Tuesday, April 19, 2011

NOTD- Models Own Fuzzy Peach

This NOTD was actually pre-holiday, however I thought that as I'm getting my infills tonight after work, I would finally get this post wrote up. As you probably already have gathered that from both mine and JEM's 1001 posts- we love Models Own polishes. Ironically this polish was originally JEMs which I swapped her for my Purple Grey as we both hated our original polishes- thats what we always do when we buy MO (bar Nude Beige) we always buy what the other doesn't so jointly our collection is HUGE.

Anyway I'm doing my normal party trick of going off on one- back to the point of the post. I used to love this polish on my au naturel nails, however while trying to get into the holiday spirit I thought I would try this polish out on the extensions.

Massive Mistake!!!

Look how horrible this has turned out!! Yes I needed my infills doing, however this polish was a MAJOR let down.

You can see more on the photo on the right- but there is what appears to be "dirt" patches from what would see if there was patches of dark polish underneath. However the funny thing was I had nothing on my extensions- all traces of nail polish were removed.

People from work had commented on how summery and nice the colour was when they saw my nails from a distance, however they all agreed that when you saw the nails up close they didn't look very nice at all. I'm debating whether to try this polish again on my nails tonight after they've been infilled to see if there is any difference.

This has no way deterred me from my love affair with Models Own, and I have the new Barry M Peach Melba to try out- loving Peach shades at the moment.

Everytime I think of fuzzy peach I think of these bad boys..

Don't forget to enter the Mac giveaway- link is in the side bar.

Muchos Love xxx

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