Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Batiste does it again...

Where do the talents of the inventors of Batiste end??

Sweet and Spirited Boho is the newest batiste fragrence on the block, and its replaced Blush as my all time favourite. Believe it or not, even though I swear by batiste in keeping the greasy mop top at bay, I'm not keen on the fragrence of the original or tropical, and will only use blush. However since recieving this in the post a fortnight ago, I've been prefering to use this instead.

What do Batiste say??

Boho is "the must-have product when touring this summer’s hottest festivals. Perfect for girls who like to rock a “live-permanently-in-a-tent-but–still-manage-to-look-fabulous-even-without water” vibe!"

What I have noticed about the "newer" Batiste products is the fab step by step instructions on how to use the product on the back on the bottle.
Very impressive!!

You all know how Batiste works and I know that a lot of bloggers swear by the product. I would be lost without it, as I use this to prolong the colour in my red hair. Also I have noticed that after using batiste on my hair, there is never any residue/powder left- shame this can't be said for other brands.

I will let you in on a little secret- my brother swears by Batiste. He claims he doesn't use it, however on a morning you can hear him sneaking into my room and then him spraying it, before running out and denying all knowledge of using it. I've also noticed that my bottle of boho is going down quicker than my blush, so its safe to say that the boho scent is popular with blokes too!!

Batiste is avaliable from all supermarkets and chemists rrp £2.99 for 330ml.

*this product was provided for review purposes, all views and opinions are my own (its Batiste- everyone loves it)*

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