Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hair Envy

I am definately suffering from the post christmas holiday blues, second day back at work and I'm already wishing my life away. Anyway as I'm feeling sorry for myself, I thought I would have a moan at my inability to style my hair. I am so jealous of you all who can do the perfect messy up do, do fishtail plaits, and have the perfect hair on a night out... jealous.

My hair is pahhhhhh to be honest with you, if I curl it, I have to curl my extensions seperately, then do my hair and then clip them in. Oh I would love to have perfect LC curls... oh no my hair is urgh. Would love to have loads of volume at the roots, back combing does naff all on my hair. Seriously at times I could cry.

I buy products which are supposed to "create" such looks, do they work?? Hell no.

I want to be able to do my hair like this for my birthday night out...

Question is how??

Shame I don't have her millions to employ my own hairdresser.

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