Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Yo yo yo. Today's post title is one of the most summery songs ever by Pheonix, go check it out- its fabulous. One thing I love about JEM is her obsession with nail polish, if we ever want to buy a new Barry M or Models Own nail polish we always check with the other as to whether we have it or not. Baby pinks are not one of those colours I am that fond of, however after seeing pastal shades on loads of your blogs I decided to give this a whirl. Luckily I could call on JEM to borrow this summery shade off.

Barry M Strawberry Ice Cream.

On these pictures I have used two coats, and I am in love with the colour. As raisin face would say "its to DIE for". Like all Barry M colours 2 coats is more than enough, and it drys super quick. However one thing which I do not like about pastel nail polishes from Barry M is how streaky the polish is.

Check out my middle finger- how streaky is this. Also one of my pet hates (which you can see on my ring finger) is when you can see the whites of your nail through a polish. However another coat of polish will easily rectify this problem. I do like this colour, however I don't think I will purchase it myself- I'll just pinch JEM's. Another bonus of this polish is its work friendly.

Speaking of JEM she will be making a return to the blog in the not so distant future.

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