Thursday, June 30, 2011

Spending Ban is over

Today is the 30th June... my favourite day of the money- PAYDAY!!! Which only means one thing- the spending ban can go bugger right off!!

image via google.

So the last week, spending wise its been so-so- no clothes have been bought. If your on my facebook you may have seen a status update that Papa Dave was standing at the Mac counter in Amsterdam airport asking if I wanted any duty free and the best thing was as it was "duty free" he was going to pay. Now no-one in their right mind would refuse some free Mac, so I asked for the MSF in soft and gentle, and Cremecup lippy (needed this for Holly's wedding anyway).

However, guess how much cheaper the prices were compared to the full price back here in the UK- an entire 25p, yes you read right- 25p cheaper. So as I felt bad, I gave my dad the money for it. £35 down the pan.

So at the end of the world's most pointless shopping/spending ban- how much have I saved this month...


Now considering I always save £500 a month anyway, am I really that much better off?? Nope. So to celebrate this massive waste of time, I want one of these skirts..

All Saints Devo Skirt (left) and Shell Skirt (right) both £115.50 in All Saints Sale.

Moral of the story- spending bans are a waste of time/effort/money.Go spend your money ladies!!

Double whammy of posts for you tomorrow- Blog Stalker and a post on what I'll be up to this weekend.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Neha Dhupia spotted with an international date in Toronto!

Neha Dhupia spotted with an international date in Toronto!

Toronto: Neha Dhupia was recently spotted at the IIFA red carpet in Toronto with a Venezuelan date, Jimmy.

Bollywood is going international! However most actors like to keep it secretive and stick to “we are just friends” formula. But the tall and vivacious beauty Neha Dhupia was open and upfront in stating her relationship with the man who accompanied her.

A source told a daily said, "How and where she met him is a mystery. But she is definitely in love with that man, who she was constantly with, in Toronto, last weekend."

The source added, "The interesting part is that Jimmy got along with many actors at the award ceremony. He is quite a charismatic, good-looking guy. Neha was looking very happy with Jimmy. They seem to suit each other perfectly."

The Femina Miss India winner 2002 was dating India`s squash player, Ritwik Bhattacharya. But her 10-year relationship ended last year, in June.

The source explained to the daily, "Last year, they started quarrelling a lot over small matters and it ultimately made them resent each other."

There were rumours of her link-ups with cricketer Yuvraj Singh post her break up but they were shelved off sooner than they emerged.

Neha Dhupia spotted with an international date in Toronto!

Groupon India publishes 300,000 user passwords

Groupon India publishes 300,000 user passwords

Groupon subsidiary accidentally published a database containing the email addresses and clear-text passwords of 300,000 users and the cache was indexed by Google.

The trove of personal data was discovered by Australian security consultant Daniel Grzelak as he plugged a handful of query terms into the search engine, he said Tuesday. He contacted Patrick Gray with security blog Risky Biz, which reported that the SQL database contained the details for 300,000 Sosasta account holders.

A Groupon spokesman confirmed that the digital coupon distributor “was alerted to a security issue” on Thursday night and corrected the problem immediately. The issue was limited to Sosasta, which uses its own servers and network and isn't connected to Groupon's systems in other countries.

“We have begun notifying our subscribers and advising them to change their Sosasta passwords as soon as possible,” the spokesman said in a statement. “We will keep our Indian subscribers fully informed as we learn more.”

At time of writing, there was no advisory on either the Groupon or Sosasta websites, although Sosasta's Facebook page contained a notice that came in the form of a JPG image that couldn't easily be indexed by Google or other search engines. Ah the irony.

According to Risky Biz, Grzelak found the massive cache as he was looking for additions to, a side project that indexes email addresses included in more than a dozen high-profile privacy breaches carried out by LulzSec and other hacking groups. The query that hit pay dirt included the terms “filetype:sql” “password” and “gmail.”

“I started scrolling, and scrolling and I couldn't get to the bottom of the file,” Grzelak told Risky Biz. “Then I realised how big it actually was.”

The Groupon statement didn't say why passwords weren't encrypted or why such a sensitive file was publicly available.

The snafu is the latest to expose the folly of using the same password on more than one site, a practice still followed by a shockingly high number of people. If you're one of them, you ought to consider using a password-management program such as Password Safe or KeePass.
more details

Groupon India publishes 300,000 user passwords

Trying out Google+

Trying out Google+

For the last 24 hours the social networks have been buzzing with comment and speculation - about a new social network.

Google+ is the search giant's latest attempt to take on Facebook and prove it can be sociable. What we won't know for some time is whether it's going to be a hit or a miss - because Google has deliberately restricted access to around 200,000 people while it irons out the wrinkles and introduces new features.

The strategy is understandable. After all, Buzz and Wave crashed and burned when initial enthusiasm was replaced by instant disillusionment after users found those previous efforts at social products were either too complex or too intrusive.

But, having been lucky enough to get an invitation to try Google+, I've encountered the Catch 22 of social networking - it's not much use until all of your mates are there to join in the networking fun.

Still, I rounded up a few friends and colleagues to come and join me in Google+ and we set off to play. Once logged in, the first thing we noticed was just how much the layout resembled another social network.

"It looks just like Facebook!" exclaimed one friend.

And indeed with a list of status updates running down the page, a box at the top inviting you to "share what's new" and a box of profile photos to the side, it won't be difficult for new users to get the hang of the whole idea.

The most attractive feature is the one that Google has been pushing hardest - the Circles idea which helps you organise just how much you share and with whom. You create various Circles - friends, relatives, colleagues - and then drag your contacts into them.

It's easy and intuitive, and makes you think about how you communicate with the different layers of your social life.

Then when you post anything - an update, a photo, perhaps a link on a Google map - you can choose which of the circles you want to get it.

This does, at first sight, look like a real improvement on Facebook's privacy settings - easier to understand and to manage.

The next thing I tried was another idea that Facebook does not have - group video chat. It's called Hangout, and the idea is that you announce that you're "hanging out", and then anyone in your circles that happens to be in front of a webcam can come and join the conversation.

I managed to assemble five of us on a Hangout, though four were actually members of the Google press team, and it seemed to work pretty well.

If you did manage to get lots of colleagues in different locations all signed up to the service, I can imagine that it might prove a cheap and cheerful video conferencing system.

Ahead of Apple

There is also an Android smartphone app for the Google+ network which I've tested briefly. It offers Huddle, a group text-messaging system, but more interesting is an option which automatically uploads photos from your phone to your profile.

That's an idea which Steve Jobs unveiled as a feature of Apple's iCloud service. Now Google has got in first.

So the search giant is giving two of its biggest rivals, Facebook and Apple, something to think about.

But if this latest attempt to crack social networking is to fare better than its predecessors, Google has to confront an even bigger force - inertia.

There are 750 million Facebook users around the globe who have invested a lot in building their profiles and assembling their networks of friends. Persuading them to move is going to be quite a job.

As for me, I've enjoyed the couple of hours I've spent on this new network - but I'm not convinced I will be spending a lot more time there until I can be sure of finding the same stream of news, gossip, fun and trivia that I now experience on Facebook and Twitter.

Take That- Stadium of Light 30/05/2011

I have been meaning to post this for ages, so kick back and enjoy the pictures from Take That (lets not talk about Plobbie though). Was queuing in the rain for 8 hours to get right at the front. Was it worth it...

Hell Yeah!!

*I don't mind if people want to take copies of these pictures, however if you use them on your blog please can you credit them back to me- thanks*

Oh la la Louis Vuitton...

Long before the Chanel came along..
I had one major love..

Whats in the bags??

Have a look on Charlotte's blog

Beyonce Wanted a Baby By 30

Beyonce Knowles wanted to have a baby when she was 30

The 'Run the World (Girls)' singer - who is married to rapper Jay-Z - initially wanted to retire from the spotlight and start a family when she hit her thirties, but now she is just months away she's not so sure.

Speaking on TV show 'Piers Morgan Tonight' she said: "I always said I'd have a baby at 30. I'm 29. But I also said I was going to retire at 30.

I'm not retiring. Only God knows."

The 'Single Ladies' hitmaker - who's birthday is on September 4 - added she feels like she's outgrown her 20s and is looking forward to embracing a new decade in her life.

She said: "Twenty nine is very strange. You're still in your 20s, but you feel like you're supposed to be 30, and I feel like a woman.

"I feel like 30 is the ideal age, because you're mature enough to know who you are and have your boundaries and your standards and not be afraid or too polite, but young enough to be a young woman. I'm so looking forward to it."
Check out Beyonce crashing a block party and showing off her dance moves:

Beyonce Wanted a Baby By 30

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Man jailed for killing second lover in sex game

Man jailed for killing second lover in sex game

A man who murdered his lover during a sex game has been jailed for at least 22 years.

The South Australian Supreme Court heard David Richard Fraser murdered Luke Noonan at an Adelaide flat in 2009 during erotic asphyxiation.

Fraser tied a belt around the victim's neck and had kept it there when Mr Noonan passed out.

At the time of the offence, Fraser was on parole for manslaughter because he had strangled another lover with a shoelace during sex, four years earlier.

In sentencing, Justice Margaret Nyland said Mr Noonan's murder could have been avoided.

"Obviously he did not deserve to die in such a terrible and meaningless way," she said.

"It is clear his death has had a significant impact on all of his family.

"This is not something that occurred in the spur of the moment, you must have continued for some moments."

Justice Nyland said Fraser panicked when he eventually realised Mr Noonan was dead and had deprived him of any last chance of survival by failing to ring for an ambulance.

Mr Noonan's sister earlier described her brother as a gentle but lost soul who was supported and loved by his family.

'Wrong place at the wrong time'

Outside court, the victim's father Mick Noonan paid tribute to his son.

"Luke was a very loving fellow, he was family orientated. It's just unfortunate that over a number of years he was always in the wrong place at the wrong time," he said.

"He received the best help that he could possibly receive from all concerned, but in the end it just wasn't enough.

"I'm just pleased this matter, after 21 months, has reached a conclusion and we can now get on with the rest of our lives hopefully."

He hoped the killer would remain behind bars.

"[Fraser] is going to be more than 60 when he gets the chance to be released and hopefully that will never happen anyway," he said.

"We will always remember Luke in a positive way. The events of the last few months will not affect how we think of Luke. We will always love him as our son that he was.

"Luke's family would very much like to take this opportunity thank our close friends for the support given to us during the last 21 or so months and to thank the police and the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) for their dedication in bringing this matter to a just and deserved conclusion."

Mick Noonan said he was glad the saga was finally over.

"I'm just pleased this matter, after 21 months, has reached a conclusion and we can now get on with the rest of our lives hopefully," he said.

Fraser was given the mandatory head sentence of life in jail.
The government of the day will have the final say about whether he is granted parole when he is eligible to apply for release in 2033.

Man jailed for killing second lover in sex game

guru nanak dev university | Guru Nanak Dev University MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Result

guru nanak dev university | Guru Nanak Dev University MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Result

Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) has declared MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Results. Guru Nanak Dev University Results MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test was conducted on 22nd June 2011. Result have been uploaded at its official website. List of qualified candidates is available here to download.
Guru Nanak Dev University is located at Amritsar. The University was established on November 24, 1969 at the time of 500th birth anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The University is a residential as well as affiliating university. It emphasizes on making provision for imparting education & promoting research in the humanities. It gave stress to learn professions, sciences, especially of applied nature & technology.

Result of MET-2011/PAMCAT-2011 Test     MBA-2011,    MCA-2011

guru nanak dev university | Guru Nanak Dev University MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Result

guru nanak dev university | Guru Nanak Dev University MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Result

guru nanak dev university | Guru Nanak Dev University MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Result

Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) has declared MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Results. Guru Nanak Dev University Results MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test was conducted on 22nd June 2011. Result have been uploaded at its official website. List of qualified candidates is available here to download.
Guru Nanak Dev University is located at Amritsar. The University was established on November 24, 1969 at the time of 500th birth anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The University is a residential as well as affiliating university. It emphasizes on making provision for imparting education & promoting research in the humanities. It gave stress to learn professions, sciences, especially of applied nature & technology.

Result of MET-2011/PAMCAT-2011 Test

 © 2008 Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. All Rights Reserved.
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guru nanak dev university | Guru Nanak Dev University MBA / MCA (FYIC) Entrance Test 2011 Result

bethenny frankel | Bethenny Frankel might get her own talk show

bethenny frankel | Bethenny Frankel might get her own talk show

Bethenny Frankel has dipped her feet into The Real Housewives franchise, and her own reality show. Reports now say the chef turned reality star has filmed a pilot for her very own talk show.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Frankel revealed, "I want to be on TV in a format where I can have a longer conversation with my fans rather than 140 characters on Twitter. It probably will be a talk show."

TelePictures has produced a pilot for Frankel that will be an advice-based talk show. Ellen DeGeneres is also said to have been involved with the show as a possible producer.

A source tells PopEater that the show will also feature several other segments, which still have to be taped and New York will most likely be where the show will permanently tape.

Frankel also told PopEater earlier this year, "I would like a daytime talk show because my conversation with my fans right now is through social networking, and my TV show communicates what I'm doing, but it isn't really a dialogue or a conversation. Most of my business wishes come true."

Frankel has garnered success from her SkinnyGirl margarita brand as well as from her various cookbooks and from appearing on the hit Bravo shows, The Real Housewives of New York City, Bethenny Getting Married? and Bethenny Ever After.

bethenny frankel | Bethenny Frankel might get her own talk show

Motorola launches the Xoom in India

Motorola launches the Xoom in India

New Delhi, June 28:

After the launch of PlayBook and Flyer this month, Motorola Mobility India has entered the burgeoning “tablet” space in India with the introduction of its “Xoom” device, priced at Rs 32,990 onward.

A tablet PC, though smaller in size, has PC-like functionalities. The Xoom, based on an Android platform, has a 10.1-inch HD display, 1-GHz dual-core processor, a five-megapixel (MP) rear-facing camera and a 2-MP front-facing camera.

The device is available in two variants — Wi-Fi (Rs 32,990) and 3G (Rs 39,990).

“Motorola Xoom is redefining the tablet experience by pre-empting the future mobile experience today... Motorola Xoom will delight customers with its ease of use, speed and vivid graphics,” Motorola Mobility Mobile Devices Business Country Head for Sales and Operations (India and South West Asia), Mr Rajan Chawla, said.

Xoom’s competitors in India include the Apple iPad, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab, Blackberry Playbook, HTC Flyer and the soon-to-be launched Huawei MediaPad.

Companies are very excited about tablets in the country and this month alone, Research in Motion has launched its PlayBook, while HTC has introduced its Flyer (Rs 39,890) in the Indian market.

Blackberry launched its Playbook last week priced at Rs 27,990 (16 GB), Rs 32,990 (32 GB) and Rs 37,990 (64 GB). The Apple iPad (priced at about Rs 29,500) and Samung Galaxy Tab (about Rs 26,000) are already available here.more details

Motorola Xoom hits India

Mumbai Police tried to falsify Jyotirmoy Dey's murder case to evade stigma

Mumbai Police tried to falsify Jyotirmoy Dey's murder case to evade stigma

The police may claim to have solved the sensational murder of senior journalist J. Dey, but there is no mistaking the blot the killing and the subsequent investigations have put on the men in khaki.

The Mumbai Police, once considered to be the best in the country, is now just a shadow of its former self.

In the days soon after the murder, the police claimed to have 'solved' the case with the arrest of three men, who confessed to the crime within hours. However, the 'confessions' did not tally with the incident.

So how and why did they confess? Simple. Tremendous police and media pressure made the policemen arrest some petty criminals, who were beaten up black and blue. Scared for their lives, the men 'confessed' to the crime they did not commit. The gloating policemen did a quick U-turn when they realised that the arrestees cannot be passed off as Dey's killers.

Still reeling under tremendous pressure, the cops called up the same underworld gangsters who themselves were under the suspicion.

So while some officers called up Chhota Shakeel, the others held the line for Chhota Rajan.

"The dons were asked whether they did it, whether they knew who had done it and whether they would help the police crack the case," a police officer admitted.

Other small-time gangsters were also called up with the same queries, he added. But both Shakeel and Rajan denied their hand in Dey's murder and said they were rather assisting the police after being petitioned for help.

"While we did have contacts in the underworld to elicit information, the way the police handled the Dey murder leaves a lot to be desired… Calling up gangsters and asking them whether they are involved in the case is not the way," a retired police officer said.

Maharashtra's former DG Arvind Inamdar said it was shocking to know the police had called up Rajan and Shakeel. "In our line of business, we need informers contacting them is different from contacting gangsters. It means lack the resources and expertise gather information, besides being totally unethical," Inamdar said.

Mail Today sent an SMS Mumbai police commissioner Arup Patnaik, who was not available for comment, asking him whether it was okay for police to call up the gangsters information? Patnaik replied: "Please furnish these details that we can initiate action."

Mumbai Police tried to falsify Jyotirmoy Dey's murder case to evade stigma

All money accounted for, says Sathya Sai trustee

All money accounted for, says Sathya Sai trustee

SSSCT Trustee V Srinivasan, addressing a press conference here, said the trust has filed all statutory returns and donations received from devotees have been duly deposited to banks in a transparent manner.
He said the trust has already paid Rs 9.75 crore as income tax without any demand by the concerned authorities and decided to pay necessary tax on all its inventories.
On the seizure of over Rs 35 lakh in cash from a vehicle in Puttaparthi town, he said the trust had appointed a consultant for construction of a "Maha Samadhi" as a memorial for Satya Sai Baba and the amount offered by a devotee was handed over to the consultant for the project.
"The trust has no connection with it. The cash was not recovered from any trustee. The vehicle from which the money was recovered does not belong to the trust," Srinivasan said.
He said the consultant has already explained to the police that the money was given for the Maha Samadhi project.
"Since the trust is not going to implement the project, the money was handed over to the project consultant. All information sought by police are being given," he said.
Srinivasan said that Yajurveda Mandiram in Puttaparthy Prashanthi Nilayam, the personal abode of departed Sathya Sai Baba was opened on June 16 and detailed inventory of cash, valuables was taken, which was duly signed and deposited with the State Bank of India for safe-keeping.
The board of trustees met yesterday and took decision to pay income tax on the value of inventory obtained. Rs 9.75 crore was paid towards income tax and the balance amount, if any, will be paid after receipt of detail valuation report of jewellery, he said.
The Andhra Pradesh government on Monday had issued an ultimatum to the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, the administrative body that manages the Rs 40,000 crore empire of the late spiritual guru Sathya Sai Baba. The Trust has been asked to furnish information on its activities, revenues and assets within 10 days.
"In the light of the doubts expressed on certain aspects of the functioning of the Trust, it was felt that it was essential to bring out the facts transparently for public knowledge," said a government press release.
Trust secretary K Chakravarthi, a former IAS officer of the Andhra Pradesh cadre, was asked to provide details about the late spiritual guru's vast empire — the Trust's organisational set up, list of members, their addresses, background, contact numbers and other relevant details, senior officials said.
The government also wanted details on the Trust's fixed assets, major sources of funds, broad expenditure heads and annual accounts for the last five years.
Chakravarthi could not be reached for his reactions on the government move.
The development comes two months after the demise of the spiritual guru on April 24. The trust has been facing a series of allegations since his death.
The seizure of Rs 35.5 lakh — that was being transported out of the Prashanti Nilayam Ashram — on June 19 prompted the state government to intervene.
The driver of the car, Shekhar, told police that two Trust members, RJ Ratnakar and V Srinivasan, had directed him to take the cash to Bangalore.
While the police interrogated Ratnakar, who is Sai Baba's nephew, on Saturday, Srinivasan was grilled in Puttaparthi town on Monday.
Srinivasan met Trust officials before proceeding to the Sathya Sai deemed university building, where the policemen were waiting for him. The questioning lasted more than six hours.

All money accounted for, says Sathya Sai trustee

punjab university chandigarh | Punjab University Chandigarh BA Part III Results 2011 Announced

punjab university chandigarh | Punjab University Chandigarh BA Part III Results 2011 Announced

Punjab University Chandigarh Results 2011 : Punjab University Chandigarh Results 2011 has been announced for BA Part III General Exam Date you can visit main official website of today on 28 june, 2011.
Panjab University Chandigarh campus is residential. The University was established in the year 1882 at Lahore (now in Pakistan).
58 teaching and research departments with 10 centres for teaching are controlled by the University. 172 colleges are affiliated to the University in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh & Chandigarh.

Punjab University BA Part-III (General) Results

punjab university chandigarh | Punjab University Chandigarh BA Part III Results 2011 Announced
punjabi university, punjab university, panjab university, guru nanak dev university, punjab university results

Monday, June 27, 2011

Russian scientists expect to meet aliens by 2031

Russian scientists expect to meet aliens by 2031

MOSCOW (Reuters Life!) - Russian scientists expect humanity to encounter alien civilizations within the next two decades, a top Russian astronomer predicted on Monday.

"The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms... Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years," Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied Astronomy Institute, was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.

Speaking at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, Finkelstein said 10 percent of the known planets circling suns in the galaxy resemble Earth.

If water can be found there, then so can life, he said, adding that aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.

"They may have different colour skin, but even we have that," he said.
Finkelstein's institute runs a programme launched in the 1960s at the height of the Cold War space race to watch for and beam out radio signals to outer space.

"The whole time we have been searching for extraterrestrial civilisations, we have mainly been waiting for messages from space and not the other way," he said.

Russian scientists expect to meet aliens by 2031

john wayne gacy | VIDEO: Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne (hero) with John Wayne Gacy (serial killer)

john wayne gacy | VIDEO: Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne (hero) with John Wayne Gacy (serial killer)

The Bachmann campaign staff might want to double-check their Google searches. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who on Monday launched her presidential campaign in her original hometown of Waterloo, Iowa, appears to be just a bit confused about the town's history of favorite sons.

In an interview with Fox News, Bachmann boasted: "But what I want them to know, just like John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, that's the kind of spirit that I have, too."

About that spirit of "John Wayne" in Waterloo...

In fact, the actor John Wayne (real name, Marion Morrison) was from Iowa, but not from Waterloo -- he was from Winterset, Iowa, about 120 miles away. But as it turns out, there was another "John Wayne" with some history in Waterloo: Serial killer John Wayne Gacy, known as the "Killer Clown," who raped and murdered over 30 young men before he was finally incarcerated and put to death.

Though if it helps Bachmann at all, Gacy is not known to have committed any murders when he lived in Waterloo, though he was imprisoned for a sexual assault case that was committed there.

To be exact, John Wayne Gacy was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. In his 20s, he lived for a few years in Waterloo, with his first wife and their two children. However, at age 26 he was sentenced to prison for sodomy, in a case that involved his having sexually assaulted two teenage boys, and then hired another Waterloo teen to physically assault his accusers in order to intimidate them out of testifying against him.

Gacy never lived in Waterloo again. Upon his release from prison after less than two years, he returned to Chicago and the surrounding metro area, where he went on to commit his various other crimes of murder and sexual assault. There was also a run-in with the law in 1972, in a case of sexual battery, but charges were dropped -- and Gacy went on to commit his many known killings.

(Also during that latter period, he became a Democratic ward activist in the Chicago area -- indeed, there is an infamous photo of him in 1978, getting his picture taken in a handshake with First Lady Rosalynn Carter.)

Eventually, in 1979, Gacy was caught and arrested. He was convicted in 1980 of 33 murders, was sentenced to death, and was finally executed by the state of Illinois in 1994.

john wayne, clint eastwood, gran torinojohn wayne gacy | VIDEO: Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne (hero) with John Wayne Gacy (serial killer)

Stars rock IIFA Awards night

Watch Bollywood stars enthrall the crowd with their mesmerising performance at the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards in Toronto.

Stars rock IIFA Awards night

Toyota Etios Liva Launched | Toyota Etios Liva to take on Swift, Ritz, i10, i20, Figo and Beat

Toyota Etios Liva Launched | Toyota Etios Liva to take on Swift, Ritz, i10, i20, Figo and Beat

NEW DELHI: The world's largest car maker Toyota on Monday forayed into the highly competitive India compact car segment with 'Liva', priced at Rs 3.99 lakh-Rs 5.99 lakh (ex- showroom, Delhi).

The company, which is present in India through a joint venture with the Kirloskar Group , has pitted the latest model against market leader Maruti Suzuki's Swift and Ritz, and some other best selling cars like Hyundai Motor's i10 and i20, Ford's Figo and General Motors' Beat, which are priced at a range of Rs 3.55 lakh to Rs 6.36 lakh in manual transmission.

"With Liva, we will now be a complete manufacturer in India, offering a full range of products from the luxury SUV Prado to the compact Liva, which is a very useful stylish and dynamic car," Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) Managing Director Hiroshi Nakagawa told reporters here.

The company had last year launched Etios, the sedan version of Liva in the country. "We will increase production of the second plant from 70,000 units to 1,20,000 units by next year to shorten the waiting period for Etios and to meet future demand of Liva," Nakagawa said.

The company is currently producing about 6,000 units of Etios and Liva per month and it will be increased to 8,000 units a month by September.

TKM is investing Rs 3,200 crore to set up its second manufacturing facility in Bangalore with an initial installed capacity of 70,000 units per annum and expanding its total production capacity to 2.1 lakh units by next year. Its first plant is also located in Bangalore.

Talking about targets, TKM Deputy Managing Director Sandeep Singh (Marketing) said: "This year our plan is to sell 60,000 units of both Etios and Liva. Out of which, more that 20,000 units will be Liva." He said with both the models, the company will now be competing with 13 products from different rivals in the 'B' segment of the car market.

"Out of the total passenger car market in India, the B segment is about 38 per cent. With the Etios, we are already enjoying 8 per cent of that market," Singh said. He, however, did not specify how much market share the company is aiming for after the launch of Liva.

When asked about introducing diesel variant of the two cars, he said the company is "ready with the technology", but the launch timeline will be decided on customers' demand.

On the possibility of exporting the car, Nakagawa said: "In India, customers' demand and expectations are very high. Our focus is to meet them. Once we meet that demand, we will study other markets, but there is no such plan as of now."

Besides, TKM is setting up a petrol engine plant in Bangalore that will be operationalised in 2012. After this, the localisation level of Etios and Liva will go up to 90 per cent from about 70 per cent at present. The company is also setting up its second gearbox plant, which will have a capacity to produce 2.5 lakh units annually and will be commissioned in mid-2013.

toyota etios, toyota liva, liva, etios liva, liva toyota

I stole some guys rolla shoes..

4 bloggers + alcohol + Durham = carnage


IIFA red carpet photos

Bollywood stunners turn the heat on as they walk the IIFA red carpet. Photos

IIFA red carpet photos