Saturday, July 23, 2011

parents day 2011

Origin of parent’s Day celebrations – In the year 1994 President Bill Clinton of the USA had felt that there existed a void in the absence of a celebration of a day that commemorated the contributions of both the parents in the lives of their children. There was a Mother’s day and then there was a Father’s day. But there was no such day that celebrated with both of them together. It was at his initiative that a resolution was passed that said that the fourth Sunday in the month of July every year would be celebrated as a Parent’s Day.

Parent’s day celebrations – There are several ways that children can make the celebration of Parent’s Day as very special day for their parents and make it into a memorable moment for them. In course of their life as parents couples are often forced to let go of their individual desires and aspirations. They take these sacrifices as small compromises for the bigger of joy of being parents to their children. Therefore on this day children can do their bit in reminding that their sacrifices did not go in vain and that their presence is very special in their lives. Gift Ideas for Parent’s Day – It is true that when it comes to parents the smallest gifts from their children are enough. However there are several gift options that can be opted for in order to make for a very special Parent’s Day celebration.

Arranging a special tour to a place for the parents that they have since long wanted to see
Gifting a health package for the parents that could entail a medical check up and health insurance
Gifting them an Ayurvedic treatments packages that would be a relief from that prolonged joint or back ache
Gifting them a club membership that could take care of their recreation as well as their loneliness
Offer to stay with them or bring them over to stay with their children for some time would always spell magic as a gift
Gifts like flowers, chocolates and books are also hugely appreciated

Significance of Parent’s day celebrations – Parents in India are often referred as God’s representative on earth. They are sent here to care and nurture the children because God himself couldn’t be here. These are the two human beings with whom their children feel closest to at all times irrespective of their age. It is therefore significant for a variety of reasons that Parent’s day is celebrated by children for their parents.

This is the day when children can make up for all those times when they were less caring and affectionate towards their parents
In their venture to grow up and establish themselves children often forget to look back on the two most important people in their lives. This is the day that can help them to make a new beginning to undo their mistakes
As parents get older earlier than their children regardless of age it makes them feel special and wanted to see a day celebrated in their name even in the frailty of their age
It is a day when all children can see their future in the coming years. This could be a reason for them to do their best

Parent’s day celebrations in India – Parents’ day celebrations have come up as a popular event in India.

There are companies sponsoring special greeting cards that children can give their children
There are events that school authorities along with the children at times organize in honor of the parents
Clubs and associations too organize events to felicitate parents of successful children and acknowledge their selfless contributions

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