Monday, September 13, 2010

Shhhhhh its a Chanel secret

Do you want to know a secret?? Keep this hush hush but on Saturday I am going to buy a new Chanel bag (sneaky sneaky).

I love that episode of Sex and The City when Charlotte and Anthony go shopping to Chanel and when the guards on the door say "good morning Chanel" he responds with "Chanello". Everytime I pass a Chanel counter I secretly say that to myself.

I am lucky enough to own two Chanel bags- these are my treats for having a proper "grown up" job.

Anyway check out my babies
XL Jumbo Caviar Flap with GHW and Medium Caviar Flap with SHW.

Double flap inside- can be a pain when your phone is ringing, and you have your hands full. The XL Jumbos and Maxi flaps are also going to be getting double flaps very soon. Not happy about that.

Not much room inside- this is normally used as a going out bag. Can fit quite a lot in here.

It actually looks small on here for some reason- its bigger when you see it in person (honest).

This is normally my shopping bag- never use it for work. Although depending on the outfit I will take it out with me on a night out.

Its quite roomy inside. Also this is the only flap bag which the chains are next to each other. In the other bags they are vertical. The Jumbo and Maxi as roomy as this will soon be no more, with the stupid double flap being put in. If you want a Chanel bag like this, I would recommend getting one now before they introduce the double flap.

Finally one of them standing up- there is quite a diffence in size. Love how my Jumbo is the new less rigid caviar and its more of a ghetto gold.

So those are my babies- hope you like them xxx

P.S- just a quick note, if anyone steals these pictures of my bags I will hunt you down and beat you with a stick..

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