Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Stalker #1

So I've decided that a bit like Twitter's "Follow Friday", I'm going to start posting what used to be known as Bloglovin' on a Friday as a perminant feature (and its getting renamed as Blog Stalker).

Now this weeks is a bit different as its just the one blog I want to check out by a good friend of mine- but its a blog I know you are all going to love (espically if you love cake- who doesn't).

Now you've seen on my Valentine's day post that I have mentioned the urban myth that is my office partner in crime aka Lauren's cupcakes, which are literally THE BEST CUPCAKES known to mankind. Myself and the rest of the office are the official taste testers of Lauren's creations.

Lauren and her sister Lydia have set up a cupcake making buisness set in the North-East, and to date they've made cupcakes for birthday, retirement parties, and Lauren's own wedding cake. Now I'm trying to persuade Lauren to sell these cupcakes online in the UK so fingers crossed she will. Our office is totally split as to what our favourite cakes are (mine is the chocolate chip banana), however they are all delicious.

Above is the infamous cake pops minus the sticks- one of these is never enough, I could eat them all day.

Lauren's wedding cake... lush!!!

If you are based in the North-East and want to purchase some of these cupcakes, please drop Lauren and Lydia an email (all information is on the blog). In the meantime, please follow Sweethings and show them some love (while drooling over the pictures of yummy cakes).

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