Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Looks can be decieving...

You wanted to see more hauls- so what you want, you get.

Recently I've been quite good on the old make up front and only bought two mascaras (17 wild curls went really clumpy). However since coming back from my holiday and being a bridesmaid for Holly in the Summer I thought it would be best to get matched for their liquid foundation and I had some empties for a back to mac. Then there was the free haute and naughty mascara with any purchase from the website. I am terrible I know.

What did I end up getting-
Haute and Naughty Mascara (free with eyeshadow)
MSFN Mediun Deep (£18 approx)
Lovelorn lipstick- lustre (free back to mac)
All That Glitters eyeshadow (£11.50 approx)
Two samples of studio fix foundation NW25 (free)
(note- the Mac site is currently down and I can't get the exact prices)

So realistically I didn't spend that much lol.

Previously I had been matched as a NW20 in their foundation/concealer however after fake tanning this colour was far too light for my skin. Luckily the day I got matched, my tan had faded to the colour I normally am after tanning. The woman on the counter was lovely and after explaining that my tan was natural and I wanted to try it after fake tanning the lady gave me two samples of NW25 Studio Fix Foundation.

I am in love with this product- not too heavy on the skin, and produces a flawless finish. Also in photographs when the flash goes off this doesn't  wash me out. I'm hoping I have the same finish once I try this after I've faked tanned. One good thing about the samples is that a little goes a long way- I've used this 3 times for a full face coverage and there is still loads left in the pot. I also bought a MSFN in Medium Deep to compliment the foundation- you know how much I love my MSFN so I won't bore you again.

Loving Lovelorn lippy- mac colours such as Viva Glam Gaga and St Germain don't suit me at all, far too bright and makes my lips look tiny. Hence always sticking to nudes/light pinks. I was initally going to get Costa Chic with my empties, however the day before I'd seen this on someone's blog (sorry I can't remember who it was) and after swatching the two, this was the most wearable for me. I wore this on the night out in my last OOTD post (with the floral dress)- definately starting to become more braver with the lipstick choices.

Haute and Naughty Mascara- I've only had chance to use this once, and at the moment I'm not too convinced on it. However I'm not that keen on Mac mascaras in general, but as this was free who I am to complain. I do like the fact that when you use the pink part of the brush- it takes that much mascara off the brush, its easier to apply it (without clumping) on your lower lash line. I'm going to try this properly when I'm out later on in the week.


So glad I finally bought All that Glitters eyeshadow- being wearing it with Woodwinked and a tiny bit of Satin Taupe and Typographic on a night out, and then by itself during the day. Initally I bought this to depot and put in my palette however I've decided to keep it in the pot for touch ups on nights out.

I'm off to the Metro Centre on Wednesday with Holly to see if we can find some bridesmaid shoes. So no doubt I'll be stopping off at the mac counter- I'm after a darker colour to compliment all that glitters and woodwinked for a smokey eye on a night out, some sort of dark brown?? Any suggestions ladies?? xx

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