Sunday, February 13, 2011


Bonjour- quick post from me, I never knew 11.35 actually existed on a Sunday morning. Can't believe how fast this weekend has gone and its back to work tomorrow. Nothing much to report from me, apart from apologies for being a bad blogger and hardly posting lately- don't worry this will be changing. Had an epic shopping trip yesterday- Primark at the Metro was actually full of loads of decent stuff (one for the books), I'll share my purchases with yous later in the week.

Onto my current favourite blogs at the moment-

Firstly she shares the same name as me- extra cool points there. When I discovered Rachey's blog, one thing which stood out to me, is how she has taken the time in a series of posts to put Valentines looks together- but outfits for all types of scenaros, which I love. Loving her obsession with Primark too- you can never go wrong with a bit of Primark. And she is gorgeous too- so go get following her now!!!

You may be aware of the stunning Nadine's blog and her bright red hair (so jealous). When I came accross her blog, I sat and read it all, love her random mix of posts. Also, this girl LOVES to party, love how she posts her drunken photos from all her nights out. What I love about her blog is the fact that she is proof that you can dress head to toe in Topshop, but make an outfit entirely her own and unique. Love love love her blog- get following!!!

What can I say about Victoria's blog- the girl is a fashion genius!! I love how she mixes high street and vintage pieces. I'm jealous of her wardrobe too, however I do think her wardrobe is like Narnia... it may look small (from the pictures) however I definately think looks are decieveing. Love her "Inspiration of the week" features, I've found some fab blogs through this. Follow follow follow.

Hope your having a fab Sunday peeps xxx

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