a legend of the highest order. I credit my birthday night out hair (pictures to come) to her, she put up with my 1001 emails asking how to do my hair, and now I can have curly hair...ALL NIGHT. Kelly is a magnet for attracting vert fit men... no names mentioned erm Lee Stafford and an Aussie hunk... jealous doesn't even come into it. Love how Kelly shows her readers fab examples of her work, and then simple step by step instructions on how to recreate the look yourself.

Everyone knows the lovely Lily, love Lily's blog as she has a mix of everything on there- fashion, make up, day to day goings on- everything!!! I don't think I need to go into any more detail... you all know the score :)

Laura-Leigh's blog is a new blog which I have only recently started to follow thanks to Holly on Twitter. What do I like about Laura-Leigh's apart from the fact she owns a pair of the LEDERHOSEN see here could she get any cooler- nope. I'm jealous of her xen tan, even more after me recent mishap, love her style, oh and she pouts like a good un too (just like me). Fabulous!!!

Have a fab weekend peeps xxx

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