Friday, December 31, 2010

Whats Haute and Whats Not- Best of 2010

So its NYE, where has the last 12 months gone too?? Suppose the saying is right- that time flies when you're getting old... urgh.

Now I'm debating whether to go out tonight, even though I am laden with cold... hmmm I'll see what I feel like later.

Anyway, lets get on it...

  • Baby JEM- who is 90% certain is a GIRL (she was being coy on her scan)
  • Boxing Day sales.
  • Models Own and Barry M dupes- fab quality and half the price of high end shades. Keep up the good work.
  • Forever 21 - new online site to pester. Something to keep us occupied at work.
  • The creation of “Who is She?”
  • Topshop- that shop keeps getting better and better.
  • X Factor- Saturday nights + getting ready for a night out + rose x X Factor = perfection.
  • Kerry Katona the next chapter- morally wrong, but so right.
  • Introducing JEM to the wonders of Nandos and Fat Buddha.
  • Kitten and mid-height heels making a comeback - finally solid stomping ground for a night out (for JEM).
  • The end of the 'size zero' trend. Christina Hendricks- we applaud you.
  • Red Hair- I love my red hair, want it redder for my birthday night out
  • Queen Louie Spence- got to love his mincing about.
  • Freezing cold temperatures.
  • New Years Resolutions- pointless.
  • January diets - see New Years resolutions. However Ray's uber diet will resume in January.
  • Alexandra Burke- GO AWAY.
  • Peter Andre and Gavin Henson- both oily waxy creatures.
  • End of Big Brother - for ever!! *sob* Daviiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! We miss you!!
  • X Factor - was it rigged?? No names mentioned Weasel and Wagner.
  • Speidi's shameless famewhoring.
  • The Troll. Hahaha those who come to the meet up in Feb may have an opportunity to see this creature at work.
  • The recession - okay, we get it, the country is both morally and financially bankrupt.  Now, can you stop making us feel so freaking guilty??  It's just that we have SHOPPING TO DO!!!
  • Cheryl Cole (JEM)- still the nations sweetheart after Gamugate??
  • Julian Macdonald- the worlds most pointless man- go crawl under a rock.
  • Olly Murs- why do you have to be so fit, yet have to look exactly like certain little boys :(
So thats our highs and lows of 2010, what will 2011 have in store for us all??

Hope you all have a fab NYE xxx

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