Saturday, October 30, 2010

A few things....

Morning poptarts,

This is quite an early post for me, I'm not normally fully compus mentus at this time on a Saturday morning, it normally takes me ages to fully wake up. However as I'm at the hairdressers at 1 to finally get my roots done, and I need a shower as I look like an oompa loompa (st tropez), I thought I would do this now.

Firsty I've hit over 200 followers- honestly I never expected 5 followers let alone 200, and I do appreciate every single one of you for taking an interest in my blog, and for all the comments.

Secondly- the giveaway closed last night... so by the magic of I can now reveal that the winner is.... drumroll please....

Well done chick- can you please email me your address so I can get this in the post to you next week.

Don't worry peeps- me and JEM are feeling very generous and will be giving a way a bottle of Barry M effects in the next couple of days.

Third- and by no means least, Flopsy14986 has named "Who is She" her blogger of the week. Go check out Flopsy's  and show her some love here.

Hope everyone has a fab Saturday, now I just need to find something to wear tonight xxx

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