Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Whats Haute and Whats Not (Christmas Special).

As JEM is back and not ill/jet lagged anymore, I thought it was only apt we do a whats haute and not. Before that, just a few things I want to share with you-

I am going to have a section on the blog kinda like a blogger exchange- if you want your blog to be mentioned (me and JEM will be posting our favourites anyway) or have a button linking to your blog leave a comment below or email me the button and I'll get it on the blog for you.

Secondly there is going to be a birthday giveaway sometime between mine and Judith's birthdays (4th Jan and Xmas Day).

Hmmm what else- oh yes on Friday there will be a very special annoucement coming your way...

  • Fur coats- well any type of coat which is going to keep you warm in this weather gets two thumbs up from us.
  • Merino wool thermal underwear (JEM) - the best friend a girl can have.
  • Snow Boots/Hunter Wellies- our saviours this last week.
  • Anything Christmassy- fact
  • Hot Chocolate at work
  • Bright nail varnish colours - ruby red, fuschia pink, royal purple, emerald green, getting us in the mood for Christmas!
  • Party dresses – the perfect excuse to buy even more.
  • Kerry Katona- the next chapter- the lass is like marmite- however you know the show is going to be car crash tv.
  • Boxing day sales- bobby loves a bargain.
  • The annoucement on Friday.
  • Christmas Dinner- just for JEM.
  • Christmas Day Hangover- no Christmas Lunch for Ray- brrraaaaaapp.
  • SNOW- the whole world comes to a standstill.
  • FREEZING temps- -15.5 anyone.
  • Pre xmas spending diet-this is killing me, however got to think more money for clothes in the sales.
  • Dieting- pah, however after the 17th the diet can bugger off.
  • Gavin Henson the oily, waxy, greasy pillock- Peter Andre your crown has been stolen.
  • The end of X Factor and I'm a Celeb… what do we do with our nights now?
  • Taking 20 mins to defrost the car every morning.
  • Christmas present gift agony.  Would everyone just like vouchers??
  • Wrapping up to look like the Michelin Man every morning just to keep warm.
  • Christmas Dinner- Ray- the worst thing about Christmas.
So that's it until next year... or maybe there will be a end of year special... perhaps..

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